Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day Three: Imperialism and Change in Your Characters

If you did not follow the a,b,c format as requested you did not receive full credit for yesterday's work. If you wrote a short paragraph, you received even less credit. Look at yesterday's post for Danny Perez, Sally Gee or Mona Dwedar to see how to organize and develop your posts. This blog is a way for me to see how much you can think!!! If you give little, I will believe you think little. OK?

Topic Three: (a separate paragraph for each tragedy and for each interpretation)
a. Write about two major tragedies that occurred in the whole book in detail (who? what? where? when? why? how?)

b. Identify if imperialism caused the tragedy somehow or if imperialism could help make sure that type of tragedy NOT happen again. Explain your logic with details from the story for each of the two tragedies.

Be sure to give enough context and details when telling the tragedy. Be sure to explain if imperialism is to blame and WHY/HOW.

**Please contact M. Gutierrez, A. Gonzalez, M. McCarthy, C. Krioutchkova, W. Corella, J. Garcia if you can. These people have not posted for TWO days and may not know they have lost 40 points thus far.***


  1. Santos Martinez
    Things Fall Apart- Chinua Achebe

    A) One of the major tragedies that occurred in the book was when Ezinma was apparently dying. Okonkwo was finally able to sleep when he was distrubed by his wife telling him that Ezinma was terribly sick. This took place in the night time since Okonkwo was about to go to sleep. Ezinma had iba because she had a burning forehead. Because of this, Okonwko decided to grab his machete and go cut some leaves for the medicine to cure Ezinma (Achebe 76). Another tragedy that happened in the book was Ezeudu's death. The sounds of drums and cannons that gave the signla that someone had died. Everyone was anxious to know who has died. When they went to go see who had died, they (including Okonkwo) found out that Exeudu was dead. I think the way he died was by age because in the book it says that he was an old man. This hurt Okonkwo in a way that he was very sad (Achebe 120-121). It also says that his clan came to his funeral. Ezeudu's funeral was a warrior's type of funeral with cannons and drums beating at a death beat (Achebe 121).

    B)In my point of view, I think that imperialism could prevent the illness that Ezinma had because Imperialism could find antidotes for this type of sickness or imperialism can prevent the spread of the disease or prevent other people from catching iba. On the other hand, imperialism cannot help Ezeudu's death in any way. I think imperialism is somewhat to blame because imperialism was supposed to help the weaker country. They got no help when Ezinma got sick so i think imperialism is somewhat to blame.

  2. Semir Pupovic
    Things Fall Apart
    Chinua Achebe

    One major tragedy that occured in the book, Things Fall Apart, was when Ikemefuna was killed. In the beginning of the book, a neighboring clan/village of Umuofia had killed a girl from Umuofia. In return for the girl, a female virgin and a boy were requested from the neighboring clan/village. The request was accepted, and the husband of the murdered woman got the virgin. The boy went to stay with Okonkwo's first wife. As time progresses, Ikemefuna becomes fond of his new family and infuences Okonkwo's oldest son, Nwoye, to be a better person/man. Ikemefuna was with the family for about three years, and Okonwko was drawn to him. He grew loving of him, but couldn't show it since it was a sign of weakness. After the three years passed with Ikemefuna, the Oracle decided that Ikemefuna must be killed. On night as Ikemefuna was "on his way home" he was attacked and killed. Okonkwo paricpated in this event. After the killing, Okonkwo didn't eat and sleep for days. He kenpt on thinking about what he had done. He felt like a weakened woman. Okonkwo wishes that his daughter had been a boy since she had lots of potential.

    During the time of this tragedy, imperialism still hadn't come in to Africa. Things were all normal and the way they were supposed to be. However, if imperialsim did come in to Africa prior to this event and the decision of the killing, Ikemefuna would probably still be alive. This is because in the next chapter it tells about other clans having different customs and traditions. They were changed because of the influence of the "white man". In that chapter imperialism had entered Africa. If imperialism came in earlier to corrupt the traditions of the oracle, the decision would have been different. Ikemefuna would have probably be sent home or left with Okonkwo's family. In this case, imperialism would have a somewhat positive effect.

    Another tragedy that occured in the book, Things Fall Apart, was that nine of ten children given birth by Okonkwo's second wife, Ekwefi, died. It was said that the children that Ekwefi gave birth to were "wicked". Those kind of kids die and then are born again to the mother's womb. This keeps on happening until the medecine man finds Ezinma's pebble of wickedness. Seven birth's prior to Eznima's, the medecine man cut up the dead infants' body up to warn the future infants that are wicked. Later on, Ekwefi is told to stay in Okonkwo's hut during her pregnancy, and she was fine. In the end Ezinma was born, and she had some illnesses, but survived her life. All, the mother had to do was stay in Okonkwo's hut during her pregnancy.

    During the time of this tragedy, imperialism has arrived to Africa. However, it hasn't had a big impact of the area. Only some traditions were different, but everything around was at a rather normal state. Ekwefi would have probably had more than one child if imperialism came to Africa a long time ago. By imperialists comming to Africa, they would set up factories and industries. Most of Okonkwo's land would be probably taken away and the wive's would live with him. By Ekwefi living with Okonkwo, her children would still be alive since she wouldn't be in her own hut. In the end, imperialism would have a positive effect on Ekwefi and Okonkwo.

  3. Looks like, so far, not everyone has read the book entirely! Understand that I know the tragedies of the books, so this is a sort of test to see how far you have read!!! Don't trust others since you don't know who read what yet!
    P.S. Someone tell Santos that he only posted one tragedy. You must post about two.

  4. Nectar In A Sieve by Kamala Markandaya

    Stephanie Echevarria

    a.In this book, the main tragedy if the building of the tannery. Although to most this is a blessing, to Rukmani it is not something to be praised. This is a tragedy for it has caused extreme life changes towards Ruku and her family. This change in her quiet village has caused the economy to change drastically. Many villagers have been forced to close their huts and discontinue their businesses. Not only that, but despite the jobs the Tannery has provided, it has also caused greif for Rukmani. ukmani's two eldest sons began working in the the tannery, although Rukmani did not approve of it (Markandaya 55-57). Rukmani's sons eventually helped in a strike in order to get more money (Markandaya 69). This left their family in an even more horrible financail state. As it was, they could not afford to support each other and they were practically starving.

    Another tragedy in this book deals with Rukmani and the grasp she has over her family. Rukmani when she first lived with her husband was not accustomed to labor (Markandaya 11). After a time began to have children and put forth an effort in making her home (Markandaya 28-38). Now that her sons were grown, they began to make decissions for themselves. Not only that, but Rukmani's daughter was abondaned by her husband. When her sons had been released from work, their family was even farther below the poverty line. Her husband, Nathan, was now the only supporter for this family of nine. Rukmani's third eldest son moved away in order to find better work, and her two eldest sons come and go as they please. On top of that, Ira, Rukmani's duaghter, has never been more distant (Markandaya 66-72). Rukmani struggles with the task of holding together a family in a time of poverty.

    b.Imperialism is definitly the cause of both of these tragedies. Rukmani's attitude and opinions are no help, but imperialism is the main cause. Imperialism has influenced the thoughts of the native people. I thought that imperialism was going to cause these people to want personal possessions. Instead of doing this, it has caused the people to compete for what they once freely had. Rukmani treasures moments of happiness, but is afraid of this corruption (Markandaya 50). In my opinion, Rukmani has more power than she chooses to utilize, and although she cannot avoid the affects of imperialism, she can make the best of what she has.

  5. The second tragedy was when Okonkwo and 5 other leaders got captured by the white men. They were told by a messenger to meet a commissioner at his headquarters. Okonkwo was one of the 6 leaders that were called to the commissioner. The commissioner called his men so they can hear the story as well. But unfortunately, they weren't there to listen. They were their to capture them and keep them prisoners. Even though they were armed fully to fight back, they did not expect to be ambushed like that. So the people that Okonkwo lived with had to pay 250 bags of cowries or the leaders will be executed.

  6. Sally Gee
    The Good Earth

    A1. One of the major tragedies that have occured in the book was when Wang Lung had to kill his own ox. There were no rain, and the drought have destroyed all the crops(Buck 67). Since there were no crops being produced, all the villagers, including Wang Lung and his family were starving. Hunger made Wang Lung to kill his ox and eat it (Buck 72). The ox was Wang Lung's companion in the field for a long time, and Wang Lung cares for the ox (Buck 72). Wang Lung had refused in killing the ox for a few days, but seeing his family crying out in hunger, he allow the ox to be killed(Buck 72).

    B1. During this tragedy, imperialism had not yet introduced itself in the village. The village had always depend on the gods and the weather for their food and fortune in the village(Buck 46). Therefore, there is no way that imperialism could have caused this tragedy in the village. Imperialism could help make sure that this type of tragedy wouldn't happen again. If imperialism had been introduced in the village, the villagers wouldn't depend much on how their crops have grown to provide themselve food. When Wang Lung and his family had reached the South where there were imperialism, they earned their money so that they wouldn't starve (Buck 104). Back in the village, Wang Lung can't do anything to feed his family because farmers depends on the weather to feed thier family.

    A2. Another tragedy that have occured in the book was when O-Lan had to kill her daughter. The drought had already caused Wang Lung and his family to starve in hunger(Buck 76). O-Lan was giving birth to another child, another daughter, and another mouth to feed. After O-Lan have given birth to another daughter, she strangled her own daughter with her own hands (Buck 82). O-Lan strangled her own daughter so her daughter wouldn't be a burden to her family (Buck 81).

    B2. Similar to the first tragedy, imperialism had not arrived in the village yet. The villagers had depend on the gods for good fortune and good weather for the crops. When there wer no rain, there were no crops; therefore, there were no food to feed Wang Lung and his family (Buck 76). All Wang Lung and his family could do was to starve and to wait for rain to come (Buck 78). Having another child would be a urden to Wang Lung's family. Imperialism would have made sure that this type of tragedy would'nt happen. When Wang Lung's family were in the South, everyone in the family had done something to contribute money to feed themsleves (except the Old Man). They didn't ust sit there and wait for rain to come. O-Lan had use her first daughter to beg for money (Buck 100). Altogether, everyone had earned enough money to pay for their next meal(Buck 104).

  7. Nectar in a Sieve
    By: Kamala Markandaya
    Julio Chen

    a. Write about two major tragedies that occurred in the whole book in detail (who? what? where? when? why? how?)

    A1) The first major tragedy in the book, Nectar in a Sieve, is the death of Rukmani's young sons, Raja and Kuti. Rukmani's family is going through poverty and famine due to the lack of crops from their land in India. A long drought leaves Rukmani's family with no food and very little money left. Due to this factor, the family cannot be supported and the rent cannot be paid on time. Raja, Rukmani's young son, decides to steal a calfskin from the tannery (Markandaya 95). The tannery guards seizes Raja but inflicting a terrible blow to him which caused his death (Markandaya 95). Raja's decision is led by the lack of money and food. This clouded Raja's judgement and caused his death. Kuti, not even the age of five, suffered through starvation since the drought had left the crops worthless. There is not enough food to feed Kuti and the next harvest would be in three weeks (Markandaya 98). Kuti did receive food from Ira, Rukmani's daughter, who has attained food through prostitution (Markandaya 104). However, Kuti's body was very weak and he died. This is a tragedy because two of Rukmani's young sons have died and the cause of it was poverty and famine. The tragedy clearly show how poverty and famine affects someone. Raja and Kuti have fallen victim to this event which many others in the world have.

