Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day Two: Effects of Imperialism

Some of you did not post yesterday!!!! Replies to the daily post are due by 11:59 pm that day.
Again, identify your book and your name.

Topic Two: (Be sure to label as a, b, and c to make it clear for your audience to understand)

Identify two effects (positive and/or negative) imperialism has had on:

a. the main character and his/her family
b. the country as a whole
c. the cultural traditions (family, religion, ethics...)

You must cite the pages.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Necar in a Sieve
    Charlie Perez

    a)Imperialism had an effect on Rukmani by making her worry about the future of her community. Rukmani became upset and worried after the British had left her country after consructing a tannery. She was not sure what it all meant and was not sure what would happen to the community (Markandaya 32). The settlement of the British made buying neccesary items like food harder for Rukmani and Nathan. Prices had risen fast and Rukmani needed to buy food and leaves to thatch their roof after a powerful monsoon hit her home. Rukmani was only able to buy very little rice to feed her family (Markandaya 47).

    b)Imperialism had an effect on the country by making the prices of food rise. When the British went to India, they bought their food from the Indians at high prices, causing all the merchants to raise their prices. The high prices remained when the British left, leavind the poor in a struggle to make ends meet (Markandaya 31-32). Imperialism changed India by turning small villages into towns. The British who settled in India constucted huts and the tannery for them and their families to live while they stayed there (Markandaya 33). This can be considered as the start of India's industialization.

    c)Imperialism had an effect on the cultural traditions of India as well. Rukmani's children would go to the town without the consent of her or Nathan. Villagers such as Janaki wanted her sons to work for the British, rather than work on the land (Markandaya 33). The sttlement of the British affected the ethics that men had in India. According to Rukmani, men no longer cared for each other like they used to, they only cared about coming up with ways to make more money (Markandaya 50). Imperialism turned the men of the town into corrupt pigs who only cared for their money.

  3. Kristal Beltre
    Nectar in a Sieve
    By: Kamala Markandaya

    Imperialism had an effect on Rukmani, the main character. This occurred because she became frantic for her community after the British had left her country. The British created a tannery, which left Rukmani in a struggle (Markandaya 32). The tannery made the buying of food harder for Rukmani because the cost of items increased rapidly (Markandaya 47). This shows that imperialism took a toll on Rukmani’s life and personal expenses. Imperialism had a negative effect on the country because like Rukmani, people faced the issue of increased prices (Markandaya 31-32). The British who stayed in India after others had left, created huts and the tannery to benefit their families, but left lower class Indians struggling, “…‘but what could I buy with the money with prices so high everywhere?’” (Markandaya 32).Imperialism also changed the beliefs of man and their cultural traditions. Rukmani believed that men no longer cared for one another. She believed they only cared about financial topics (Markandaya 50). Villagers wanted to persuade Rukmani’s sons to work for the British instead of working on the land. This shows that imperialism has changed the ethics, or ways people viewed life.

  4. Nectar in a Sieve
    By: Kamala Markandaya
    Julio Chen

    Identify two effects of imperialism:
    A) Imperialism has increased the cost of food and goods in Rukmani's village which is leading to scarcity of food in the village (Markandaya 48). This is a negative effect of imperialism since the balance of the economy in the village has shifted due to the foreign buyers which have more money than the village people.

    A positive effect of imperialism is the new medicine from the West coming into the East. Kenny is a foreign doctor who helps Rukmani's mother (Markandaya 23). This is positive because foreign doctors know different techniques to help people than the native doctors.

    B) Negative Effect: The market prices have changed in India (Markandaya 32). The cost of food has increased and the native people cannot afford to buy the food which would only allow the foreigners to buy the goods only since they were the only one that could afford to buy the goods.

    Positive Effect: The merchants in India are benefitting from the economy (Markandaya 47). The foreigners would pay high amounts of money for goods which would help the merchants. The economy of India would ultimately become better since there is a flow a money coming from the foreigners.

    C) Negative Effect: Rukmani's eldest son, Arjun, decided to work in the tannery rather than the farm (Markandaya 55-56). The farm was to be passed down, but Arjun dislikes the farm since it cannot provide for his parents. This shows imperialism causes development in a village and soon people would not want to work in farms.

    Positive Effect: In the festival, Deepavali, Rukmani passed out two annas to the children to spend in the fireworks which she never did before due to the shortage of money (Markandaya 58). The development in the village allowed a better income for the people and they could now afford to celebrate their tradition.

  5. Semir Pupovic
    Chinua Achebe

    In chapter eight, it is shown that imperialism came to Africa. In this chapter, Okonkwo feels terrible. He is like a woman and is very weak after the killing of Ikemefuna. Okonkwo wiches that his daughter was a boy. She had lots of potential, which his son's didn't possess (Achebe 63-64). There is very little work at this time. There wasn't much to do around the barn and yams (Achebe 64). The contact with these "White Skins" has corrupted the traditions and culture of many tribes of different regions in Africa (Achebe 73). Okonkwe, Obierika, and Obierika's in-laws talk stories of these changes in traditions. It is said that some tribes don't use sticks when deciding bride-prices (Achebe 73). In the end, and in-law tells about seeing a white man passing by every day (Achebe 74). They called the white man, a leper.

  6. The effects, above, were nagative.

  7. Denise Meza
    Things Fall Apart >Chinua Achebe<

    The chapters that follow chapter 8 explain negative effects of imperialism coming to Africa. Okonkwo feels horrible because he killed Ikemefuna. He describes himself as a women and weak (Achebe 65). After Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna everything that happened to him was bad. Okonkwo has very little work and he didn’t have anything to do in the barn or with his yams (64). When Okonkwo’s village had contact with the “white skins”, everything became corrupted with different traditions and a new culture of different tribes from different parts of Africa. Okonkwe, Obierika, and Obierika's in-laws tell stories about the changes in their traditions and that the other tribes don't use sticks when they are deciding marriages (73). They also begin to call the white men lepers.

  8. Matthew Alfieri
    The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

    Imperialism, shown throughout the many pages of The Good Earth, affects the main characters, their homeland and their cultural views. Throughout the first half of the book, Imperialism is shown in the form of imbalanced economic situations.

    Wang Lung and his wife O-lan have their first child. This gives Wang Lung a greater disadvantage over the other villagers, as he now has to feed his wife, his aging father and his newborn son. To maintain a financial balance, Wang Lung and his wife become prudent, saving their money and using it only when necessary.“If an earthen jar leaked, she (O-lan) did not, as other women did, cast it aside and talk of a new one. Instead she mixed earth and clay and welded the crack and heated it slowly and it was good as new” (45). Wang Lung acted in the same manner, using bamboo sticks to make rakes to garden with and whenever it tore, he would use string made of hemp which he grew himself, to tie it back together (45). They were unlike the other villagers, who frequently spent their money and indulged themselves. This act of prudency soon paid off, as both Wang Lung and his wife O-lan were able to save much needed money. As the time grew nearer for Wang Lung and his wife to present their child to the Old Mistress, both Wang Lung and his wife were able to buy presentable clothes to wear for the special occasion. However, much to their surprise, nothing much has changed. The Old Mistress wore the same clothes that she wore the year before, the slaves had no new possessions and nothing looked different (51) This seemed quite odd to both Wang Lung and O-lan, as The Old Mistress has the reputation of being extremely wealthy. This makes Wang Lung feel somewhat happy, as he knows he is doing somewhat better than The Old Mistress, who comes from the great house. However, The Old Mistress isn’t the only one to suffer from great economic problems. Wang Lung’s uncle visits, begging for much needed silver (66) Wang Lung is somewhat hesitant, as he knows that uncle will just gamble it away. However, much to his dismay, he eventually gives it to his uncle. O-lan soon gives birth to their third child, which is a girl. This is an evil omen in the eyes of Wang Lung. It proves to be so, as soon the crops and plains become dry and nature no longer does its job. Soon many people become desperate. Once again, Wang Lung’s uncle visits for more money. After three more visits, Wang Lung can’t take it anymore and refuses to give his uncle any more of his hard earned silver. This enrages his uncle, who then tells the entire village of his nephew’s great fortune. The entire village then invades Wang Lung’s house, trying to locate his silver and crops (77). They then storm out with Wang Lung’s possessions. This causes great despair on the behalf of Wang Lung and O-lan, who is pregnant with their fourth child. Now with nothing, Wang Lung begins to doubt his religious views and storms to the temple of the earth and spits in the faces of the statues of the gods (80). Imperialism greatly affected these three aspects of life for the main characters as well as their family and cultural views.

  9. Zurisaday Castellano
    Good things Fall Apart-Chinua Achebe
    When Ikemefuna dies there are many changes. Okonkwo feels terrible and is very weak. Imperealisim comes in and corrupts the African tradition(Achebe 73). there was hardly any work to do in the barns and fields. there was pretty much nothing to do and no work (Achebe 64). They expressed the changes by telling stories throughout Africa. These are the negative affects in Chapter 8.