    B2) The second major tragedy in the book, Nectar in a Sieve, is the death of Rukmani's husband, Nathan. Nathan and Rukmani travel to live with their son, Murugan, in the city. They have lost the land since the landowner has sold the land to the tannery. Nathan and Rukmani arrive at the city but to their disappointment, Murugan is not there. The temple in the city shelters Nathan and Rukmani. They meet an orphan named Puli which helps them get a job in a quarry since they needed money to get back to the village (Markandaya 176). Nathan strains himself to earn money even though he is very ill (Markandaya 182). One day, Rukmani sees Nathan lying on the floor during a rain storm (Markandaya 185). This is a tragedy because Nathan and Rukmani struggled in the village and in the city but in the end, they suffered. Nathan's death is caused by the desire to go back to the village. He did not like living in the city since the people in the temple treated him and his wife as outsiders (Markandaya 169). Nathan and Rukmani faced poverty, famine, saw what prostitution did to a woman, and ultimately life struggles. These were average people in a lower class and still struggled in the end.

  8. Julio Chen (Continuation)

    b. Identify if imperialism caused the tragedy somehow or if imperialism could help make sure that type of tragedy NOT happen again. Explain your logic with details from the story for each of the two tragedies.

    1) Imperialism can help this type of tragedy not happen again. Raja and Kuti lives could have been spared if imperialism had fully taken affect in the village. Raja's death and Kuti's death was caused by famine and poverty. Raja's judgement was clouded by money which led him to steal the calfskin (Markandaya 95). Kuti's death was caused directly by famine and poverty (Markandaya 98). Imperialism could have developed the village and high paying labour jobs would be available which would help end famine and poverty. Industrialization would play a key factor to ending this because it would provide families such as Rukmani's family, food and money. There would not be a need to steal goods like Raja did. Kuti would not have to starve if there is a better flow of income in the family through Industrialization from Imperialism. This is directly shown in the city where Nathan and Rukmani is in. They both had no food or any money left, but there is a temple that provided shelter and food (Markandaya 149). If this Industrialization in the city had taken place in the village, then there would not be famine and poverty. There would have been temples available for the poor to go in and eat as well as shelter.

    2) Imperialism caused this tragedy. Nathan became driven by success in his job in the quarry that he ignored his health (Markandaya 182). Nathan dies due to straining himself in his work. If Imperialism did not create hard laborious jobs, then people such as Nathan would not have to suffer. Nathan did not make as much as he did in the farm since there is a harvest season which he earns money, other than that season, he does not make money. This caused a desire in Nathan and he also wanted to go back to the village as soon as possible. The new jobs that are created by Imperialism are mainly blue collar jobs that strained workers. Imperialism exploited the lower class since the jobs were really hard and not many would want to work in those jobs. The jobs in the quarry were for the poor and lower class. Nathan fell victim to this job and it took a toll on his health since breaking stones with a hammer is tough.

  9. The Good Earth By: Pearl S. Buck
    Danny Perez

    A) Write about two major tragedies that occurred in the whole book in detail (who? what? where? when? why? how?)
    One of the first tragedies that have happened in the book was that there was a horrible season of no rain. Wang, the main character, has bought land from the Old One (Buck 56). It was said to be rich in soil and that it was very wet and meant for a good harvest. He worked very hard on it and he got some money out of it and he was very proud of it. His uncle calls Wang rich because he bought the good land from the Old One, but Wang tells him that he bought it with his hard earned money and he told him that he doesn’t work and is lazy. This got his uncle really angry and tried to use Wang by asking him money, but Wang told him that he didn’t have very much (Buck 65 and 66). When Wang got inside his house he saw O-lan and she about to give birth and Wang asked her if it was a boy or girl. She said that it was a girl and while hearing this, got Wang angry that all this bad luck that was happening to him as the same in his uncle’s house with his daughters. Wang got his sliver that he got left and gave it away because by force he had to give it to his uncle. Then a flock of crows were over him and this was a bad omen. After that happened the earth was starving and had nothing left on it and soon the family grew hungry everyday. Months have passed by and no rain fell this was a bad sign for the land Wang owned. To get food they even killed Wang’s ox to survive but Wang didn’t kill the ox but O-lan did. The reason that was done because it was either human flesh or ox and Wang picked the ox as his last hope (Buck 75, 76).

    When Wang had no other choice, he decided to go south with is family to get some food at least. Wang had to beg in the streets everyday until he had enough to feed everyone with him (Buck 99, 100). When Wang got used to the system in the south he already knew the places and other things. His family also begged for a meal and had to do it very hard. While Wang was walking around he saw a food shop that everyone liked the odor of the food and it was foreign. Then Wang noticed a group of young men talking about China having a revolution and must go against the hated foreigners (Buck 114). Wang thought that he was a foreigner because he didn’t really belong there. Then later on soldiers arrived at the city and started to get people who were innocent. Soon Wang found out it wasn’t because the people they captured did a crime; the soldiers need men for a battle. Wang and the other people started to him in fear so that they don’t get captured (Buck 136).

    B) Identify if imperialism caused the tragedy somehow or if imperialism could help make sure that type of tragedy NOT happen again. Explain your logic with details from the story for each of the two tragedies.
    I believe that for the first tragedy it wasn’t because of imperialism but by luck. Wang bought the land from the Old One because she was getting poor and needed money for her opium. The reason why the land didn’t get a good harvest is because of the weather and the “bad omen” from getting a daughter. Imperialism can help make this tragedy to not happen again by Wang selling the goods from the farm to other places. Then Wang could have money to buy food for storage and to eat. Then Wang and his family could have survive more instead of going to the south and beg for change.

    I believe that (second) was caused by imperialism because it had to do with the army. The people got tired with the foreigners coming in and out and this is what many wanted, to fight back. The reason why imperialism is to blame is because it has brought all the unwanted people to China. The Chinese used to be independent on them but now new inventions come from other places which bought problems with the additions of the drug opium. Imperialism has changed China greatly and it has affected it in many ways. The soldiers coming may have meant going against the foreigners and they needed more men to fight in the battle.

  10. Very nice comments, Julio, Santos, Danny, and Sally. Again, I expect to know why you selected a certain event as a tragedy. All three books are tragic. Some of the tragedy lies at the end though, and if you haven't read, you won't know. I will know though.

  11. I don't get it..

    So we also need to include why we chose that specific event? Unless you want us to explain why that event is specific because of imperialism.

  12. Robert Glass
    Book: Nectar in Sieve
    By Kamala Markandya

    1A) The first real tradgedy to happen is when Ruku loses two of her sons. The son Raja went to work for some Europeans so he could earn more money for his family. Theother child Kuti was born weak and without food he was losing strength each day. Kuti had been weak all of his life and whan the town hit a depression type event because there was little food to be had and this did not help the child because he needed food and would cry all the time. Ira had went into the town to become a prostitute to earn money, which she did and that still did not help to get food for the child. Soon Kuti passed away from lack of food (Markandaya 104-105). The other son Raja had went ot work and decided to steal a calfskin which he could have sold for a good amount of money. When he tried to get away with the skin he was attacked by a whip and died from it (Markandaya 94-96). This was a blow to Ruku because she lost two of her loved sons at the same time for the most part and she was in pieces because she was close to the two of them. This tradgedy was the first of more to come to Ruku in the book

    1B) Imperialism has been the cause of tradgedies and could also prevent some from happening due to the stuff the Europeans had. Kuti's death could have been prevented if there had been a hospital with the medicine that he needed. Since there was no hospital he didnot recieve the care he could have used and thus he died. Imperialism also caused it because it had put prices up very high thus making it harder to buy food and that made it so they did not have enough food to eat (Markanadaya 46-47). Imperialism caused Raja's death because he needed the money for his family. Raja was working for the tannery and stole the calfskin and was struck by a whip which killed him thus Imperialism caused Raja to die because of the lack of money, drove him to stealing something of high value (Markandaya 93-96). Imperialism could have helped the family and it helped to destroy them to some extent.

    2A) Another Tradgedy to occur would be when Ira gives birth. Ira had become a prostitute to earn money and she was taken by a white man and wound up pregnant. This is a tradgedy because the child was born an albino meaning white. When news of this child had spread to the town, people were shocked of it because it is not something that would normally happen. The child lacked pigment and had pinkish eyes which made him weird (Markandaya 121-123). Every one came to see the child and basicaly gauk at it because it was supposedly unatural for an Indian to have an albino child. The family was distrught becasue of it and they were ashamed for their Ira having a child that was of English and Indian blood which is considered unclean in many religions and cultures(Markandaya 120-122).

    2B) Imperialism caused this tradgedy because there were white men looking for some pleasure and it cuased Ira to get pregnant with an albino child. If imperialims had not moved in than she would not have had a child with white blood in him. Imperialism caused the family to become the center of laughter and shame becasue of the mix which is believed to be unclean. The people also think that it is unnatural for a human to have white skin and pinkish eyes because it is not like them (Markandaya 119-123). Imperialism caused a tradgedy to the family pnce again because they are now frowned upon be the community for the unclean child as they consider it to be.

  13. I chose the illness event because Ezinma is Okonkwo's daughter and i guess he cared about family. Also, the mother was very depressed because her daughter was very ill, even though they did not have a very good mother-daughter relationship. Ezinma called her parents by their first names, not by mother or father (Achebe 76-77). I also chose the scene where Okonkwo and the other leaders get captrued because it shows in my view how the white men can't be trusted because they tell a lie in order to get them. The commissioner told the lie that his men should listen to the story that they were going to say just to capture them and hold them captive (Achebe 193).

  14. Things Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe
    PeiQing Huang

    A1) A major tragedy that happened in the book Things Fall Apart is when Okonkwo need to kill Ikemefuna. Ikemefuna had been living with Oknokwo’s family for three year (Achebe 29). He was treated as a family member in Oknokwo’s family and was the best buddy of Oknokwo’s son, Nwoye (Achebe 52). Ikemefuna had started to call Oknokwo father, and Oknokwo had treated Ikemefuna like a son (Achebe 53). However, Ikemefuna was needed to be killed because he went to Oknokwo’s family as a slave and gift from a village for killing a woman in Oknokwo’s village (Achebe 12). Ikemefuna was killed by Oknokwo and the men in the village when the Oracle the Hills and Caves had decided so (Achebe 57). This is a tragedy because Oknokwo had killed a boy that he had treated him as a son. Ikemefuna was a nice kid, and Oknokwo had liked him. However, Ikemefuna was needed to be killed by the hands of Oknokwo. This is like a father killing his own son, and Oknokwo felt bad after he did it. Oknokwo was unable to sleep and eat after he had killed Ikemefuna. This is a tragedy because Ikemefuna was close to Oknokwo, but he was killed by Oknokwo, too.
    B1) Imperialism could prevent this kind of tragedy to happen again. The tragedy of Oknokwo killing Ikemefuna was because of the traditional belief in the Oracle of Hills and Caves (Achebe 57 and 67). Imperialism brings new ideas to the African tribes and teaches them about the science. If imperialism did happen in Oknokwo’s village before Oknokwo kills Ikemefuna, I believe that Ikemefuna wouldn’t be killed because of the change of belief of people. Ikemefuna was killed because the Oracle of Hills and Caves had said so, but this won’t be followed if Europeans went into Oknokwo’s village and change the villagers mind about the scientific ways of nature and common sense. Imperialism is not really the blame for this tragedy, but imperialism could definitely avoid this tragedy to happen.
    A2) The children of Ekwefi, Oknokwo’s second wife, that all died at infancy was another tragedy that happened in the book. Ekwefi is the second wife of Oknokwo that gave birth to Ezinma. Children that were gave birth by Ekwefi before Ezinma had all died because they were believed to be ogbanjes, children that dies and goes to its mother and be born again (Achebe77). It is a tragedy for Ekwefi to face all the pain of having babies but watching them all died. Ekewfi had become a bitter woman after her children’s death. She saw the three children that Oknokwo’s first wife had, they were all healthy and stronge. However, she has no child and those that she gave birth to were all dead. It is tragic for a woman to face something like Ekwefi. It tortures Ekewfi mentally and physically to have her children die soon after their death. Ekewfi having ogbajes is another tragedy that happened in the book Things Fall Apart.
    B2) Imperialism could not be blamed for this tragedy, but it could prevent this kind of tragic to happen again. Imperialism leads people to be advance and know more about the nature and themselves through science. If imperialism had already got to Oknokwo’s village, people would know that it is Ekwefi’s body that is weak and can’t give birth to healthy babies. Imperialism could have taught people more about the human body and prevent this kind of tragedy to happen again. Ekewfi had been tortured by the fact that her children had died soon after their birth, but this won’t happen if she know why does this happen. Imperialism can’t be blamed for this tragedy, but it would have prevented this tragedy to happen to Ekewfi.

  15. I don't want a separate explanation of why you chose that event. I just want your explanation about why it is tragic to be convincing. Does that make sense, Shelly?

  16. Matthew Alfieri
    The Good Earth
    Pearl S. Buck

    Within the chapters of The Good Earth, Pearl S. Buck displays the many tragedies of imperialism that greatly affect the main characters. Two tragedies in particular are the death of Wang Lung’s fourth child and his three cousins.

    A1. The death of Wang Lung’s fourth child:
    Wang Lung and his wife O-lan, now suffering from the lack of harvest, have little to no money. O-lan, once again is pregnant and the harsh weather conditions and deficiency of stock do not aid her in her grueling pregnancy. With no food, Wang Lung and his family are barely surviving. It is only the hope of the future that keeps them alive. Wang Lung cannot bear to see his family suffer at the hands of fate and tries everything in his power to restore their lives as they once were. It is then that Wang Lung is visited by his neighbor Ching, who is now but a shadow of a man (82). Ching informs Wang Lung that within the village, humans are now eating their own and it is said that Wang Lung’s uncle is one of the many people partaking in this inhuman act. This discovery is the final blow to Wang Lung and ultimately makes him decide to head south with his family to find more harvest (83). However, he soon realizes that this cannot be done, as his wife O-lan is no shape to embark on such a grueling task. However, O-lan informs her husband that the trek will happen beginning the next morning, as by then, the child inside of her shall be born. Hours pass and labor dawns upon O-lan. Wang Lung sits outside the door, as he has done so many times before, awaiting the birth of his child. It is then that he hears shrill cry of a newborn. However, it soon fades and is not heard another time (86). Wang Lung’s heart soon becomes filled with fear and panic. He calls out for his wife, who does not answer. He begins to wonder if she is dead, due to what she has endured under the harshest of conditions. However, she soon answers, indicating that she is alive. O-lan soon calls her husband into the room and it is then that Wang Lung only sees his wife and no child. Out of both curiosity and fear, Wang Lung asks for the newborn. It is then that O-lan sadly informs her husband that their newborn child is dead (86). This brings both sadness and misery into the heart of Wang Lung. Wang Lung bends down to see his child, when he discovers that it is a girl. Full of remorse, Wang Lung wraps his dead daughter in broken mat and leaves the house with her. He soon places her at an old grave, where a wolfish dog stares at the dead child, with hunger in its eyes (87).

    B1. The death of Wang Lung’s three cousins:
    After the death of his newborn daughter, Wang Lung feels nothing. Nothing matters to him anymore, except for the survival of his family. As well, the plantations and stock continue to be sparse, causing more anguish within Wang Lung. As this continues, Wang Lung begins to feel as though he has failed as a husband and a father, as he can no longer support his growing family. It is then that Wang Lung is visited by his uncle (89). To Wang Lung’s surprise, his uncle shows no sign of fatigue, but rather strength. This greatly surprises Wang Lung, as to him, his uncle should be like the rest of them, hungry and tired. His uncle begins to tell Wang Lung of how he is suffering, due to the lack of stock. As well, he tells Wang Lung of how his wife is no longer fat and oily, but rather skinny as a pole. He also nonchalantly tells Wang Lung of how his three daughters passed away. “And of our children only four are left-the three little ones gone-gone-and as for me, you see me!” (89). This surprises Wang Lung, as his uncle does not seem so saddened by the loss of his three children, as one greatly should. Tragedy strikes, as the cousins and childhood friends that Wang Lung grew up with are no longer living.

  17. *This is an addition to my previous comment*

    I chose the first event as tragic because Ruku lost two people of her family which devestated her and made her very upset.

    The second event is tragic because the family is now a laughing stock to the town and the child is made fun of for what he looks like and to be made fun of like that is plain stupid.

    *Again theses are just add ons to my previous comment, explaining why I chose these two events if it is not clear enough*

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. PeiQing and Robert both have nice ideas as well.

  20. (Continuation)
    A2. In the case of the death of Wang Lung’s child, imperialism is at fault. While Wang Lung and his family were greatly suffering at the hands of fate, there were few groups of people who were able to support themselves both physically and financially. “He (Wang Lung) had heard earlier that there were rich men in the town who were hoarding food for themselves and for sale to the very rich” (88). These people who were financially stable were keeping their findings to themselves and preventing any others unlike themselves from enjoying it. This included Wang Lung and his family, as well as many others. Imperialism revolves around many things, one being unequal economic relationships, which are clearly shown throughout the pages of The Good Earth. As Wang Lung and his children continued to suffer and go hungry, O-lan was greatly suffering as well, as she was not able to feed herself and the growing child inside of her. This is partially the cause of the child’s death, as without the proper care and nourishment, it was not able to survive. If the villagers who were able to support themselves shared their crops with others, then maybe Wang Lung’s child would have survived.

    B2. Much like the case of the death of Wang Lung’s child, imperialism is also at fault for the deaths of Wang Lung’s three cousins. Like Wang Lung and his family, Wang Lung’s uncle and his family suffered greatly as well. Like the other villagers throughout the village, Wang Lung’s uncle went without food and crops. This soon affected his family greatly, as his entire family began to undergo many changes, mainly changes in appearance. “My wife-do you remember how fat she was? How fair and fat and oily her skin? And now she is like a garment hung on a pole-nothing but the poor bones rattling together in her skin. And of our children only four are left-the three little ones gone-gone-and as for me, you see me!” (89). Due to the lack of crops, his three daughters died. Going back to what was said about the villagers who were able to maintain a financial balance. If they were to share their food and crops with him and his family, then maybe his daughters would have been able to gather up their much needed strength and continue to live through these harsh times.

  21. Nectar in a Sieve

    A). One major event that happened throughout the novel was the death of Rukmani's youngest son Raja(Markandaya 93). Rukmani would never think that one of her children would die, that would be the last thing she would ever think that would happen to her. The way that this tragedy happen was that, Raja was killed by tannery watchmen for stealing a calfskin, because he just wanted to eat due to poverty. The guards had went to Rukmani and claimed to her and Nathan that her son was very weak and had collapsed when the guards tried to stop him (Markandaya 95). One of the men felt sorry for the lost of the family, but the other said a remark meaning “better off with one less mouth to feed,” the reason he said that was because of the fact of that there is no money and many people are poor. The reason that Raja decided to steal a calfskin was that his family barley had money and so did he, do he decided to steal because of the fact that they didn’t have money and food.

    A2). Another tragedy that occurred was the lost of Rukmani which, was her husband Nathan. This was a big tragedy for her because this was the only guy who she loved and he loved her, she suffered a big pain. Rukmani sees Nathan soaked and wet but it was tears because of all the suffering he has been though (Markandaya 183). Both Nathan and Rukmani did all they can to make money for their family, especially Nathan. Nathan’s wish was happiness for his wife and for his children to have a good memory of their father.

    B1). I think that imperialism could have helped this tragedy never occurred. Rukmani death was caused by the lack of poverty that was happening in the country. If the country would have had factories the people would have suffered even more, because of either child labor or even more poverty. But in the other hand the families would have had money in their pockets. The only way the country would have had developed was due to imperialism because it will probably stop the poverty and the lost of money.

    B2). I believe that imperialism did caused the death of Nathan. I think that it caused it because if they weren’t so many hard working jobs like the one that Nathan had to do then he wouldn’t have to put up with
    suffering. Nathan’s just wanted to work after work because he didn’t want his family to do same so he wanted to be the bigger person and prevent his family from suffering. Nathan just kept working and forgot about his health. Imperialism really effected the lower class because of all the hard work they had and not many of the lower class people would even dare to work in a very hard job.

  22. I think I sort of understand.

    Thanks Ms. K.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Julio Chen
    Addition to my comment-

    I chose these events as tragic because it directly effects the main character, Rukmani. She suffers from the death of her sons and her husband. Rukmani feels sad in both of these events since her sons are from her and she lost her lover.

  25. Denise Meza
    Things Fall Apart >Chinua Achebe<
    (part A)

    One tragedy that occurred in this book so far would be the killing of Ikemefuna. The murdering of Ikemefuna was a tragedy because after Okonkwo helped with this killing; things began to go wrong for him as well as in his village. Okonkwo doesn’t eat for two days after the killing of Ikemefuna (Achebe 63). This is also a tragedy because Okonkwo killed this young boy. Ikemefuna was a gift to the village because of the killing of a women in his village (Achebe 12). This boy lived with Okonkwo for three years and during this time he because close friends with Okonkwo’s son, Nwoye(Achebe 29;52). Ikemefuna started to become member of the family and act like part of the family. He even began to call Okonkwo “father”( Achebe 53). Okonkwo had to kill Ikemefuna because the Oracle the Hills and Caves had said that the boy needed to be killed. The sad part was that Okonkwo didn’t really want to kill this boy, he did it because the Oracle the Hills and Caves told him to do it. Okonkwo felt bad after he murdered this boy which he had drawn close to.


    Imperialism could have prevented this because if Okonkwo’s village had been influenced by a different culture then Oracle the Hills and Caves wouldn’t have much influence over the people. The killing of Ikemefuna was because of the traditional belief of the Oracle the Hills and Caves (Achebe 57;67). Imperialism is when a new and bigger country brings its influences to a smaller country. In this case imperialism would of influenced Okonkwo's village with a new type of religion and their old traditions might of have been abandoned. The new ideas would have had a bit of science so this would of changed their form of thinking.