  10. Things Fall Apart-Chinua Achebe
    Santos Martinez

    Imperialism hit Africa in a negative way. The way that by imperialism is that he was feeling weak and depressed. He didn't eat for quite some time and he hasn't slept in a long time (Achebe 63). He later decides to eat a few plantains and drink some water (Achebe 64). A way to prove that imperialism hit Africa is by the way that the in-laws of the married couple saw a "white men, white as chalk" (Achebe 73). They were discussing cultural

    Chinua Achebe
    Richard Gobin

    Chapter 8 shows and explains negative effects of imperialism coming to Africa. Okonkwo feels upset, and horrible because he killed Ikemefuna. There is barely any work at this time. He didn't have anything to do around his barn or with his yams (Achebe 64). When Okonkwo’s village had met the “white skins”, everything became corrupted with different traditions and a new culture of different tribes from different parts of Africa. This shows that the white skins culture was spreading. Okonkwe, Obierika, and Obierika's in-laws tell stories about the changes in their traditions and that the other tribes don't use sticks when they are deciding marriages (73). They are doing this, because they are being influenced by the "white skins" around them. These are the negative affects in Chapter 8.

  12. The Good Earth
    Sally Gee

    Imperialism can affect people both negatively and positively.
    A. Imperialism had affect Wang Lung and his family positively when he was successful in his harvest; he saved enough silvers to buy a part of Hwang's land. Imperialism had affect The House of Hwang negatively because they were very close to being broke. One of the reason was because Old Mistress was smoking too much opium, and she was addicted to the drug (Buck 51). The Hwang family need more money, so they sold their land (Buck 52). The land that was sold to Wang Lung and his family was very rich, and it brought Wang twice as much profit (Buck 58). A positive effect imperialism had on Wang Lung Family was when Wang Lung and his family was traveling to the South. When poverty hits the Wang Lung's family, they went to the South with just two silvers for a better opportunity (Buck 87). Hunger and fatigue made them almost near the brink of death. The fire wagon/ train was what saved them and their young daughter (Buck 93). Although the ride cost two silver pieces, the ride saved their lives and Wang Lung got to hear some wise advice from an Old Man in the wagon (Buck 93).

    B. Imperialism affected the country both negatively and positively. The trade of opium in China made the chinese get addicted to the opium drug (Buck 51). It made some of the wealthy families to be almost at the brink of poverty (buck 96). Imperialism brought some good to the country because there were many foreigner who came to China. It was said that the foreigners doesn't mind giving out the money because they do not know the "prpoer" price of things in China(Buck 103).

    C. Imperialism had affect the cultural tradition negatively. Wang Lung and his family was in need of money to feed the family (Buck 98). They had to egg for money from strangers in the streets; they had to pretend to be pitiful and beg (Buck 100). In chapter 12, Wang Lung and his family still doesn't have enough money from begging, so O-Lan allowed her kids to steal (Buck 110). Imperialism affected ethics negatively.

  13. The Good Earth
    Winnie Chen

    A) Imperialism effected Wang Lung and his family both positively and negatively. The House of Hwang’s wealth was decreasing due to the fact that the Old Mistress wasted money on opium and the Old Lord with his lusts (Buck 69). With this, the Hwang was selling land which Wang was able to buy (Buck 55). The land he bought was able produce twice as much rice than his own land (Buck 58). The extra rice allowed Wang to make more money than before. Later on, though, Wang bore a desire to buy more land from the Hwang, which he did (Buck 68 - 69). The second portion of land he bought caused him to be low on money; he used the first silver he received from selling his grain (Buck 68). Buying more land was a grave mistake. Even though there was more land to grow more wheat, Wang was not able to put the land into good use since there was a drought (Buck 70). The drought made it impossible to grow crops. Without food, Wang and his family starved (Buck 76 – 77).

    B) China was effected negatively by imperialism. A high class family (House of Hwang) is becoming poor. One of the reasons why the family is becoming poor is because that the Old Mistress of the house spends most of the money on opium (Buck 68). During imperialism, the British forced the import of opium into China. Opium caused negative effects, such as the poverty of the Hwang. Although only one high classed family was used to show the effects of imperialism, families all over China had the same problem – opium caused poverty. Not only that, opium was addicting. Another negative affect was that it was hard for families to stop buying opium. The Old Mistress was desperate for opium. She yelled and hit a servant because there wasn’t any opium (Buck 68).

    C) Imperialism has caused negative effects on the cultural traditions of Wang. The people in Wang’s village know about the land Wang bought from the Hwang. From this, Wang’s uncle assumes that his nephew as money to spare. Annoyed with his uncle, Wang yelled at his elder. It is disrespectful, to the Chinese, for a younger generation to yell at the older generation (Buck 63). The money Wang was saving to buy land of the Hwang caused him to go against his ethics. If the Hwang did not fall into poverty because of imperialism, Wang would not have yelled disrespectfully at his uncle. Wang’s poverty, which was also caused because of buying the land from the Hwang, made him angry. His anger caused him to yell at his god (Buck 76 -77). Once again, Wang became disrespectful.

  14. Things Fall Apart
    By: Chinua Achebe

    a) Imperialism was negative to Onkonkwo. Onkonkwo had a hard time. Okonkwo would drink palm-wine all morning till night.He didnt eat or taste any food after the death of Ikemefuna. Onkonkwo became so weak that his legs could barely hold him up(Achebe 64). The only thing he did was give orders to his family to do things for him (Achebe 65- 66).
    b) When the white men came to their village, things changed. People started to do their usual things differently. They had new cultures and new ways to do things (Achebe 73).
    c) The culture will change and the traditions will eventually fade. This is a negative thing because if the "white skins" influence the villagers, they'll stop doing what they everyday and follow others to do things(Achebe 74).

  15. Nectar in a Sieve

    A). The effect that imperialism has on the main character Rukmani, was that the British had created a tannery(Markandaya 32). The effect that this had was that the tannery increased the cost of food item. This effected her because they didn’t have a lot of money, so by increasing the food made it harder on her.

    B). Imperialism had a effect on Rukmani’s country because of the prices of food (Markandaya 32), the people in the country didn’t have enough money to be pay for the prices of the food. The foreigners were the only ones that could buy food because they had more money then others. A positive effect was that the foreigners were able to help the merchants by paying high amounts ( Markandaya 47).

    C). Imperialism also effected the cultural traditions because Rakman had believed that man had no longer cared for one another. What she had meant by that was that men had only cared about money (Markandaya 50-51).Because they wanted her oldest son to work for the British instead of working for her husband.

  16. The Good Earth By: Pearl S. Buck
    Danny Perez

    Identify two effects (positive and/or negative) imperialism has had on:
    A) The main character and his/her family
    Wang was able to gain a wife faster than he could have ever imagined. While he was doing his request for the woman for his wife, the Old One was smoking here opium and it made her forget everything. Then Wang reminded her about his request and the Old One just gave him the woman (Buck 16). This was positive because this was a wish for Wang and his father.

    Then when Wang had his wife and he was able to work more in the fields and gain more money, he had enough to buy land. The Old One was growing poorer everyday with money being spent on opium. She had very little money and she needed money for her opium. Wang took advantage of this time and went to buy this land that was rich in soil. He bought the land and he worked hard and it made him money (Buck 53). This was positive because of this new gain of money and Wang was able to get more land.

    B) When Wang Lung went to get shaved he was told that cutting off his long hair is in fashion. That was a sign of rebelling against the Chinese Republic. The people are changing their old ways to something better. However Wang into tradition and he had to ask his father before cutting his hair (Buck 11). This was negative because people did things just to fit in and follow the crowd.

    When many workers saw that Wang looked more clean and shaved the people were trying to get some money out of Wang. A beggar told Wang a teacher and asked for money. Then Wang was told that he would have to pay for rent for a seat which was a joke and they wanted more money for everything (Buck 13). This was negative because the people just want money faster by the looks of people.

    C) When Wang’s uncle was growing poor while he didn’t really do much work, he went to ask his nephew for food and money. Wang knew that his uncle wasn’t good for nothing and he would waste his time gossiping and gambling instead of working for his family (Buck 65 and 66). This was negative because Wang is trying to support his family while his uncle does nothing but beg.

    When Wang and his family was suffering form the poor season they had no food left and very little hope. The father that next they will eat the ox. Wang didn’t like this idea and he didn’t want to kill his ox that helped him in the field. When the family grew too hungry, Wang said that it was the ox’s time and his wife killed it. Then Wang couldn’t really eat it (Buck 74). This was negative because Wang doesn’t like to kill his own animals that has helped him so much.