  26. Richard Gobin
    Things Fall Apart
    Chinua Achebe

    One major tragedy that occured in, Things Fall Apart, is when Ikemefuna was killed. At this time someone from village of Umuofia had killed a girl from Okonkwo's village. Since some one in Umuofia had killed the girl in Okonkwo's village, a female virgin and a boy were demanded from the killers village of, Umuofia, to come to Okonkwo's village. If they didn't recieve the female virgin and a boy, the two villages would go to war. The husband of the murdered woman got the virgin. The virgin boy went to stay with Okonkwo's first wife. As time passed Okonkwo's children grew on the boy, Ikemefuna. Okonkwo himself was very fond of the boy, but he couldn't show his emotion because one who showed his emotion was not considered a true man because affection is a sign of weakness in a man. A few years later the oracle decided that Ikemefuna has to be killed. One night when Ikemefuna was going home he was killed by a group of men one of them was Okonkwo. After this Okonkwo couldn't sleep or eat for a while. This is a tragedy because Ikemefuna was like one of Okonkwo's own children. And for a father to kill to kill his own that is a tragedy.

    When this tragedy took place, imperialism still didn't come in to Africa. I think if imperialism was already there, this wouldn't of happened. No one would have listened to the oracle, to perform this action. I know this because later on in the book when they met the "white skins" no one cared about their own culture instead they were curious about the white men's culture, so if this tragedy took place during that time no one would have cared.

    Another tragedy is when Oknokwo’s second wife, Ekwefi's, children all died. The children had all died because they were believed to be ogbanjes, "children that dies and goes to its mother and be born again" (Achebe77). It is a tragedy for Ekwefi because she had to go through labor and have them die a little while later. Ekewfi had become a jealous person after her children had died. Oknokwo’s first wife had three children, which she was jealous of since, they were all healthy and strong. This is a tragedy, because it bothers Ekwefi because her kids were taken away from her. This is a tragedy, that no family should go through.

    2b) B2) Imperialism could not be the cause of this tragedy, and imperialism couldn't have stopped it. There is no way because imperialism leads people to be come through science. If imperialism had already got to Oknokwo’s village, people wouldn't know how to stop this, but they would know not to believe in ogbanjes, "children that dies and goes to its mother and be born again" (Achebe77). They would know this, because they would have known Ekwefi's kids would die since she was unhealthy, and not strong, so she wouldn't have been able to produce healthy babies. This is why imperialism wouldn't have affected the outcome of this tragedy.

  27. Denise Meza
    Things Fall Apart >Chinua Achebe<

    (Part A2)

    Another tragedy that happened in the book is that that nine of the ten children that Ekwefi, Okonkwo's second wife, all died. This is a tragedy because the mother begins to feel horrible due to the fact that her children keep dying and the other wife of her husband has healthy and beautiful children. The siblings of Ezinma, the other eight that had died, were thought to be ogbanjes. Ogbanjes was a wicked child who is born and then dies but to only to re-enter the mother's womb over and over again (Achebe 77). This is a big tragedy to the mother because she had to live everyday knowing that neither of her ten children had died and seeing other healthy and strong children. When a mother loses more than one child, she becomes miserable and it tortures her completely.


    Imperialism had already entered Okonkwo's village during the time in which Ekewfi had lost her children. Since imperialism didn’t change people’s lives yet it couldn’t really be the cause of this because people didn’t really give importance to these new teachings. Only a couple of things started to change. Imperialism could of prevented this tragedy form happening. If the people of Okonkwo's village would have listened and learned about the teachings of science, there might have been a new type of explanation of why Ekewfi’s children died. Since could have proved that there was the possibility that Ekewfi’s body was too weak to have a healthy baby and to keep it healthy. Or another thingy that might have been wrong is that the babies had some type of sickness that killed them quickly. Imperialism could have prevented this but it’s not the cause of it.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Things Fall Apart
    Kevin Joseph
    Part: 1

    A) One major tragedy that occurred in the novel, things fall apart was the death of Ogbuefi Ezeudu. Cannons boomed and silence was in the room filled with clan members that awaits the news. Okonkwo received the horrible message that Ezeudu had passed away (Achebe 120-121). The traditional drums and gun firing went off in Ezeudu’s funeral. Then bad goes to worst when Okonkwo accidentally fired his gun that killed Ezeudu’s sixteen year old son (Achebe 124-125). I chose this event to be a major tragedy because everything goes bad for Okonkwo. Chapter thirteen begins with the announcement of Ezeudu’s death. Okonkwo feels extremely bad due to the fact that the last time they met was when Ezeudu warned Okonkwo not to take any contributions to Ikemefuna’s death (Achebe 121). Then, Okonkwo fires his gun to salute the late Ezeudu. All of a sudden, the sixteen year old son’s body his laid on his pool of blood. Okonkwo then flees away, and everyone burns his barn to release all of the sins he had (Achebe 124-125).

    B) Imperialism is the cause of what occurred in chapter thirteen. The teachings that were brought up by imperialism had been picked up by everyone. Okonkwo accidentally killed Ogbuefi Ezeudu’s sixteen year old son while trying to salute the late clan member. As stated in the chapter, “It was a crime against the earth to kill a clans-man,…The crime was of two kinds, male and female” (Achebe 124). Due to the crime that Okonkwo committed, he must flee from the land for seven years. This tradition had led Obierika to question why a man must suffer all of this for an accident (Achebe 125). Obierika’s questioning would lead to the fact that imperialism cause this incident. The reason for this is that, throughout the novel, Obierika starts to question their way of life, which is changed by the influence of imperialism.

  31. Nectar in a Sieve
    Shadeyrack Quiroz

    a. One of the major tragedies that happened in the book were the deaths of Rukmani's two sons, Raja and Kuti. Raja died in an attempt to get some money for the family so that they can eat (Markandaya 95). He was around the tannery when he was caught stealing some calfskin (Markandaya 95). The guards claimed that they used enough force to stop Raja, but in the state of weakness, died because he couldn't take the force (Markandaya 95). Kuti died due to the lack of food. Kuti would whimper and struggle due to the pains of starvation (Markandaya 98). Ira was the only one who's heart hurt the most when she saw her little brother suffer (Makandaya 104). She had to prostitute herself so that she can buy some food for her little brother so that he wont suffer and so that her family won't starve to death (Markandaya 104). Yet starvation had already taken its toll on Kuti and he was lost his sight, and then little by little he died (Markandaya 105).

    b. Imperialism could prevent the tragedy from ever happening again. The tannery did affect the lives of many people because of the competition that the tannery and the markets had. The families in the village were economically hurt because they were caught between the competition and they had to struggle with the prices that both places had. But even when the tannery wasn't created, Rukmani was still struggling to feed her family when her children were just children. So even with or without the tannery, Rukmani's family would be destroyed and the tragedies would happen, maybe her other children would die. But if there were more industrialization in the village, then most families would resolve to looking for a job in a factory or some building where jobs are needed. Many workers would be paid there money and families wont have to struggle with payments. When Arjun and Thambi worked in the factory, Rukmani and Nathan stabilized their economic problems and they even had the chance to buy food and clothes. Rukmani also had the chance to store more food whenever it was needed. There wouldn't be reason for Raja to go out into the streets to steal and Kuti couldve grown healthy like his brothers and he would've survived longer.

  32. 1) a. The opium trade was occuring in the north part of China. The Old Mistress, one of the richest in the town was addicted to the drug. She was spending a large amount of money on opium and it affected the economy negatively (Buck 52). The economy affected the whole town. Even though there was no rain, that wasn't the only tragedy in the suffering of the people. Without rain and money, the government and citizens way of living dispersed, and they all became savages(Buck 78). A lot of the people were dying and the rest were dying from starvation.
    b. This tragedy was caused by imperialism. Opium wasn't available in China until international merchants began selling it. The rain was at fault, but it wasn't at fault completely. If the government wasn't spending so much money and feeding other countries the strength of money, they could hav survived the drought with less suffering. The money could have went to the purchase of food for needy citizens.
    2) a. The change of Wang Lung was tragic. He was a respectful young man who took care of his father and worked very thoroughly (Buck 3) When Wang moved to the southern part of China, he was still a good and honest man. He found it wrongful to steal and never did it in his life (Buck 145). However, the fear of the soldiers, war, and not getting back to his land overcame him. He took advantage of a rich man's fear of dying and tool all of the man's gold (Buck 146) and threatened to kill him (Buck 147). He transformed into a different man. He became desperate for money.
    b. This was caused by imperialism as well. The opium trade was part of the reason Wang lost all of his money and possesions. He lost his ox as well. He moved his family to the South and this began to change him as well. Besides the fact that imperialism caused him to leave his home, it also caused him fear here. The soldiers made him think of selling his daughter (Buck 141). The desire to get away from the soldiers and go back to his land made him into a more vicious person. He stole from the rich and ran away (Buck 146). All of his negative changes have been caused by imperialism in some way.

  33. Also, I've updated Maureen on her situation. Extra credit for Brandon Ms. Karvunis.
    Just kidding =)

  34. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Grace Tan

    Tragedy 1

    A. The first tragedy that occurred in this book was when Okonkwo had to kill Ikemefuna [Achebe 61]. Ikemefuna was a lad who entered the village of Umofia 3 years ago. He was forced into this village because the village he originated from did not want to engage in war with Okonkwo's village. [Achebe 16] In the 3 years of living in Okonkwo's household, Ikemefuna was treated like a son of Okonkwo's. He was strictly ruled just like Okonkwo's other children. [Achebe 52] All of a sudden, the people in the village decide that Ikemefuna must be killed. In order to disguise Okonkwo's weak side, Okonkwo decides that he must do the killing himself. [Achebe 60] This was a tragedy because Okonkwo enjoyed having Ikemefuna as a son. He did not want to kill him but Okonkwo wanted people to respect him for his high title so he must sacrifice his son in order to keep his high position.

    B. This tragedy has nothing to do with imperialism because it does not have anything to do with a country taking over another country. Imperialism is about a country taking over another country's political, economic, and social structure. If the Okonkwo's village was imperialized, then maybe their traditions [social structure] would change and Okonkwo would not have to follow the tradition of killing Ikemefuna. This tragedy could have been stopped if the village had abandoned their tradition. If a country took over the village then the village's traditions might be changed and Ikemefuna might not be dead.

  35. Thanks, Brandon, for telling Maureen. Anyone else contact a stray puppy?

  36. The Good Earth Pearl S. Buck Mona Dwedar

    Topic Three: (a separate paragraph for each tragedy and for each interpretation)
    a. Write about two major tragedies that occurred in the whole book in detail (who? what? where? when? why? how?)

    A2) A major tragedy that occurred would be when a group of desperate villagers attack Wang Lung’s home. Since it does not rain for many days, Wang Lung’s, the main character of the book, crops dry out. He decides to buy, and successfully, attain land from the House of Hwang. He gains very little crops from his new land and his wife becomes pregnant again. Wang Lung’s uncle turns to him for food, but is turned down many times (Buck 73). Enraged, his uncle tells the whole village that Wang Lung had money and food (Buck 73). This causes a group of villagers to attack Wang Lung’s home in search for food and money (Buck 74). The villagers try to take their furniture too, but O-lan convinces them that it is wrong and they don’t in the end (Buck 74). This shows the major tragedy faced by the Wang Lung family. Their crops do not grow from the drought and O-lan is pregnant again. Wang Lung decides to buy another piece of land to gain crops, but still fails to. His family is basically left to starve and will, since the villagers attacked their home, displaying the major tragedy.
    A1) Another major tragedy that occurred would be when O-lan kills one of her daughters and Wang Lung watches a wolf divulge on her corpse. The country is facing extreme famine due to the drought (Buck 76-78). Ching, Wang Lung’s neighbor, tells him that the villagers have even begun to eat human flesh (Buck 79). Wang Lung, scared of what the villagers may do, decides to take the family to the south the very next day (Buck 79-80). O-lan gives birth for the fifth time to a daughter (Buck 81-82). She strangles the baby, saving it from future famine (Buck 82). Wang Lung buries his daughter in the farm (Buck 82-83). A hungry wolf eats her dead body as Wang Lung watches, weak and unable to move (Buck 83). This clearly displays the major tragedy Wang Lung and his family face. The famine has caused people to eat each other, causing Wang Lung to want to escape with his family. His wife, however, gets pregnant again and murder her child to end the child’s future hunger. Wang Lung buries the body and, since he is weak, watched a wolf divulge on his daughter’s body, displaying the families major tragedy.

    b. Identify if imperialism caused the tragedy somehow or if imperialism could help make sure that type of tragedy NOT happen again. Explain your logic with details from the story for each of the two tragedies.
    B1) Imperialism has not caused this tragedy in any way. The cause of the tragedy was greed. Wang Lung’s uncle believed that Wang Lung was rich. When he was turned away, he became angry and decided to attack Wang Lung’s home. He could not do this alone, however, so he told the other villagers that Wang Lung was rich and had food. The villagers, starving and in desperate need of food and money, decided t o attack Wang Lung’s home. The villagers are in such a terrible state that they almost steal his furniture as well. The greed of Wang Lung’s uncle and the struggle of the villagers led to the tragedy that Wang Lung and his family faced.

    B2) Imperialism has not caused this tragedy. The cause of the tragedy was the drought. The drought caused famine throughout the country. Villagers began to eat human flesh, showing how desperate they were to live. Wang Lung wanted to take his family to the south to ensure that they would not die or be eaten by the other villagers. His wife, however, gives birth to a child and murders it, causing Wang Lung to have to bury the body. Wang Lung buries it, but watched it be devoured by a hungry wolf. Imperialism had not struck the country during this tragedy. The drought dried out their crops, causing them to lose money. Since they had no money, they could not buy food and the crops they could eat were dead, displaying how the drought caused the tragedy not imperialism.

  37. Nectar in a Sieve By Kamala Markandaya
    Ken Li

    A1) One of the major tragedies that happen so far is that a storm hits and everything that Rukmani and Nathan planted is ruin by the storm. All the crops that they planted is ruined by the storm. Their field is flooded with water. Other people's situations is worst than Nathan's situation because some people are homeless since their house were destroyed by the storm. Everyone in their neighborhood is suffering hunger since they have no crops to survive on. Everyone is struggling for food. Nathan has two rupees with him and planning to buy some rice for his family. When Nathan and his wife get to the store there no rice to sell there. People around that neighborhood was suffering from hunger and beg others who pass by for food and money so they stop the suffering. Nathan is in difficult spot too, so he did not spare any rupees or foods to them and he left them. Nathan met this merchant and he thinks that he has rice to sell to them. Nathan got only two rupees with him and yet he asks the merchant how much can he buy with it. Merchant makes the two rupees sound like it was nothing compare to the amount of rice he can buy with it. Nathan and his family will not get any rice until the next harvesting because their field got flooded during the storm (Markandaya 43-49).

    B1) Imperialism can cause this tragedy because they are the ones that made the foods and daily uses products' prices increases. If they did not increase the price, people will be able to buy themselves some food. The Indian Civilians don't need to suffer hunger and poverty. Since they increases the price, people won't be able to buy those products and the economy will go down as well like the stores and etc.. Imperialism can make this event never happen again because they can lower the products' price as low as they want. That way, people can buy themselves food. Imperialism can also give out food to the other people who are begging for food. Imperialism can help them a lot if the people in charge of it are willing to help. In this case, Imperialism did not help them yet they make it worst for the civilians. Every Indian civilians is neither suffering or struggling through this difficult moments.

  38. Nectar in a Sieve
    Shadeyrack Quiroz (continuation)

    a. Another tragic moment in the book was when Nathan died. The couple has gone through many hardships and they managed to stay together through thick and thin. Nathan shows his love in the Deepavali festival when they are in good times and in bad times after the drought has destroyed Rukmanis crops (Markandaya 61 and Markandaya 84). Nathan got obsessed with money that he ignored the fact that he was sick. His health was affected by the rains and he still worked so that he can go back to the village with Rukmani. Nathan knew that money was the only thing that a person can use to get ahead in life and to get what they need (Markandaya 168). When Rukmani was going to charge the stones that she had, she heard the cries of others telling her that her husband has fell (Markandaya 185). When she went to him, she saw that he was dying (Markandaya 185). He was put aside so that the mud won't bury him. On Nathans final words, he asked Rukmani to hold him and it seemed like they both ended the circle of life(Physically). They are wise because they have lived for so ong to see the steps and changes in life.

    b.Imperialism was the cause of Nathans death because he depended on the quarry. He was blinded by money and he saw that if he and Rukmani worked hard, they will soon have enough money to go back to the village. He was already affected by the rain once and he hid his effects from Rukmani because he knows that she isn't as strong as he is. He knows that she will postpone the trip and that she will give up on the trip easily since she knows that his health is in a bad state. He tried to show that he is in good state and that he has enough strength to go back to the village.

  39. Things Fall Apart
    Jennifer Tufino

    A1) A major tragedy that occurred in the book is when Okonkwo’s gun exploded and killed the sixteen year old son of Ezeudu (Achebe 124). He was forced to leave the Umuofia clan as soon as possible because it was a crime to kill a clansman. Whoever committed the murder had to leave the town as soon as possible. The two kinds of this crime were male and female but Okonkwo’s crime was female because it was unintentionally, he was allowed to come back after the course of seven years. Okonkwo had to pack up that same night and he left for his mother’s homeland. Many men came to console him that night. He left to Mbanta with his three wives and children. The people of the village cleaned the land he “polluted with blood” with his crime by setting everything on fire. But fortunately for Okonkwo no one had hatred towards him for the occurred incident. This was a tragedy because Okonkwo was forced to leave his homeland.
    A2) Another major tragedy that occurred in the book is when the clan of Abame was wiped out (Achebe 138-139). The clan of Abame was destroyed by white men and Obierika had heard of this through fugitives that went to stay at their town. Apparently at first, a white man riding an iron horse came into their town. Afterwards when the elders spoke to the Oracle, it had told them that the new comer would destroy them so they ended up killing him. They tied up his horse and soon after three white men went to their town as well, they saw the iron horse tied up and then departed once again (Achebe 139). A few weeks after when the whole clan gathered, the three white men came back but had more people with them. These white men surrounded the Abame clan when they began to shoot. They killed everyone that was present so the clan was destroyed.
    B1) Imperialism didn’t really cause the tragedy of Okonkwo being forced to leave his homeland but it can help make sure that the tragedy does not occur again. It didn’t cause this tragedy because no people from other countries were present during the time except for the people who were at Ezeudu’s funeral. But Imperialism can make sure this tragedy does not occur again because if people from other countries try to conquer their lands, traditions may change which will change the beliefs the people have in Umuofia. If beliefs were to be changed then the people would not have the same belief which wouldn’t allow anyone else to be forced to leave their home land for a crime committed. The spread of Imperialism could help make sure this type of tragedy won’t happen again by spreading new beliefs and ideas to the people of the area.
    B2) Imperialism caused the tragedy of the clan of Abame being destroyed. The reason for it is because white men came into the clan, which meant that they were not from around because they stuck out like sore thumbs. As a result because the people of Abame killed the first white man who had went to explore the land, the other white men that followed realized that they had killed one of their people. Due to this they choose to take revenge and come back afterwards to kill their people to pay for what they have done. Imperialism caused this to happen because if it wasn’t for the white men in search to conquer new lands the clan of Abame wouldn’t have been destroyed. The spread of Imperialism caused the tragedy of the end of the Abame clan.

  40. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Grace Tan

    Tragedy 2

    A. The second tragedy that occurred in this book was when nine out of the ten children Ekwefi had died. Ekwefi is Okonkwo's second wife. Ekwefi's first child, Onwumbiko, died in his fifteenth month. Ekwefi's second child, Ozoemena, died in her eleventh month. After Ekwefi's second child died, Okonkwo decides to bring their third child to a place far away from their hut to prevent their death. This method however does not work. [Achebe 77] The rest of Ekweki's children's fate besides Ezinma, it is not known. Ekwefi was also expected to celebrate Okonkwo's first wife's three children. They were all healthy [Achebe 79]. This was a tragedy because Ekwefi had to bury one child after another until finally Ezinma was born. [Achebe 79] Ekwefi was so afraid of loving another child again because she was afraid of them dying at an early age. [Achebe 80] This shows how much Ekwefi has suffered. It must've been torture for Ekweki as a mother to not be able to love her child as much because she was afraid of their death.

    B. This tragedy was caused by imperialism. This tragedy was solely caused by the nine children's immune system? I don't think if this village being imperialized would affect the destiny of Ekwefi's first nine children. If the village has a different political, economic, and social policy, Ekwefi's first nine children still might not be alive. Her nine children only died because of personal reasons that have nothing to do with imperialism.

  41. Things Fall Apart
    Kevin Joseph
    Part: 2

    A) Another major tragedy that occurred was earlier in the novel when Okonkwo’s second wife, Ekwefi, informed him of Enzima’s sickness. Ezinma was her only child, and considered to be the center of her mother’s world. Ezinma was cherished by her mother since she was important in her life. Children were banned from eating eggs in their country, but Ekwefi would continue to give her daughter eggs since she liked them (Achebe 76). Ekwefi had a huge deal of terrible luck when it came to her children. She has made ten children, and nine of them hasn’t survived. One day, Okonkwo visited a medicine man, and he told Okonkwo that the child was an ogbanje, one of those wicked children who entered their mothers’ wombs to be born again after they’ve died. After the medicine man tried to prevent the ogbanje’s return, Ezinma was born (Achebe 77-79). I chose this event to be a tragedy because this would stress the life of Ekwefi. Someone that has lost most her children would be terrified to see their child turn ill. All that occurred in her life, would cause Ekwefi to become so terrified as she is.

    B) Imperialism is not the cause of what happened to Enzima. In fact, Imperialism would help for this event not to occur again. Imperialism would improve the natural traditions that the medicine man had chose for Okonkwo and Ekwefi. The new teachings would had prevented all the deaths of her previous children with the inventions of medicines, instead of natural medicine men with their ceremonies. Thus showing that imperialism is not the cause of Ezinma’s illness.