    Then later on Wang’s house gets invaded by the people by rumor being spread around that Wang had food for his entire family and that he wasn’t sharing. Then the people went to Wang’s house and took his little food that he had. The people left and on felt regret that he took the little food that they had (Buck 77). This was negative because if the people can steal easy, then they can kill with no problem.

  17. a. the main character and his/her family

    1)Wang Lung loses faith in religion, due to the struggles him and his family face ( Buck 89-90). A few chapters later, he is given two papers based on Christianity, a sign that the westerners want the citizens in the area to convert (Buck 125-126). This has a negative effect because it gives the young adults more reason to create their revolution.

    2)Since things get better for him and his family, Wang Lung regains his faith and puts incense at for the Gods at a temple (Buck 146). Imperialism had a positive effect on the family because Wang Lung received gold and was able to support the family once again, ensuring that they would not have to barely survive.

    b. the country as a whole

    1)It effected the country as a whole because everyone is poor and can barely survive (Buck 119). This has a negative effect because children will be sold for money or individuals will die from starvation or lack of money.

    2)The older citizens did not complain about their current state, but the young adults did, talking about a revolution (Buck 116). The young adults of the country talk about a creating a revolution, which is attacking social hierarchy and going against feudalism. This shows that imperialism has a negative effect because the young adults want to basically revolt due to the unfairness.

    c. the cultural traditions (family, religion, ethics...)

    1)The family changes completely when they are poor, which shows that imperialism had a negative effect. O-lan was willing to give up her own daughter as a slave just for her husband, displaying the negative effect of imperialism on the family (Buck 118).

    2)Wang Lung keeps his ethics because he spanks his son for stealing the pork because he does not want his son to grow up to be a thief (Buck 113). Even though the family was poor and gained food to eat, he wanted to make sure that his son would not grow up to be a thief, so he beat him and kept his ethics, even though he was in a bad situation. This shows that imperialism had a positive effect because Wang Lung kept his ethics even though he is in a rough situation.

  18. Nectar in a Sieve
    Shadeyrack Quiroz

    a. Imperialism has affected Rukmnai's life because she now worries about what will happen in the future after the tannery workers left (Markanday 32). The tannery also affected the economy of the markets (Markandaya 32). The prices were pretty elevated and it was hard for Rukmani to buy some food for her family. So she felt forced to trade most of her crops with Biswas tan with Old Granny (Markandaya 27).
    b. Imperialism has affected the country as a whole because since the prices of the markets are too high, a rupee or two isn't enough to buy some ingredients (Markandaya 47). Trading and selling wont be enough for a family to stand but people are seeking work at the tanneries (Markandaya 50). The streets are becoming slums and wives are becomming tramps (Markandaya 50-51).
    c. Imperialism has affected Rukmanis family because now her children (Arjun and Thambi) see that working in the farm isn't enough to sustain a family, so they seeked work at the tannery (Markandaya 55-56). And now the family is falling into the Britain's help and they see that the tannery is actually helping and they are slowly forgetting the natural ways (Markandaya 57). Imperialism has brought new culture. Since some Muslims have some power in the tannery, they came close to the town and they started their own community (Markandaya 51). Rukmani sees that the woman are isolated and she can't imagine how it's like to be imprisoned all day in the house (Markandaya 51-52). Muslim culture started to aspire Kali a life as a Muslim woman and she saw that it will benefit her because she wont have to worry about anything but the house (Markandaya 51-52).

  19. Nectar In A Sieve
    Janet Ceron

    Imperialism had a negative effect on the family of Rukami. Rukami's son ran to his mother to inform her that foreigners had arrived at the village (Markandaya 30). Foreigners arrived at the village and immediately began to build a building. This new building was a tannery. The arrival of foreigners and the creations of this tannery caused the prices of all foods to rise. Rukami and her family, a family of eight, suffered with their choices of eating. They could no longer afford vegetables and dhal. Rukami's family no longer had a diverse meal throughout the week. This was not goof for the health of the family. Imperialism had a negative effect of the family of Rukami.

    Imperialism had the similar negative effect it had on Rukami's family. Since the foreigners had arrived in their village. The prices of the villagers once most common foods were now rising, and the villagers had trouble affording their accustomed food.
    -Imperialism had a negative effect on the village. The foreigners came into Rukami's villager and built a tannery. Little did the foreigners know, that the tannery was built right on top of a place where the children once played safely (Markandaya 31-32). What the foreigners did here was begin to take away the freedom and the ability of the villagers to feel at home. The removal of a place where kids used to play comes to show the foreigners will slowly begin to take control over India. The removal of the kids place to play shows how imperialism had a negative effect on the village.

    C) Before imperialism reached India in this story, the men did not work in factories and tanneries. The women helped out the men, as the man planted and collected their crops. Imperialism had a neutral effect on the cultural traditions, since men no longer had to work in fields with their parents or sons. Rukami's husband worked this traditional way, as did the husbands of other village women (Markandaya 10-12). when the building of the tannery came along, the young boys left their field and fathers to work in the tannery. Rukami's sons being some of the young boys who leave their family (Markandaya 65-67). Imperialism caused India to have more helpful jobs, however imperialism caused young men to leave their family's fields to gain another job.

  20. The Good Earth

    Wang Lung’s family and the country’s ethics have had several consequences due to Imperialism. The beginning of his community’s desperateness came from the fall of the Hwang family. The Hwang family was absorbed by westernization and eventually rain out of money. The old woman smoked opium, and the sons spent a lot of money and women and traveling west (Buck 51, 54). Their money was gone and Wang Lung seized the opportunity by buying their land (Buck 63). The worth or prosperity of a country, even though it is incorrect, is judged based on how the wealthy are doing. So if the wealthy are having a rough time due to the effects of Imperialism, so must the people. The drought the community suffers is symbolism for the grand effect of Imperialism in China. The drought destroyed crops and left people begging and malnourished (Buck 70-71). The people were anxious and tossed ethics and filial piety out of the window for food. The people raided Wang Lung’s once prosperous home for whatever scraps they could find (Buck 74). The people have grown impoverished and desperate in order to attack another person for food. The drought is the gods' punishment for the rich adapting western culture, seeing as it happened right after the ruin of the Hwang family. Imperialism kept China from being misogynistic, “family oriented” and “righteous” as usual.

  21. My assignment addresses all three points in one paragraph because they were too intertwined to keep separate.

  22. Nectar in a Sieve
    Hadeel Ayesh

    A) Imperialism has an effect on Rukmani which is that the prices increased because of the British (Markandaya 32). By the tannery raising prices, Nathan and Rukmani start to struggle because they dont have a lot of money to purchase expensive groceries.
    B) Because Rukmani's country doesnt have a lot of money,which puts them in a bad situation(Markandaya 32). Imperialism took role;
    prices being raised puts the people in the country,counting Rukmani, in a deep hole. Therefore the tannery is an example of Imperialism. The ony people that could afford the food was the foreigners. This was because they had more money than the rest; this was of course very good news to the sellers(Markandaya 47).
    C)Not only did Imperialism effect the character in general it also effected the culture's traditions.Rukmani thinks that the only love men has is for money, and that they dont care about each other(Markandaya 50).

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Nectar in a Sieve

    Imperialism negatively affected Rukmani and her village.

    a) Imperialism affects Rukmani and her family when the family begins to run out of food. Food becomes very expensive, and they needed to sell a lot of their crops for money (Markandaya 26-28). The family couldn’t even afford ingredients such as salt for themselves (32, 36). When times were rough, Ruku needed buy as much rice as she could even though the prices were unfair (47). Another event caused by imperialism was when her oldest son, Arjun, refused to work on the family farm. He decided to work in the tannery because he thinks that eating is the most important thing (55). Later on, her second son, Thambi, joined Arjun in working at the tannery (56). This hurt Nathan deeply and changed the family.

    b) The country began to change when the village grew into a town. It was “no longer a village either, but a growing town” (Markandaya 50). Changes were made in the town and the tannery was built with brick instead of mud (29-30). Many people left their mud huts and white men with their families moved into the empty houses (33). Industrialization plays a part in an imperialist event. Capitalists moved into the town causes competition against the village shop. The prices were high but the items that were sold were in great quality (51). This forced the village shop to close and gave less competition to the leading stores. With this progession, another tannery was built and more new products were sold (51).

    c) Cultural traditions are changed because of imperialism. Usually, the oldest son worked with his father on the land. Arjun goes against this tradition and decides to work in the tannery. He chooses to work in the tannery because it pays more and he thinks money is more important. He doesn’t want to starve anymore, and his brother, Thambi, followed with him to work at the tannery (Markandaya 55-56). Another tradition that was affected was how society in general worked. Everyone in the beginning cared for each other and shared things equally. Life in the village was fun and amazing (12-14, 35). Now many villagers have left or turned greedy. Janaki wanted her sons to gain more money in working at the tannery and Kali was having fun with having more men in the towns (33). There are more competitions (51), prices were raised(47), and the only thing that seemed important to everyone now was money (50, 55).