  42. Ms. Karvunis, I sent Maureen a message on FaceBook. Last I heard from her, she was very sick.

  43. LauraAshley Pfeifer
    The Good Earth
    A1) One of the major tragedies that occurred in the book was when the village was experiencing no rain for quite some time (67). This effected Wang Lung’s family greatly. Because of no rain coming to the village, Wang Lung’s crops were not growing. Without any crops being grown, Wang Lung could no longer feed his family anymore (71-72). Wang’s ox was the only thing left to eat in the household. The ox was Wang’s companion, but did not want to kill it. So instead, O-lan went out and killed the ox for the family to eat (72-72). This shows how poor the family was, due to the drought that was soon to be occurring. Because of this, Wang’s family would soon be losing money, since the growth of crops slowed down. This was a tragedy because Wang’s family was slowly going into a state of poverty.
    B1) Imperialism could not be the cause of this tragedy because it was destined to be, nothing caused this to really happen. Fate could have caused this tragedy to happen because since O-lan’s baby turned out to be a girl. Being that this was the first girl being born into the family’s household, nature let off a bad omen (65-66). Since Wang Lung was doing so well in his life, constantly making money off the fields he had bought off the House of Hwang (56), nature sent a bad omen being that a girl was born into the family. Imperialism could help this tragedy not happen again by Wang selling part of his field to a different place, so he would eventually gain money. With that money, he would be able to feed his family and take care of them as he wished.
    A2) Another major tragedy that occurred in the book was when O-lan had to kill her own child. O-lan had killed her second baby girl, because the baby was not able to be fed (82). While O-lan was giving birth in the next room, Wang had heard the baby cry and check on upon O-lan. He asked her where the baby had gone and her responding with telling Wang, that she was dead. Wang could not believe what had happened, but had to bury his own murdered baby. When Wang went to bury the child, there was a dog waiting to feast upon it, making Wang feel even worse.
    B2) Imperialism once again, did not cause this tragedy. This tragedy was once again caused by fate. Being that there was no rain, no crops were growing. This caused families to experience starvation and poverty. Wang’s family had no food or money to spend on food (73-76). By O-lan having another child, would make life even harder. That newborn baby would need the right vitamins and nutrients to be fed, and because of the drought, the baby would not get this and eventually die. O-lan had to kill the child for her own good. When Wang and his family catch the train to the South, Wang and his sons go in the streets to beg (100-102). Wang works with a rickshaw and an old teacher comes and pays him for his work (102-103). This would help feed his children.

  44. a. 1. A major tragedy is when there was a drought. There was no rain for months and so there were no crops (Buck 73). Plants couldn’t grow because there was no water. Everyone began to starve and hunger made people turn evil. People ate whatever they could find. Wang Lung was forced to kill his ox that helped him farm for years to feed his hungry family (Buck 76). Wang Lung’s uncle and other villagers turned on him and broke into his home to take all the food they could find but they didn’t find much (Buck 78). Wang Lung’s family was starving and wouldn’t be able to survive in the village so they had to travel to the south with the little money they had left (Buck 97).

    2. Another tragedy is when O-lan dies (Buck 286). The doctor said O-lan’s “speen is enlarged and the liver diseased. There is a rock as large as a man’s head in the womb; the stomach is disintegrated. The heart barely moves and doubtless there are worms in it” (Buck 271). Her last wish was to see her son marry before she dies (Buck 279). O-lan’s hard work was never appreciated and she was never loved. She made her second daughter bind her feet and told her that if she didn’t bind her feet, her husband won’t love her like Wang Lung does not love O-Lan (Buck 268).Wang Lang was attracted to another woman named Lotus and had her move into his home (Buck 207). O-lan never really noticed or thought about O-lan until she got sick.

    b. 1. Imperialism didn’t cause the drought. The drought and starvation was because of there was no rain. The hot weather dried up all the water and the lack of rain killed crops. Imperialism could help solve this tragedy. If they take over or buy another foreign area, they could get food and supplies from there to survive.

    2. I think O-lan’s death is the cause of Imperialism. O-lan’s illness was because she always worked and didn’t really care for herself. She had to work because Wang Lung kept buying land. This is Imperialism because Wang Lung bought land from others when he had enough silvers to buy it. Imperialism is when you take over land or property. O-lan had to work on the fields because there were a lot of fields to work and care for. She also had to take care of Wang Lung’s family and children.

  45. Antonio Amato
    Nectar in a Sieve

    A) The first major tragedy in Nectar in a Sieve was the deaths of RUkmani's two sons. During the village's time of struggles, Kuti was the one in the family who suffered most. There was a lack of food and money to buy food. Ira decided to become a prostitute in order to provide food, especially for her brother (Markandaya 103-104). However, Kuti's young self was unable to hold up without the amount of food he needed to survive. He lived through pains and cries until he couldn't any longer (Markandaya 104) . Raja worked to help support his family. He worked for the rich Europeans that were located in their village. Raja decided to steal calfskin trying to get some extra money out of it for his family. Instead, he was caught and attacked which eventually was his cause of death Markandaya 93-94). Rukmani was devastated by this since she was indeed close to her sons and their relatively soon deaths was shocking.

    B) I blame Imperialism for the cause of this tragedy. It was because of Imperialism that the deaths of Rukmani's two sons occurred. The prices for goods and food were out of the price range for most villagers. Kuti was unable to live because his family could not afford enough food. Raja had to work for the Europeans to help buy food and the same for Ira. Everyone in the village was hurt economically because of Imperialism. If it wasn't for the idea of competition and making more money between the tannery and the markets, many or maybe even all of the difficulties people faced, wouldn't have happened

  46. Things Fall Apart. By: Chinua Achebe
    Winnie Liang
    A1. A major tragedy that occurred in the book Things Fall Apart is when the white men wanted to build a church in the "evil forest." "In it were buried all those who died of the really evil diseases, like leprosy and smallpox" (Achebe 148). If people did wrong according to their traditions, they were dumped here. Okonkwo's clan believed the Evil Forest was bad, but when the white men received this land, "they thanked them and burst into song" (Achebe 149). The inhabitants of Mbanta expected the white men to all be dead within four days. When four days have passed, everyone was puzzled because nothing had happened to the white men. This was a tragedy because it changed the clan's beliefs. Their whole life, it was their tradition that the Evil Forest was for bad. Through viewing the white men's experience, nothing had happened to the white men.
    B1. Imperialism did cause the tragedy of the clan's beliefs. Imperialism is when the powerful country takes over or desires for a weaker country. The white men wanted a part of the clan's land to build churches and they boast about victory over death (Achebe 149). After taking over the land, the white men would be able to express their religion and beliefs. This is imperialism. Imperialism caused the clan to begin to change their beliefs.
    A2. Another major tragedy in the book Things Fall Apart is when a white man came to the clan's town. He was riding on an iron horse. "The elders consulted their Oracle and it told them that the strange man would break their clan and spread destruction among them" (Achebe 138). They killed the white man and tied his iron horse to their sacred tree because they thought the man would contact the others (Achebe 138). This was a tragedy because the clan killing the white man causes the other white men to enter the town. “One morning, three white men led by a band of ordinary men like us came to the clan” (Achebe 138). The clan caused more white men to come, which meant if the white men meant to cause destruction, there would be a lot of destruction.
    B2. Imperialism did cause the tragedy for the clan. The white men are entering the clan’s town and they brought destruction to the town. “They began to shoot and everyone was killed, except the old and sick who were at home and a handful of men and women whose chi were wide awake and brought them out of that market” (Achebe 139-140). Their clan is now completely empty. Destruction to everyone to that town is imperialism. Bringing destruction allowed the white men to take over.

  47. Nectar in a Sieve
    Charlie perez

    1a)One major tragedy in the book is the arrival of the British. The British settled in Rukmani's village and that was also the arrival of Imperialism in India (Markandaya 32). When the settlers arrived, they turned the village into a town, starting with a tannery that they built (Markandaya 32), Most people in the village saw this as a good thing. On the other hand, he sudden change made Rukmani upset and unsure about these changes being made to her community (Markandaya 32). The new settlement turned out to be very negative for people like Rukmani and her family. The settlers paid high prices for their things, causing the prices of everything including food to rise (Rukmani 31-32). This made it very hard for Rukmani and her family to get food to eat after the monsoon hit (Markandaya 47). This is a tragedy because of how hard life has become for these families. They watch the rich settlers happy in wealth as they have to suffer from hunger. Rukmani was forced to get used to a new way of living, a way of living she did not approve of. She was used to her traditions that were practiced by her ancestors for centuries. This event was a tragedy because it forced the Indians to face large changes without a choice and it forced them to suffer poverty and hunger.

    1b)Imperialism did cause this tragedy. The people who came and changed the village paid high prices for their things. The prices on things such as food became higher as a result. Food and other supplies became very expensive and very hard to get for poor farmer families such as Rukmani's. Rukmani often suffered trying to get money to pay for the food. These changes from village to town was the reason because Rukmani was so upset in the first place. She did not like that this new life caused changes in everyone, changes she did not like. She watched all the people in the village turn into greedy, money hungry pigs. She also did not like to see that the Indian traditions were not being followed by most people anymore. Rukmani wanted to go back to village life. It was the one thing that she wanted the most since the foreigners arrived in her village. This shows it was a tragedy because Rukmani lost her faith in the people she once liked and it caused her a lot of misery in the future.

  48. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

    Jared Elraheb

    A1. One major tragedy from the book Things Fall Apart was when the main character, Okonkwo had to kill Ikemefuna. Ikemefuna was an innocent boy who was taken from a nearby village as payment for the murder of the wife of a man named Udo (Achebe 27). Along with the innocent boy came a young virgin who was given to Udo. The elders of the clan decided that Ikemefuna should be given to Okonkwo to be placed under his care (Achebe 27). Three years soon passed by and Ikemefuna seemed to be forgotten about in Okonkwo’s household (Achebe 52). Ikemefuna developed a strong bond with Okonkwo and his son Nwoye (Achebe 53). But, one day the Oracle decided Ikemefuna must be killed (Achebe 57). This was a tragedy because Okonkwo and his family had developed such a strong bond with Ikemefuna and all of the sudden, he had to be killed. In the beginning of chapter 8, this tragedy affected Okonkwo because he did not taste any food for two days after the death of Ikemefuna (Achebe 63). This was a tragedy in the book and a tragedy within Okonkwo’s heart.

    B1. During the time and traditions of Ikemefuna’s death, imperialism could have prevented this tragedy from occurring again. The tradition of the word of the Oracle is what killed Ikemefuna on page 57. This was the original way society went in Umuofia and no changes could be made because it was the tradition of the people there. On page 148, when missionaries started staying in the market place, was the beginning of imperialism and change. These missionaries soon set up a small community and churches within Umuofia on page 159 and the original traditions of the villagers changed to the beliefs of Christianity, not the Oracle. This would mean that imperialism would have prevented the death of Ikemefuna and saved the grief of Okwonko and his family.

    A2. The second tragedy from the book Things Fall Apart was when Okwonko was found dangling from a tree (Achebe 207). On page 204, Okwonko had killed a messenger of the District Commissioner and that caused the District Commissioner to visit Okonkwo’s compound (Achebe 206). The new ways introduced by the “white man” were the reasons as to why Okwonko killed himself. On page 172, Okonkwo’s son Nwoye converted to Christianity and this caused Okwonko to cut him out of his life. Also, the Christian people would not leave when Okwonko and the villagers asked and this was another contribution to Okonkwo’s act of suicide (Achebe 191). The changes of traditions and the society as a whole was what drove Okonkwo to kill himself and that was a major tragedy within the book.

    B2. The death of the main character Okonkwo was an affect of imperialism. Imperialism is what transformed society and drove Okonkwo to kill himself. From when imperialism started on page 148 to when on page 191 when the Christians stood ground against the villagers, were all acts of imperialism and the causes of Okonkwo’s death. The changes that imperialism came with were drastic changes to Okonkwo’s traditions, life, and family. His own son was cut out of his family due to imperialism and it was hard on Okonkwo to banish his own son from his life. Imperialism was the only cause to the death of Okwonko and it was the most effective tragedy of the book.