  25. Things Fall Apart
    Jennifer Tufino
    Effects: Negative

    A. The effect Imperialism had on the main characters was negative. Okonkwo was told that Ikemefuna, was to be killed but after his death, he is unable to eat or sleep for two nights (Achebe 63). This had a great effect on him because he then considered himself a woman (Achebe 65). He considered himself to be this way being weak emotionally wise after killing Ikemfuna (Achebe 65). Okonkwo didn't like this for the fact that he became fragile after Ikemfuna's death.
    Another negative effect on the main character is that Okonkwo didn't find himself well. He didn't eat, which was strange considering he ate a lot so he really did was drink palm wine all day (Achebe 63).
    B.The country as a whole has also had a negative effect due to Imperialism. Due to the time of year there was no harvesting to do at the time because it was the rest between harvest and planting season.(Achebe 64-65).
    Another effect it has had on the country is that the white men's customs are upside-down to theirs (Achebe 73).They settle things differently such as handling bride-prices.
    C. A negative effect that Imperialism has had in cultural traditions is that the way to arrange marriage was done. Twenty bags of rice was paid for Akueke's bride-price (Achebe 73).
    Another negative effect it has had in cultural traditions is that in Obierika's family, he believes that his son can be too sharp (Achebe 70). He doesn't like that he rushes when he sent for errands because he doesn't fully listen.

  26. Nectar in A Sieve by Kamala Markandaya

    Stephanie Echevarria

    a. Imperialism has affected Rukmani with her business. Rukmani is a farmer and she sells her crops in a market Markandaya 27). By the British coming and beginning to build, she is getting more money. Even with a higher sallary, she is barely getting by. With the British imperialising her home land, prices of food has risen greatly (Markandaya 32).
    This Imperialism has also made Rukmani very angry. She hates the idea of these men coming and she will never except them (Markandaya 32).

    b. British imperialism has had mixed responses in Rukmani's country. Most believe that these new comers bring hope with them. They are bringing new customs, but also new money and jobs and are helping to inustrailize Inida (Markandaya 30-33). This looked at positively by most of the native people because they are given a chance to grow and expand and they are given more technologies.

    c.Imperialism is effecting culture by forcing boys to work in the tannery. If they were not, their families would not be able to survive because of poverty. The British are making money more of a necessity and unless you are working alongside them, you will have trouble getting money (markandaya 49-50).

  27. The Good Earth
    Xanique Herasme

    a.) Imperialism had a positive effect on Wang Lu's family becuase the Hwang family had become broke due to the old mistress' addiction to opium. Due to the lack of money, the Hwang's sold their land to Wang Lu (Buck,52). Imerpialism then effected Wang Lu negatively when he decided to buy more land (Buck,69). Wang Lu wasnt able to grow crops on this land becuase there was a drought. Therefor causing him and his family to nearly starve.

    b.) China was effected negatively by imerpialism because of the selling of opium. Opium is a drug, and like many other drugs, people become addicted to it. This effect the country becuase high class people went from being rich into poverty all on the spending of opium. The Hwangs were one of these families. The Old Mistress became addicted to opium and as a resort, they had to sell their land for money (Buck,52). The second negative effect would be the addiction. Many people could not stop taking this drug. They needed it to be a part of their life. This caused the first negative effect, poverty.

    c.) Imperilaism had effected the cultural values of Wang Lu. Wang Lu's uncle sees that Wang Lu has a lot of land. With this observation he assumes that Wang Lu has money to spare. The uncle bugs Wang Lu constantly and continues to ask him for money. Fed up with the begging, Wang Lu yells at his uncle which is disrespectful becuase his uncle is an elder (Buck,62). Another negative effect is the allowing of stealing. Since Wang Lu and his family have no luck with the begging of food, O-Lan allows them to steal so they can get by (Buck,110). This was certainly not allowed before imerpialism had been in effect.

  28. Jia Wen Cao
    The Good Earth - Pearl S. Buck

    a) Imperialism had a positive effect on Wang Lung and his family. Wang Lung wanted a wife, and he got one. When Wang Lung visited the House of Hwang, he greeted the Old Mistress of the house (Buck 17). The Old Mistress is said to be strict and prideful (Buck 15-16); but she was so willing to give away one her best slave away (Buck 18-19). Imperialism affected Wang Lung positively because the Old Mistress was more focused on spoking the opium instead of the slave. Thus, Wang Lung had no difficulty gaining a helpful, well wife from the rich House of Hwang (Buck 19).
    Imperialism also affected Wang Lung negatively because of the people in China paying for opium, the economy is failing; Wang Lung and his father lives in a poor farm with so little money (Buck 9) as an effect of the imperialism.

    b) Imperialism had a negative effect on China. The people of China became obsessed with the drug opium and lost in economy. The money wasted on opium corrupted China's finance. When the Old Mistress lost money due to buying too much opium, she sold part of her land (Buck 51-52). This was an effect of the opium trade. It negatively affected China.
    China was also negatively affected by the people crazing for the new drug. Opium played a major role in imperialism in China, thus many society also became corrupted due to the opium.

    c) Imperialism in China negatively affected the Hwang family. The Hwang family lost large sums of money due to the purchase of opium. The lost of money forced the Old Mistress to sell part of her land (Buck 51) to gain enough money for more opium. The addiction to opium destroyed the lives of families and the lives of many people in China.

  29. Taylor Capone
    Nectar in a Sieve

    a. the main character and his/her family
    The increase cost of food in the village has effetced the life of Rukmani and her family. While the price of food increases, Rukmani is limited to the amount of food she can provide to her family and her. Imperialism has shifted the lives of many, including Rukmani, ecomonically(Markandaya 46-48).
    b. the country as a whole
    India has been effected by imperialism, economically. By increasing the cost of food, villagers can no longer afford to provide food for their families. Merchants and travelers have enough money to support themselves, buying and selling the food for a higher price(Markandaya 46-48). This has shown to be a negative effect for the country as a whole.
    c. the cultural traditions (family, religion, ethics...)
    Rukmani's family supports customs of Indian tradition and morals. Arjun, Rukmani's oldest son, traditional must take the role as his father and be able to work on the farm. Yet he has choosen to work in the tannery. By working in the tannery, Arjun has gone against his custom of following the footsteps of his father, and starting a new life within the imperialist movement. Imperialism has negatively affected Arjun's cultural tradition(Markandaya 35-37).

  30. LauraAshley Pfeifer
    The Good Earth
    A)Imperialism negatively effects the House of Hwang. It effects the House of Hwang because once the Old Mistress starts smoking opium and becoming addicted to it (51), she causes the House of Hwang to loose money. Opium shows imperialism because that was brought by the British trying to gain control of China. Imperialism positively effected Wang Lung's family. This is because when the House of Hwang grew poor, they needed to sell land. Wang Lung and his family bought this land (53). This was positive being that Wang Lung would gain more money by gaining more space to grow more crops.
    B)Imperialism negatively effected China. With imperialism, along came the drug opium. Opium was being traded left and right to people. Once people got a hold of opium, they became highly addicted, like the Old Mistress (51). Opium made families lose money throughout the trade because people became highly addictive (96).
    C)Imperialism negatively effected families. This is shown by the Hwang family's poverty. Because of imperialism being in effect, it caused people to lose money and eventually sell their land such as the Old Mistress did (51). The Old Mistress was negatively effected because she lost land that she gained money from having, but positively effected herself because she was going to buy more opium with that money, only benefitting herself.

  31. Things Fall Apart
    Chinua Achebe
    a) Imperialism had a negative effect on Okonkwo and his family. Imperialism caused Okonkwo to feel dreadful. He did not eat and sleep for two whole days. he would drink palm-wine from morning till night. (Page 63) He also felt like a woman; weak, after killing Ikemefuma (Page 65).
    b) Imperialism had a negative effect on the country as a whole. When Ogbuefi Ndulue, the oldest man in the Umuofia village died, the drums didn’t beat to tell the village his death. (Page 67) Ogbuefi’s wife also died on the same day. (Page 68) It was a tradition for Umuofia for the drum to beat when something happens. This all happens when these white men; “white like this piece of chalk” approached. This showing Imperialism is approaching. (Page 74)
    c) Imperialism is a negative effect on Umuofia. The culture and tradition of Umuofia will eventually be gone because one of Umuofia’s tradition of beating the drum stopped once the while men approached. This shows that the white men will take over Umuofia and might change their tradition and culture.

  32. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

    Jared Elraheb

    A. In the book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, Imperialism affected the main character Okonkwo negatively. In chapter 8, Okonkwo did not taste any food for two days after the death of Ikemefuna (Achebe 63). Ikemefuna was a boy that Okonkwo took under his wing right after the innocent boy had been taken from his home. After a short time, Ikemefuna became a son of Okonkwo and started to call him father (Achebe 57). Then, one day Ikemefuna was killed by the villagers as ordered by the Oracle. Later on, another negative affect took place on Okonkwo’s family. On page 76, one of Okonkwo’s 3 wives named Ekwefi informed him that his daughter Ezinma was dying. This was a negative effect because the spreading of sickness and disease spread and Okonkwo’s family was affected by this negative effect of imperialism.

    B. Africa was negatively affected by Imperialism. On page 73, the Lepers or white skinned people had turned all of the villager’s customs upside down. They had changed the ways of the village people completely and they would decide bride-prices with sticks (Achebe 73). This disturbed the villagers negatively because the Lepers would come to their traditional village and would do things entirely different than what the villagers were accustomed to.

    C. There were negative affects that Imperialism had on Africa’s cultural traditions. On page 70, Obierko feels his son can be too sharp (Achebe 70). He doesn't like that his son hurries when he sent for errands because he does not fully listen. This is a negative effect on the traditions of Umuofia because the original ways of the villagers are changing. Also on page 91, there is a tradition in where everyone gathers together and there are people impersonating spirits. There is a conflict between a married couple and a husband decided to hit his wife. This was a negative effect because the way of resolving this issue had conflict within it and that was not a tradition of the villagers.

  33. Brandon Acosta
    The Good Earth
    By Pearl S. Buck

    a. Imperialism affected the main characters life greatly. Wang Lung lives in China where merchants sell opium to. The opium had an affect on the country and the character. Therefore imperialism had an affect on the character. The Old Mistress was addicted to opium and it helped put the north part of China in a financial crisis (Buck 52). The financial crisis happened after Wang Lung became rich with his family. The economic crisis caused Wang Lung's house to be invaded because people thought they had food to feed others (Buck 78). Wang Lung decide to head south with his family. That meant he had to leave his land that he loved so much. All of the chaos and Wang having to leave his land was because of imperialism.
    When Wang and his family lived in the Southern part of China, he went all around the town helping people travel. That was the job of a poor person (Buck 101). He encountered many people like himself being handled against the walls by soldiers. He ran away because he learned that the people were being taken away from their land and familes to go fight in a war (Buck 136). The war was because of imperialism. The fear caused by imperialism caused Wang to want to sell his daughter and go back to his home land. Therefore, imperialism had a great affect on Wang's life.

    b. As mentioned above, imperialism had an affect on China because of the opium trading. The addiction of the rich people, especially the Old Mistress, caused the country to go into an economic crisis (Buck 52). Everyone was eating everything they could find, even if that meant they had to eat their animals and attack each other (Buck 78).
    The people in southern China were learning new things, and it caused a different way of thinking. There was also a lot of fear in the area. The soldiers were taking innocent men to go to war (Buck 135). All of the men in the country had to hide and live with fear because of the wars caused by imperialism.

    c. Wang Lung and his family celebrated the Chinese holidays with a lot enthusiasm. However, when they were put into an economic crisis and everything was being taken away from Wang, he became very unhappy. He had statues that he respeced as gods of the land and occasionaly put incents next to them. When everything was going wrong, he hated the gods and disrespected them by spitting in their face (Buck 81). Religious beliefs weren't his main concern.
    In Southern China when Wang and his family got settled, many things seemed different. People followed the ideas of Confucian. However, a little while after Wang saw foreigners handing out flyers about Christianity, he saw a chinese man handing out similar flyers (Buck 132). Citizens were changing their beliefs because of cultural diffusion. Cultural diffusion was caused by imperialism.

  34. Things Fall Apart
    By: Chinua Achebe
    James Chen

    Over time Ikemefuna has become attached to Okonkwo and Nwoye. Sadly he was killed by a mysterious person in the forest. (Achebe 59) Oknokwo had fallen into depression; he had become weak and restless because of the thought of his dead friend. (Achebe 64) Questions and fear had plagued the minds of the villagers after another man dies.(67) Lastly the villages started noticing men with white skin that they called leper.( Achebe 74) The customs of the white men have seemed to be the total opposite of that the villages go. According tot villages the traditions where upside-down! (Achebe 73) The actions of the white when had caused much harm and confusion to the village.

  35. John Cruz
    The Good Earth

    A. The main character and his/her family
    Imperialism had both a positive and negative on the main characters family. Both Wang Lu and O-lan were happy about their first child. As they accumulate the silver they had saved up, they go talk to the old mistress about their child. When they get there, O-lan is the one to speak to the old mistress. Wang talks the guard who tells him he is happy to see there are three of each now instead of one (Buck 49). After O-lan finishes talking to the old mistress Wang asks what did they talk about. O-lan mentions that the old mistress was wearing an old dress she once wore a year ago (Buck 50). From this we can assume, and O-lan mentions, that the old mistress is in the path of poverty. Wang takes advantage of the situation and decides to buy land from the old mistress (Buck 50-51). The old mistress agrees and Wang has his own land now (Buck 58). The word opium is also brought up, that gives the reader a hint on that imperialism is arriving into the country (Buck 51). The old mistress used to be rich, now she is poor. Wang Lu went from poor to rich. This is a positive. In addition, the old mistress becomes full in poverty on page 58. A negative from imperialism would be the situation he is in after he has no money, and food has become very scarce. Soon after Wang has his third son, winter approaches. Wang and his family have become very low on food and money. When Wang's uncle comes to ask Wang for money O-lan and Wang both agree that lending becomes giving, Wang puts that aside and gives silver to his uncle anyway (Buck 65). O-lan and Wang both agreeing that lending is a bad idea gives the reader an idea that they are no longer as rich as before. When Wang's uncle comes again to "borrow" money, Wang rejects him in a disrespectful manner. Wang yells at him and makes his uncle leave empty for Wang has no money nor food left ( Buck 73). This is very negative that Wang has nothing left none for his family and slowly the country is dealing with the same situation.

    The country as a whole were being affected. Buck uses an interesting method to show this. She uses the Old mistress and Wang to show a positive balance. She makes the old mistress smoke opium and describes her rich by making her have land and guards(Buck 14-16). Wang is described poor, and lives off crops and farming (Buck 1-4). This shows that there is in fact a social difference and is balance. This is positive because there is a balance in the social classes and makes sense. The unusual method she uses is, she uses Wang's uncle to represent society along with the country. She describes the uncle poor and begs for money (Buck 69, 73). Eventually Wang hears that "people" are eating human flesh because of the increase in poverty, and low in food. The neighbor of Wang continues to speak and tells Wang it was his uncle and his wife that were eating the flesh of human. Buck uses Wang uncles to represent the country to convey that the country is being affected by imperialism. Imperialism has increased poverty and made people go mad. This is the negative.

    C. The cultural traditions (family, religion, ethics...)

    Imperialism had a more of a negative impact on family and religion then positive. When imperialism began to arrive, The old mistress grew poor and sold land to Wang (Buck 58). When imperialism affected Wang he grew poor and so did his family. His uncle began to beg for money. Wang knew he was going to become a problem (Wang 59). The constant ask of food and money bothered him and led Wang to yell at his uncle which goes against Wang's religion in which they have to respect their elders (Buck 63). The lost of money, food, and the grow of misery, and poverty lead him to yell yet another one. His God(s)(Buck 71). This goes against his religion because he is suppose to respect his elders and his gods. He disrespected his family, and his religion. This shows the negative effects that imperialism had on family, and religion.

  36. A. Negative effects that imperialism had on Okonkwo was that he had killed his own son, Ikemefuna (Achebe 63). This had an effect on him because he then considered himself a woman (Achebe 65). Okonkwo was weak, when he was weak and drunk, his village started to be weakened. White men could now invade his country and change things.
    Okonkwo also didn't feel well. He didn't eat, and all he did was drink palm wine all day (Achebe 63).
    B.Imperialsim has also affected most of the villages. An effect that happened to the village due to imperialism was that white men started coming in and changing the way things were run. They settled things differently such as handling bride-prices (Achebe 73).

    C. A cultural effect that had happened was that there started to be problems with men hitting there brides. There was no solution to this problem as men were becoming more violent since the white men had started to take over (Achebe 72). Also during a wedding, twenty bags of rice had to be paid for the bride to get married.