  49. Continued...

    2a)Another tragedy that occured in the book was the loss of Rukmani's sons Raja and Kuti and the somewhat loss of their daughter Ira. Raja was caught stealing while he was working and he died while being punished (Markandaya 93). Kuti was very weak from not eating well and he eventually starved to death (Markandaya 105). Rukmani also "lost" her daughter because Ira became a prostitute to get money for food (Markandaya 103). This was a tragedy because Rukmani had now lost all of her children. Her three oldest sons left to work. She lost the younger two to death and lost her only daughter to prostitution. Rukmani had lost everyone she had loved except for her husband Nathan. Rukmani felt like she had lost most of the people she loved to this new life. She could not believe it and wished that the changes never happened. This was a tragedy in the sense that it affected the main character greatly and it made her suffer a lot.

    2b)Imperialism was the cause for this tragedy. Imperialism caused the prices of everything in India to become very high. Imperialism also caused the jobs that Rukmani's sons worked in. The high prices in food made food hard to get for Rukmani's family. Rukmani and her family often suffered from hunger because of this. Hunger was the cause of little Kuti's death, he could no longer take the hunger so his body gave out. Ira wanted to find a way to make money to get food for herself and her family. The only answer she came up with was to become a prostitute. Rukamni now lost control of her daughter since she became a prostitute. Rukmani's three oldest sons left to work for Imperialist companies and bosses. This shows that Rukmani lost her family to Imperialism and that this tragedy was caused soley by Imperialism.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. The Good Earth

    A1) One major tragedy that happened was when Wang Lung and his uncle turned against each other. The reason they turned against each other was because Wang Lung disrespected his uncle by yelling at him and not giving him more food like before. This happening caused Wang Lung's uncle to tell people in the village that Wang Lung's family still had food and money and would not share with him, his blood uncle (Buck 73). Hearing this, the villagers went and attacked Wang Lung's house. They searched and found some dried corn the family had hid (Buck 74). The villagers were about to take away the family's furniture, too, but O-lan had stopped them. She convinced them that it was fair that they had already taken their food, leaving them with nothing, just like everyone else. She demanded that they couldn't take her family's furniture if they (the villagers) still had theirs. The villagers found what O-lan said reasonable, so they did not take the furniture. Instead, O-lan took them out to find grass or bark to eat (Buck 75).

    B1) Imperialism did not cause this tragedy. This tragedy was caused simply by Wang Lung's uncle. It was his uncle who started all the talk about how Wang Lung's family still had food and money. Indeed the family did have food, but not much more than anyone else in the village. The uncle didn't just cause Wang Lung trouble, but Wang Lung's family, too. The family didn't do anything, but their house was being invaded. They didn't deserve that because it was Wang Lung's disrespect that led his uncle to spreading those rumors. If Wang Lung had a surplus of the money or food, he'd probably share with his uncle, but he didn't. It was right for Wang Lung not to share with his uncle because then his family would starve even faster; however, the family's chance of survival decreased when Wang Lung's uncle led the villagers to attack their home and take what was left of their food supply.

    A2) Another major tragedy was when Wang Lung goes to the South. His family lives in a small hut that is built by O-lan using mats on the streets (97). In order to survive, O-lan, her children, and Wang Lung's father is to become beggars and beg people to spare some money. O-lan teaches everybody what to say in order to have people give them money (Buck 100). The family survives on the rice they pay a pence for a bowl each morning (Buck 98-99). Wang Lung's sons soon learn the way of stealing. When Wang Lung finds out that his youngest son stole a piece of meat, he throws the meat on the floor (Buck 111-113).

    B2) The cause of this tragedy was not imperialism. On the contrary, this event was caused by nature itself. If not for the drought that occurred in their village, the crops would be able to produce food for everyone in the village. There wouldn't be this scarce amount of food, people starving, and people struggling to stay alive. It was because of this drought that led some people to flee their villages and head to the South, like Wang Lung had suggested (Buck 79). Wang Lung was mad when his youngest son stole the piece of meat because he found it embarrassing. He didn't want people to think of their family as a family of thieves. He didn't like the thought of it.

  53. The Good Earth
    Winnie Chen

    A1. One major tragedy that occurred was when Wang Lung’s younger son was proud of stealing. Wang Lung and his family moved to the south to try to make better of their situation; the family had no money and food (Buck 88 – 96). Money could not have been made since nothing could have been grown during a drought. When they reached the South, O-lan taught her sons how to beg for money (Buck 101). Getting used to his current circumstances, the younger son, one day, stole meat from a butcher. The son was full of pride for what he had done (Buck 111).

    B1. Imperialism did not cause this major tragedy. A drought caused poverty upon Wang and his family, which then caused them to decide to move to the south (Buck 88). Imperialism could make sure that this tragedy could not happen again. If Wang’s village was taken over by foreigners, they would settle there. Once the village is imperialized, it will then become a colony. The mother country will take care of the colony for its raw materials. To make sure that the colony will produce the raw materials, the mother country would do anything to make sure that their colony will be able to do its job. This means that water can be transferred to the village if there is a drought. Resources can be traded back and forth between the two to make sure mercantilism goes well.

    A2. Another major tragedy was that Wang Lung became careless with his money. At the beginning of the book, Wang was careful on how to use his money (Buck 10 – 13). His family worked hard to earn money by farming (Buck 2). Farmers do not gain much money from what they do. When Wang was in the South, at first, he was desperate to make money (Buck 95). After the wall that separated the poor and the rich was torn down, Wang stole from a rich man. The gold that Wang received was able to bring him and his family back to their village (Buck 136 – 137). The gold also helped Wang make more money later on which caused him to forget how money is important. He started to spend money on luxuries (Buck 165).

    B2. This second tragedy was not caused by imperialism. The tragedy was caused by the taste of having a lot of money. Wang was able to receive a great sum from a rich man (Buck 136). Wang who was at first poor (Buck 1- 5) became wealthy (Buck 136). Becoming wealthy corrupted Wang’s original way of life. He is no longer careful of how he spends his money. The way he is now reflects that he forgot how hard his life was in the past.

  54. The Good Earth
    Xanique H

    1.) One major tragedey that occured in the book, was when O-Lan had to kill her own daughter. O-Lan was pregnant and giving birth to another daughter. The birth of another child could not be handled in Wang Lu's family. They were already stuggling being broke and starving. Bringing another child in to their family would be a problem. This makes situations worse, since thye niw have another mouth to feed with the food they barely have.

    1a.) Imperialism did not cause this tragedey. During this time, imperialism was not being practiced yet. If imperialism was in effect, i believe that this tragedey would have never occured. Not only does imperialism bring strength, but its brings the people a sense of pride. Right now, i dont think anyone has pride for their country. The only things that is on their minds is to hold on until the next day comes.

    2.) Another major tragedy occured when Wang Lu's home was attacked by a mob of villagers. Since Wang Lu had bought the Hwang famili's land, Wang Lu's uncle believed that Wang had money to spare. Wang Lu was barely getting by becuase of the drought. He could not produce plenty of crops on the land he had. Wang Lu's uncle continues to bother and beg Wang for some money. Everytime he did he was turned down, since Wang Lu did not have that kind of money to spare. Wang's Uncle fed up with believing what he thought was lies, told the village that Wang Lu had a bunch of food in his house. Ofcourse Wang Lu did not have this, but the desperate villagers forced their way into Wang Lu's house.

    2a.) Imperialism did not cause this tragedy. Like i said in the interpretation above, Imperialism was not in effect at this time. Imperialism could have most definitely helped this sitaution. With imperialism, poverty could have not been a problem. This could have avoided the attacking of innocent people just trying to get by.

  55. The Good Earth - Pearl S. Buck
    Jia Wen Cao

    a1) A major tragedy is after Wang Lung bought a piece of land from the House of Hwang. Wang Lung's uncle's daughter got into trouble roaming in the streets, and a conflict rises between Wang Lung and his uncle. Wang Lung's uncle, now knowing Wang Lung is more rich, asks Wang Lung for money (65-66). Wang Lung refuses at first, after being threatened, he agrees to help. Not too long, O-lan gave birth to a daughter; Wang Lung became angry. He realizes bad luck is rising upon him (Buck 67-69). Later in days, the rain was coming late, and the drought ruined most of Wang Lung's crops (Buck 70). Out of hunger, Wang Lung was forced to kill his ox for food, his uncle also declared to the village that he was hiding a fortune (Buck 75-77). A day, a group of villager rushes into Wang Lung's house and stole every little foods that were left (Buck 77-79). Days later, O-lan gives birth to another girl, and knowing it will be a burden, she kills the baby (Buck 86). In despair, Wang Lung decides to move south in order for the family to survive (92-93).
    Wang Lung's life had suddenly turn for the worse leading into a tradgedic point.

    b1) This tragedy is most likely not caused by the imperialism in China for imperialism did not take place in Wang Lung's setting. However, imperialism could have helped make sure this tragedy did not happen. In his origin, Wang Lung depended on the weathers, so as much as luck. The weather meant Wang Lung's living. If the weather was bad, the crops would not grow, and leads to starving everyone. If Wang Lung moved to the south earlier, and met with imperialism earlier, he would not have starved and suffered along with his family.

    a2) A major tragedy more specifically the death of Wang Lung's ox and his innocent daughter. Wang Lung's family was starving from the scarce of food. Being forced to eat either human flesh or his ox, Wang Lung kills his ox for food (Buck 75). Later on, O-lan gives birth. Another girl was born, O-lan, knowing the baby girl will be a burden to the family, killed the baby (Buck 86). Wang Lung encounters chains of tragedy and miserable events after the moment with his uncle and the first born daughter.

    b2) This major tragedy was also not caused by imperialism itself, but more of the faults of nature. Imperialism had nothing to do with the tragedy events that occured, but imperialism could've prevented these tragedies from happening. If Wang Lung had not stayed at the isolated village, he would have learned about imperailism, and the goods of earning money in the more urban areas. Wang Lung and his family would have not starved and killed the ox, and would have not needed to kill the innocent born child.

  56. Alicia Huerta
    Necter in a Sieve
    One tradegy that occured in the book Necter in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya, is when Rukmani faces a stuggle with poverty. Imperialism has come with new inventions and therfore, they have created the tanneries. This was a tradegy because many villagers had to close thier bussinesses causing them to loose thier jobs. These changes caused Rukmani and her family to be in poverty and struggle for food (markandaya, 68-69). Her family was starving and they were in deep sufferage for food.

    The second stuggle in the book Nectar in a Sieve, is when Rakumani sons dies becuase he has been shot by a tannery guard. He has been shot becuase he stole some fish from the tannery(markandaya,95). He committed this action because him and his family were starving and he felt he needed to feed them, but he couldnt afford the food, so he stole it. His actions are a cause of imperialism because the high prices of food led him to commit this robbery.
    b) In this book these two major tradegies occur due to imperialism. Imperialism caused people to suffer of hunger and poverty. Peoples starvation couldnt have been stopped because it was an event that was ment to happen due to the high prices of food and change in thier villages. These tradegies could have been prevented if people had jobs and money to be able to afford the things they needed.