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  38. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Grace Tan

    A. Imperialism affected Onkonkwo because Onkonkwo has killed Ikemefuna [Achebe 62]. Onkonkwo starts to be in a bad mood drinking wine till night and not eating any food [Achebe 63]. This was a negative result.
    B. The country is affected because the "white skins" arrived at the country and they corrupt their traditions. [Achebe 71-73] This was a negative result
    C. A negative result on the tradition was that the white men are haggling and bargaining prices as if they were in a market [Achebe 73].

  39. John Huang
    The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

    a) There is a positive effects of imperialism has effect on the main character, Wang Lung, and his family. Wang Lung married a woman through the communication from the Old Mistress. (Buck 16) The woman Wang Lung married is named O-lan has caused immediate effect on Wang’s family and himself. Since Wang has a wife at home taking care of his father, he can work more in the field to gain money. This is a positive change cause the more money Wang makes; it would support his family for more food. A negative effect from imperialism is that the first child Wang and O-lan reproduces (Buck 65). Since their child needs food to survive, Wang have to work extra harder or send more time in the field to work in order to make the money to buy Wang’s child food. This has an effect on Wang because working more or harder effects the behavior of Wang. The more money is being drained by his child effects on how the way Wang uses his money. He has to use it wisely and carefully.

    b) One negative effect of imperialism on the country world wide as a whole is the value of Opium. The Hwang family, for example, buys Opium from the European when they import them to China (Buck 66). The Hwang family spends most of their money on Opium which is just a want and not a need to the family. They do not need Opium, which is a drug, to survive. The Hwang family is addicted to Opium which is a negative effect on Hwang’s economy/ wealth. Another negative effect of imperialism has on the country of China is the way society acts without Opium. An example of this is when the Old Mistress acts chaostic when she does not get Opium (Buck 68). This is the outcome of a person when they are addicted to drugs that cannot be helped. A simple example is the old mistress which most of the people in China has been affected just like her.

    c) A negative effect of imperialism on cultural tradition was when the celebration of the Chinese holiday. Wang was extremely unhappy after the economic crisis even when it was a Chinese holiday (Buck 83). The Chinese holidays are suppose to be a day when everyone is happen because they should be thankful for what they have. Wang was put into a economic issue in his family because of imperialism moving into China.

  40. Things Fall Apart By: Chinua Achebe
    A. Imperialism had a negative effect on Okonkwo. Ikemefuna was killed, and "Okonkwo did not taste any food for two days" (Achebe 63). After the death of Ikemefuna, Okonkwo was also very weak, and he "felt like a drunken giant walking with the limbs of a mosquito" (Achebe 63).
    B. Imperialism had a negative effect on a country. The country now decided marriage through sticking-picking. "All their customs are upside-down" (Achebe 73). When leprosy or "the white skin" shows up, there were different beliefs. Bad customs are adapted (Achebe 74).
    C. Imperialism had a negative effect on cultural traditions. Like mentioned before about the negative effects in groups, it is basically the cultural traditions within the groups that are negatively effected. "It is a bad custom because it always leads to a quarrel" (Achebe 74). Marriage now turns to "a bargain as if they were buying a goat or a cow in the market" (Achebe 73).

  41. Things Fall Apart
    Kevin Joseph

    A) In chapter 8 of Things Fall Apart, imperialism negatively affected Okonkwo. The death of Ikemefuna led Okonkwo to a state of depression. Okonkwo hasn’t eaten for days, and he didn’t have the same appearance he once had (Achebe 63). Okonkwo questions his downfall, as well as describing himself as a woman (Achebe 65). Also, he began to regret not having a son instead of a daughter, Nwoye.

    B) When the “White Skins” appear, everything in Africa becomes debased. New ethics and traditions were spread. Ideas such as using sticks to set up a marriage, and tapping tree palms to make wine were being brought up to everyone (Achebe 69-70). Also, new traditions like bargaining and haggling bride-prices were being used by couples. These cultural changes was disliked by Okonkwo and Obierika (Achebe 73).

    C) Okonkwe and Obierika discuss the change of the cultural traditions ever since the “White Skins” appeared. They talk about how “Marriage should be a play and not a fight”. Okonkwo and Obierika also talked about Abame and Aninta, and how their customs are incorrect. They also compare their customs of bargaining to Umunso (Achebe 73-74). Lastly, the two discuss how it is wrong that the kids belong to the woman, and the story of the white men who are white as chalk.

  42. A) Wang Lung is affected by imperialism because when Wang Lung buys a piece of Hwang's land, they earn a surplus profit then their own land (Buck 58). This happened because Hwangs needed money due to the Old Mistress being addicted to opium; therefore, they sold their land to Wang Lung (Buck 52).
    B) Imperialism affected the country as a whole because people are getting addicted to the opium due to excessive trade of the drug (Buck 57). The Old Mistress, an addict to opium, is now poor due to this trade of opium (Buck 68).
    C) Traditions and ethics are being affected by imperialism because O-lan, someone who respects ethics, allows her children to steal because of the poor condition their family is experiencing right now (Buck 110). Want Lung is desperate for money to support his family, so he does things that go against his traditions and ethics to survive and keep his family living (Buck 98).

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  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Due to Imperialism, Wang Lung and his family have faced many hardships. Since the fall of the Hwang family, the community has grown to be desperate. The Hwang family ran out of money which led them to fall. The old women used to smoke opium which was a very harmful drug. The sons continiued to spend a lot of money, while the women began to travel west (Buck 53). Wang Lung bought their land, after their money was gone (Buck 62). The status of the country is based off of how the wealthy people are doing, meaning if the wealthy are having rough times, then so are the people of the country. After the drought, it had destroyed crops and left people without a lot to eat and they didn't have much (Buck 71). They did whatever they could to get food. The people went to Wang Lung's home for whatever scraps they would find (Buck 75). The people were so desperate that they would even hurt eachother for food. This happened right after the fall of the Hwang family fell, as a sign of punishment from god among the people.

  46. The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
    Jessica Zeng

    a. Imperialism affected Wang Lung and his family positively. Wang’s father asked the Hwang family to give a slave girl for Wang to marry (Buck 8). They did so and this Wang married her. This was positive because this made Wang and his father happy. Another positive way Imperialism affected Wang was when he found out that the Hwang family was becoming poor because the Old Lord kept getting new concubines and the Old Mistress used a lot of money to buy opium (Buck 52). The Hwang family was selling their land where they planted rice and Wang decided to buy it (Buck 53). With hard labor, the harvests helped Wang and his wife prosper (Buck 60).
    b. Imperialism affected China negatively. The rich is becoming poor because of opium. The Hwang family, who was rich and powerful, are becoming poor because the Old Mistress is addicted to opium (Buck 52) and has to sell land for money. People are spending all their money for opium and it is leading them to poverty. People are becoming poor and they can’t afford food to eat.
    c. Cultural traditions were affected negatively because of Imperialism. People are beginning to become immoral. In China, people are supposed to respect their elders and do as they say. When Wang Lung’s uncle asked for money, Wang yelled at him (Buck 65). This was disrespect towards his uncle and by doing this, he broke the traditional rule. Wang was saving the money to buy more land so he could earn more money. Wang’s family also began to cheat and steal from others. O-lan begged for money so she could help support the family (Buck 112) and her children stole meat from the butcher to eat (Buck 118).

  47. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Pei Qing Huang
    a. Imperialism had affected Oknokwo negatively in his work and feelings. Oknokwo had experienced many bad things throughout chapter three to five. Oknokwo had killed Ikemefuna because the Oracle of the Hills and the Caves said so (Achebe 57 -61). After this, Oknokwo felt he was weak as a woman and felt shame of himself because of it (Achebe65). Oknokwo also didn’t have much sleep and work done in his farm because there weren’t any work, and he was still sad about the death of Ikemefuna (Achebe 63 -64). Oknokwo became depress and negative affects had overcome Oknokwo.
    b. Imperialism had affected the country in a negative way. Cultures that are different from the traditional ones were brought to villages. “All their customs are upside-down” (Achebe 73). Traditional Africans like Oknokwo won’t accept those new ideas and think they are weird.
    c. Negative effects were done to the cultural tradition just like it had affected Oknokwo. White men had gone into villages and clans to pass their culture to the Africans. New traditions were brought to the Africans like women can be hold higher than me (Achebe 74). New ways of marriages were also brought to the villages that traditional Africans thought it is silly and stupid (Achebe 73 -74).

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  49. Revised and Reposted

    Robert Glass
    Book: Nectar in a Sieve
    By Kamala Markandaya

    a.Both Positive and Negative

    Imperialism came into this village of India with the construction of a building known as the Tannery. Rukmani's two eldset sons went to work in the tannery to earn more money and this tore apart the family "I attempted to dissuade him" (Markandaya 55). This is one effect that shows Ruku didn't want here eldest sons going to work in the tannery. Ruku also says this "How heartless are the young" (Markandaya 55) and she says this because she wants to keep to the old ways of doing things. Since they are arguing about Arjun (The eldest son) going to work it shows that they are being torn apart from each other and soon the second eldest son goes to work in the tannery and this is the other effect of Imperialism.

    The country also has been effected because the prices of food have gone up making it harder to buy food for their families. This is the second effect because it is the reason Ruku's sons went to work in the Tannery, in order to earn more money so they could eat and wouldn't starve (Markandaya 32). This was happening all over India at the time of imperialism.

    c. Negative

    The ethics and this is the second effect of the family are also dissrupted because the daughter Ira went into the town at night to earn money which was not a good idea because she came home and was cut by glass and on top of that her mother mistook her for a sly woman named Kunthi and this is the first effect. (Markandaya 97-102). This is the second effect becasue Ira made a bad choice which is ethics because she came home injured and refused to tell her parents of where she had been to earn one Rupee. At this point Imperialism has destroyed the way of thinking for one character and tore apart the family because Ruku's two eldest sons went to the island of Ceylon to get money and it will be along time befor they come back (Markandaya 67-72). Overall Imperialism is destroying the old way of life and it will continue to happen because at first it was the two eldest sons and then their other son died for stealing (Markandaya 94-96) and now Ira was doing something her parents knew nothing of. The family will continue to collapse because imperialism will only continue and it won't stop for a long time.

  50. The Good Earth
    BY:Pearl S. Buck
    Jaafar Hamdan

    A) Imperialism had a positive and a negative effect on Wang Lung and his family. The house of Hwang had been losing their fortune because the Old Mistress was buying huge amount of opium which was a very addicting drug (Buck 69). The huge amount of opium being bought by the Old Mistress left the needing money (Buck 51-52). With the Hwang family in need of money left them selling their rich soil land (Buck 52). Since Lung had save up some sliver and the Old Mistress needed to dell land Wang Lung went and bought it for his farm (Buck 52). Wang had bought the land with the money he saved up and with that land he had produced much more crops which brought in more money (Buck 55-58). Lung had bought more land with the money he made. Thinking more land meant more money he was wrong because there was no water which meant there was no crops and he had lost his money and got nothing (Buck 68-71). Lungs family would starve now (Buck 75-80). Positively Lung got more land and negatively he was not able to maintain the land.

    B) Imperialism had negatively and positively affected China. There was a huge amount of opium being brought into the country. Opium was an addictive drug being smoked by a big percentage of china smoked. The opium traders sold opium to the Chinese and they go addicted like the Old Mistress did (Buck 55-56). The opium being bought made the rich get poor because of their addiction and them buying so much of it like what had happened to the Old Mistress she had to sell her land for money to buy opium (Buck 52-53, 67-69). The positive outcome was that everyone was happy smoking their opium and trade was going on. The negative part of the opium trade was that so much money was being sent out of China and people were becoming poor.

    C) The imperialism in China had negatively affected the culture of Lung and his family. When Wang Lung bought the land from the Old Mistress his uncle wanted some money from him. Lung didn’t want to give money to his because he will lose it by gambling it away. When Wang Lung’s uncle came around asking for money lung exploded in his face and disrespectfully yelled at him (Buck 61-65). The imperialism in China had changed Wang Lung’s culture and behavior toward his family which was negative. Since in China yelling at your elders is very disrespectful but the imperialism in China had changed him drastically.

  51. Please not that on B the first effect is the first sentence

  52. THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe
    Sandy Wu

    a) Ezeudu tells Okonkwo that Ikemefuna has to die (Achebe 57). Okonkwo doesn’t help Ikemefuna when he’s attacked (Achebe 61). After Ikemefuna dies, Okonkwo becomes restless at night and doesn’t have an appetite to eat (Achebe 63). Ezinma tells Okonkwo that he has become a “shivering old woman” because he is sad over killing a boy even though he has killed a number of people already (Achebe 65).
    b) The country started to change after white people came to the village (Achebe 74). They had different beliefs and didn’t do the same things the villagers did. The villages thought of their customs as different and not good. “All their customs are upside-down ... That is very bad” (Achebe 74).
    c) There was cultural diffusion after the white people came to their village. The people that lived in the village were not used to the white people being there because they haven’t seen any of them around (Achebe 74).

    All these effects of imperialism were negative.

  53. ANTONIO AMATO!!!!!
    Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya

    A. Imperialism had a negative effect on Rukmani and her family. A tannery was created in the village which caused the prices of food and ingredients to sky rise. This made it difficult for Rukmani and her family to survive on food (Markandaya 32) especially since her husband is a farmer and they do not make a substantial amount of money. The lack of food created problems and worries for Rukmani and her family.

    B. Imperialism is negatively effecting the country because the food that is available is too expensive for the villagers to purchase (Markandaya 32). The foreigners were the only ones that were able to buy ingredients and foods from the merchants. However there is a positive side to this high prices. The merchants are required to sell their goods for a high price and they are making profit since the foreigners are buying these goods from them (Markandata 47).
    C. Imperialism had an effect on the cultural traditions of India. Since the tannery was built, the sons of Rukmani wanted to work there instead of the farm they had (Markandaya 33). Imperialism made everyone just care about money. Nothing else mattered to anyone except on how to make money.

  54. alicia huerta
    nectar in a sieve- by: kamala markandaya

    a)Rukmani and her family have been affected by imperialism because she cant afford enough food for her family any more. The uprising prices of food has affected thier life because they dont have enough food to satisfy them(markandaya,47-49)

    b)Imperialism has affected India in a positive way and negative way. It affected India in a negative way because the villagers are forced to pay high prices for thier food. They do noe have enough money to pay this therefore thier food supply is low and many familys are begining to suffer of hunger.It has had a positive effect because the merchants are becoming wealthier with such high prices.The high prices benifits the merchants and the counrties economy because a lot of money is coming in.( markandaya, 32-47)

    c)Imperialism had an effect on cultural traditions becuase people had the tradition to work on farms but the changes of imperialism caused them to go work in the tanneries (markandaya,56). This advancement shows a change because people will eventually not want to work in farms anymore.

  55. David Sosa
    The Good Earth

    a) Imperialism had a positive effect on Wang Lung's family. For a while Wang Lung and his wife dedicated themselves to completely save up aiming at economic prosperity. "Wang Lung in this good year had a handful of silver dollars over and above what they needed" (Buck 44). Prosperity at this magnitude would of been rare if not thanks to the sudden effects of imperialism which were bringing lingering effects on the powerful House of Hwang. The old mistress who had always shown her economic dominance in the region was now beginning to face economic hardships. "The Ancient Mistress wore the same coat this year as last" (Buck 50). These effects were all brought upon by the opium trade which was a huge part of imperialism in China. The opium being infested by the House of Hwang had taken its toll on them. Taking advantage of there situation, Wang Lung seized a portion of the House of Hwang's lands doubling his earnings bring further economic prosperity towards him. This effects of imperialism had a positive effect on Wang Lung's family.

    b) Imperialism brings negative consequences for the country as a whole because the economic situation becomes to dire for people to contain themselves. After discovering the amount of money contained by Wang Lung his neighbors raid his home and property in search of the money he kept so well hidden (buck 78).

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Nectar In A Sieve by Kamala Markandaya
    Ken Li

    a) The British came in and built a tannery which it made Rukmani worried and upset (Markandaya 32). After Imperialism started, foods and supplies' price increased. They have to struggle for foods (Markandaya 47-48). This affects them negatively because they going to suffer later on since they will be lacking a certain thing.

    b) The British left India in a poverty status. Everyone will not be able to buy their needs (Markandaya 32).

    c) It affected the country by making people less caring. People don't care about each other now (Markandaya 33). This shows that people are in competition against each other.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Things Fall Apart
    By Chinua Achebe

    A. Imperialism would have negative effects on Okonkwo’s family. Imperialism affected Okonkwo, the strongest, bravest warrior, who shows no sign of weakness. After Okonkwo had killed Ikemefuna because of their traditions, Okonkwo had showed his weak and womanish side, shivering, and being a drunkard, like his father Unoka. (Achebe 65). This also effected Nwoye, Okonkwo’s elder son. After Nwoye heard that Okonkwo had killed Ikemefuna, who had become like his elder brother, Nwoye had something that “died” in him (Achebe 61). This thing that died is the foolishness that he thinks of the tradition.

    B. Imperialism has negatively affected the whole country. After the appearance of the “white men” in their areas, everything has changed. Clans of different tribes start to disappear, due to the fighting against Imperialism, taking over. Like the Abame clan that has been wiped out. Churches start to be built (Achebe 138-141).

    C. Imperialism would change the traditions and beliefs of the clans. After the appearance of Imperialism, I believe it would change the traditions and beliefs of woman and the practices of their religions, such as the New Yam Festival, Week of Peace, and the Oracle of the Hills and Caves (Achebe Chapter3, 5, and 6). Imperialism would change the outlook on women because all the women are all casted down to do housework and would be beaten if done wrong (Acehebe 39). Imperialism would change the traditions of the sacrifice of children; the death of innocent children. Like the killing of Ikemefuna just because his father killed a person’s wife in the clan, Ikemefuna had to die too. And in return for the dead wife of this man, Mbaino, he is given a virgin girl (Achebe 11-15).

  60. The Good Earth
    A- Imperialism effected Wang Lung and his family negatively and positively. Negatively because they worry a lot about money and the amount of water they waist (9-11). Its positive because With all the growth that which they have now they can see it and earn profits. Now his family can both get the benefits from everyone who wants their hands on their crops. They figured this out because the same lady kept on coming back, She was rich (51-53).
    B-Imperialism is a positive thing for many people in china because the people that grow that addicting substance will earn more money as shown in pages 53+. Its also negative because the people who are poor and must buy things that they can't afford, they are toast.
    C-Imperialism is negatively effecting on the culture of the people because some of the things other countries may call moral may not have be a good thing for the culture for china. The people of the present in this book are changing some cultural things. This may lead to people wanting to steel and more.

  61. Nectar in a Sieve
    Allyson Pinto
    Kamala Markandaya

    A- Imperialism has effected Rukmani's life style. She used to be the daughter of a powerful Villagehead (Markanday 8). After imperialism, Rukmani was married off to a poor farmer and forced to live in a mud hut (Markandaya 8).
    A- Rukmani is also affected by Imperialism because her family and herself can not afford food. Since Imperialism, food prices have gone up to support the Imperial country (Markandaya 48).

    B- Imperialism has affected India in a negative way.Imperialism has led to the increase in prices to support the Imperial country.Rising prices on things such as food has led to poorer citizens not being able to afford a meal (Markandaya 37).
    B- Imperialism has affected India in a positive way. The rising prices have allowed a stronger economy for India (Markanday 40).

    C- The costums of India require a husband to support his wife. During the Imperialism in India, Nathan was forced to support his wife even more. This was an overall positive affect for Rukmani. (Markandaya 14-15)

  62. c) Imperialism changes the culture and tradition of people. After having conceived his first song, Wang Lung was very thankful and displayed his religious beliefs by thanking the gods and asking them to protect his family. After Wang Lung's uncle tells the village of Wang Lung's immense silver reservation; the village raids Wang Lung's home and robs him of his silver and crops (Buck 77). This act leads to the heart break of Wang Lung's family and provoking him to disrespect statues of different gods (Buck 80). If imperialism had not influenced the money needing people of the area Wang Lung would have not betrayed his fate and gone against a symbol of his beliefs.

  63. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Kevin Zevallos

    a). Negative.
    Ikemefuna, someone close to Okonkwo, was caught by a unknown man and killed (Acbebe 59). This brought great saddness and grief to Okonkwo and his son ,Nwoye. The death of Ikemefuna's death greatly affects Okonkwo. Okonkwo refuses to eat any food and drinks nothing but palm wine and becomes very weak(Acbebe 63).

    b). Negative
    Obierika tell Okonkwo and Uchendu about how the white man has started to come. He tells them that a white man has arrived on an Eke market but was killed but the villagers (Acbebe 138). He later tells them more white men came and wiped the whole market out (Acbebe 139-140). This shows the white man have started their attack and fight for their land.

    c). Negative
    Obierika talks to Akueke's suitor ,Ibe, who was a foreigner decide how much to pay for the bride-price. The suitor, the white men, bargain and change the price as if it was for an animal (Acbebe 73). Obierika and Okonkwo later talk about how the customs of the white men are completely different than theirs. He says their customs are upside down (Acbebe 73). They find it to be very bad because it is different and unheard of to them.

  64. A) A posative affect was that Rakimi's mother died in peace. Her mother was in consant sever pain. In turn, Rakmi suffered watching her mother pass her day in pain. Kenny was a British doctor who helped her mother. He provided her with medication in which put an end to her pain. SInce her mom was no longer in pain niether was Rakmi ( ).

    A negative affect is that Rakmi coul not affod food. The prices on food were increasing. This was because the Europeans were willing to pay more for their necesities. Along with food prices, Rakmi's wage increased ( Markandaya 32). However this was useless since the food prices increased aswell (32). Her family was suffering finacially but they tried to make the bet of it.

    B) A posative affect is that the economy bloomed. SInce the prices were increasing, people were earning more money (Markandaya 40). This in turn led India's economy to blossom. Also when the british came to India they built huts and tanneries. This was both posative and negative. This led small
    villages to becoming towns. This was posative becase it mention thing would be more modernized. Soon they would built tea stalls and shops (32).This is posative because more people would have jobs. Also people would have more resources. This was negative because the settlers disturbed many of the people. They were extremley noisy. Also the air smelled like liquor since the British brought it with them (31).

    C) Imperialism was a negative affect because it interfered with the traditions of Rukmi's family. Her family owned a farm in which would be passed down. Nathan worked in the farm along side his sons. However, one of their sons did not want to continue this tradition. He refused to work in the farm since it did not support his family well (55-56). INstead he decided to work in the tannery. This also shows how imperialism affected Idian tradition. Majority of the population relied on farming but now imperialism brought about new job opportunities.

  65. The Good Earth By Pearl S. Buck
    Sarah Weiss

    1)Imperialism has had both a positive and negative effects on Wang Lung and his family. Wang Lung visits the House of Hwang where he is greeted by an old mistress (Buck 17). Since the mistress is smoking opium during this encounter, she lets down her guard and willingly gives her best slave to Wang Lung (Buck 18-19). The use of opium is a direct result of imperialism, during this time England demanded the right to sell opium in China because of free trade. Since the mistress was not in her right state of mind when smoking this drug, Wang Lung receives a wife from the House of Hwang (Buck 19). Wang Lung and his father are also negatively impacted by imperialism. Since the demand for opium is so high, the economy is failing. This economic struggle is an example of why Wang Lung and his father live in a small house and barley get by (Buck 9).

    2)Imperialism has negatively affected China as a whole. Due to China's obsession with opium, the mistress looses a great deal of money and even sells part of her land (Buck 51). The great mistress, a long with the rest of the Chinese society, is corrupted by the trade of opium and acts foolishly because if it.Since people are acting foolishly the economy in general is deteriorating in China because people are wasting so much money without a logical reason (Buck 52).

    3)Imperialism in China has had a negative effect on their cultural tradition. When Wang Lung's uncle asked for a portion of the money Wang Lung received for buying land from the Old Mistress, Wang Lung disrespectfully yelled at his uncle (Buck 63). In the Chinese tradition respecting elders is a key factor. Wang Lung disobeyed this moral because of the desire of money due to the failing economy because of imperialism, and more specifically opium. Possession of land and nature orientated things is also another significant Chinese Value. Due to the use of opium, the Old Mistress disregards this value and goes ahead and sells part of her land (Buck 51). The Old Mistress sells this land in order to afford opium, this shows a lack of respect to nature due to imperialism.

  66. Sorry my post is late on this blog. For some reason my post didn't go through, I only realized this when I checked the blog later that night, so I re posted it. Thanks.

  67. The Good Earth compared to Things Fall Apart
    Winnie Chen

    In Things Fall Apart, the main character, Okonkwo, became a very famous wrestler. He gained this achievement using his on strength. In the past, he was poor, but now he is wealthy (Jeffrey Monday). His father was a “failure” and always spent his money (Sandy Monday). Ikemefuna, a person who is close to Okonkwo, was killed (Kevin Tues). The death caused him to become weak as a woman, which disgusted Okonkwo. Still depressed about the death, he was not able to work in his farm since there wasn’t any work to be done (Pei Qing Tues).

    Okonkwo is similar to Wang Lung by their background, action and by a tragic event. Both men were once poor. Okonkwo was poor because his father used money whenever possible. The father’s actions caused the social status of his family. Wang’s father was a farmer. Famers usually do not make a lot of money by just growing crops each year, which means that Wang’s family is poor. Okonkwo and Wang, though, changed their status by their own actions. They were able to become wealthy. Okonkwo became famous and rich by defeating a once undefeated and tough wrestler (Semir Monday). He achieved his wealth by using his own strength. Wang was able to use the gold he stole from a rich man to become rich himself. With the large amount of money he had, he used it to start a new and better life in his village. From the gold, he was able to make more money than before when farming. Okonkwo and Wang lost someone dear to them. Okonkwo lost Ikemefuna while Wang lost O-lan. The ones the main characters lost were dear to them. Okonkwo and Wang were similar by their poor background, beoming rich and by their loss of someone close.