  57. John Huang
    The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

    Tragedy 1

    A) One major tragedy that occurred in this book was when the main character has to kill an ox for food. The main character, Wang Lung lives in a farm that has to harvest and hunt for food. He also has to support his entire family which includes his father, wife, uncle and son. The tragic event occurred when the farm land experience a drought. Since Wang Lung farms for his food, the drought has killed all his crops. This has a major effect on his family because he has no food to feed them (Buck 75). The entire family grew hungry; the only animal left is the ox. Wang Lung has raised his ox for a very long period of time which he does not want to kill the ox (Buck 76). Wang Lung’s uncle convinced him to kill the ox because it was either the family eats the ox or one of the members of the family. Wang Lung slays the ox which affects him very emotionally (Buck 77).

    B) Imperialism didn’t cause the tragedy when Wang Lung killed his ox for a food source. Imperialism is effecting the time period of Wang Lung but did not cause him to kill the ox. The drought is the thing to blame because it has killed the entire food source in the farm. Drought is caused natural which means imperialism did not cause the drought.

    Tragedy 2

    A) Another tragedy in the book The Good Earth was when Wang Lung’s wife killed their daughter. Wang Lung’s wife who is named O-lan had a daughter during the drought when food was scarce. Once O-lan found out that her child was a girl, she was greatly disappointed because the child cannot help the family work on the field (Buck 87). One day, Wang Lung hears a screaming for the room where O-lan was in. He found the child dead and O-lan told his husband that she killed their child (Buck 88). Wang Lung was not surprised because the longer their children lives, the more food they are going to drain from the family. This is tragic because the death of another person or thing is the first thing that comes to my mine when I think about the word tragedy.

    B)Imperialism did not cause the tragedy when O-lan killed her daughter. Imperialism the act when other foreign countries invade another and changes the way they act or behave. The death of Wang Lung and O-lan’s daughter was a reaction of the drought and the food was scarce. Foreign counties have not affected the way Wang Lung and his family act.

  58. James Chen
    Things Fall Apart
    Chinua Achebe

    A1) A major tragedy that happened in Things Fall Apart was when Ikemefuna was killed. In the beginning of the book, a neighboring village of Okonkwo's village was killed.(Achebe 59) They blamed Okonkwo's village and wanted a sacrifice, which ended up to be Ikemefuna. They wanted his life in 3 years. During the 3 years Ikemefuna had grown with Okonkwo and his son, Nwoye. They both loved him as it he where family. Sadly before his 3 years where up he was attacked in the forest at night, and had died. Hearing the news, Okonkwo was decimated by the fact that his close friend had died. Okonkwo was restless and extremely fatigued. (Achebe 64) Strange news of other deaths around the villages where the blame of newcomers better known as the white men. (Achebe 67&74) This would lead to the fact that it was the white men’s fault for causing much pain to Okonkwo life for imperializing.

    B1) Going back to the fact that the white men where now with in the area of the nine villages, causing of death of various people, through killings and sicknesses. The white men and the idea of the white man’s burden to imperialize the world had caused a negative impact. The death of Ikemefuna was especially negative for Okonkwo, and others obviously would result in sadness to the death of their loved ones. If the white men wouldn’t bother coming around everything would be in peace and everything would be at peace. Imperialism was the cause of this tragedy and there is no way that imperialism could bring lives back.

    A2) Another major tragedy that happened is, when Okonkwo celebrates with his family and new family after Obierikia had gotten married. They celebrated with gifts and food (Mainly wine). (115-116) They also played music to salute Ezeudu for his notable achievements after, by simply beating drums and firing guns. (123) Okonkwo was one of the men firing rounds. He ended up shooting his son, Ezeudu, in the heart, killing him! Okonkwo was to blame, of course, and he had no choice but to flee the whole village. (124) they burned/killed everything Okonkwo had as a tradition. (125) Okonkwo obviously didn’t want to kill his own son but he did it by accident. This resulted in the destruction of everything he owned.

    B2) The strange traditions and life styles that are new to the villagers cause much pain, and once again, especially to Okonkwo. His action’s where just an accident. He didn’t intend to kill his own son. The changes of imperialism have caused much of sadness in his life, and it safe to say it ruined it. There is no possible way the imperialism could fix Okonkwo’s life or prevent it from happening again. (other than learning from mistakes)

  59. Nectar in a Sieve By Kamala Markandaya
    Ken Li

    A2) Another major tragedy is that Rukmani's first daughter, Ira, lost his husband after the Deepavali which is a festival. Rukmani and Nathan is going to be troubled by this because they think they will not be able to support their family. Since for the time being, it will be harder for them to get enough food for everyone in the family. Ira was already married to another guy, there might some trouble marrying her out again. People back then do not like or want to marry woman that are married once because it is a very traditional thing to guys. Ira's husband left Ira in a very bad situation because this make her into nothing useful. Rukmani and Nathan is gone to be troubled by this because of the amount of money they have. The parents feel bad for Ira because once they died and her siblings are married; she will be very lonely and she can't do much things by herself. This is also another money problem, traditional, and personal for the characters in the book (Markandaya 62-66).

    B2) Imperialism is also the reason for this to happen. Imperialism consuming all the people's money like people are actually rich or something. People's funds are being restricted by Imperialism. People have no rights to spend their money on the things they like. They have to spend it on the things they really need like food and etc.. It will be really hard for them to support others while they have more than 3 kids to support. Imperialism can help this a little bit because they can persuade others into their beliefs and culture so there will be no more traditional marriage arrangement. If that is happening, Ira can chose whoever she likes which might be someone that is very patient. That she won't be left in this difficult situation. Imperialism have the power to change all the traditions and the change the product prices.

  60. The Good Earth
    By:Pearl S. Buck

    Wang kills his new born daughter because he can’t feed her.
    A1) Wang Lung and his family have grown poorer and their fields are not growing crops because of the drought and Lung cannot continue to feed his family and they will starve if they don’t move south (Buck 82-84). O-lan is now pregnant again with their fourth child (Buck 80-81). When O-lan gave birth to the child who was a girl O-lan did want Wang Lung to have more pressure on him to feed the family and be a burden on the family. O-lan then decides to kill the child to help her family (Buck 80-81). Wang then rapped his new born child in an old quilt and took her to go bury her but then he seen a hungry dog that would not leave without eating the baby girl (Buck 81-82). Since Wang had been so weak because he hadn’t eaten he just gave his dead child to the hungry dog (Buck81-82).

    B1) Imperialism had nothing to do with the death of Wang Lung and O-lan’s baby girl but it had to do with poverty. Lung and his family depended on the earth to grow food to sell and feed his family with but when the crops don’t grow because of a drought they have no money and have no food to eat. Lung didn’t have any money because he used the money to buy land which had no use because of the brought (Buck 75-78). Another child into the family would make them all starve because they were barely able to get by and with another child they would all starve to death. After this they moved south and everyone had to work just to be able to put food on the table. This didn’t happen to help because of imperialism this happened because of the lack of crops in the fields.

    A2) Wang Lung has to steal for his family to survive and for him not to have to sell his daughter.
    A major tragedy that happened was that Wang Lung had to resort to stealing to feed his family (Buck 145-146). Lung and his family were every poor and Wang wanted to return home but didn’t have the money to go back and plant seeds (Buck 140-142). Since Lung was every home sick and O-lan wanted to help him O-lan decided to sell her daughter as a slave to get money to be able to return home (Buck 143-145). Lung was torn between his home and land and his daughter and almost decided to sell her. When Lung asked O-lan how she was treated as a slave she said she was beaten every day and that the pretty slaves were not only beaten but also raped by the lords (Buck142). Lung now had joined a group of people who went to go rob a rich man’s house (Buck145-146). Wang Lung had never taken anyone belongings but now forced the man to give Lung his gold (Buck 145-146). This was the first time Wang Lung had ever stolen anything but he did it to save is daughter from being a slave and his family from starving.

    B2) Wang Lung almost selling his daughter as a slave and stealing to support his family had nothing to do with imperialism. The reason that Lung almost sold his daughter as a slave was for him to return home because he was home sick and missed working in the fields but didn’t have enough money to return home or plant seeds in his field so he would sell his as a slave for the money (Buck 145-147). So since Wang didn’t want his daughter to be beaten or raped for the rest of her life he went with other men to robbed a rich man’s home and made the man give him his gold (Buck 146). Imperialism didn’t have anything to do with this because this had happened because Wang Lung wanted to return home and didn’t have the money to return or plant his crops and didn’t want to sell his daughter as a slave. So this shows that imperialism had nothing to do with this the only reason Wang Lung did that was to support his family. Wang Lung wanted to support his family to keep them from starving and to return home and work in the field. Over all imperialism didn’t have anything to do with Wang Lung’s thinking and actions only poverty made Wang Lung like what he is.

  61. I told Angle, Chistina, and maureen to post I don't Who to contact the others.

  62. Antonio Amato
    Nectar in a Sieve continuation.....

    A) Another tragedy was the death of Rukmani's husband, Nathan. Her two sons already died and now her dear husband has been added to that list. It first started when the land they controlled was sold to the tannery. The family decided to go to the city to meet with the son, Murugan. It turns out that Murugan does not work in the city (Markandaya 157). Luckily, they are sheltered and are helped by an orphan in getting a job in order to pay for their travels back to the village. Nathan becomes very ill at the pace and the hard work he is doing to get this money. On a stormy day, Rukmani finds out that Nathan has fallen (Markandaya 184). She runs to him and sees that he is dying. This is a tragic event especially since this family has struggled to survive and is doing everything they can to make that happen but their hopes are vanishing as members of the family continue to die. Nathan was the heart of this family and Rukmani learned to love him very much.

    B) Imperialism is to blame for this tragedy. Imperialism led Rukmani and Nathan to the city because of their lost home to the tannery. It turns out that their son who was supposed to be there was not there. This meant they had to go back to the village, but they had no money since the economy back home was terrible. Suddenly, they were helped in getting jobs. Unfortunately, Nathan worked way too hard causing himself to become ill because of the hopes in going back home. If it weren't for the acts of Imperialism, Nathan and his family wouldn't have to suffer and he wouldn't have to work like a mad man giving out his body. This is why I blame Imperialism.

  63. The Good Earth
    David Sosa

    a1) One of the worst things to happen to Wang Lung and his family is the commencement of a terrible famine and drought which aims to destroy them. After being robbed by a group of villagers who had themselves been through some rough economic times, Wang Lung begins to feel the burden of his situation. With the rains appearing as they would never arrive, Wang Lung's crops begin to deteriorate and with that his only hope of survival was completely destroyed. The famine and drought becomes so bad that eye witness accounts begin spreading throughout the village."In the village they are eating human flesh" (Buck 79). The fact that people are resorting to cannibalism in order to survive only mirrors the horrors of this atrocious event even being named "this cruel heaven" by Ching, Wang Lung's neighbor (Buck 80). People have become desperate and weak due to the lack of food they need yet cant obtain. This event becomes so dire it forces Wang Lung to leave his home and head south in hopes of survival making it one of the main tragedies in The Good Earth.

    b1) Imperialism helped cause this tragedy in many ways. The trade imposed by imperialism helps bring opium into China which is what helped bring the financial destruction of the House of Hwang. The Old Mistresses addictions to opium becomes a major factor to there families demise. "The Old Mistress eating enough opium every day to fill two shoes with gold" (Buck 51). The interaction between societies in imperialism helped with the financial destruction of the House of Hwang. "Spending money like waste water in foreign parts" (Buck 51). Imperialism brought the demise of this economic power house which was the only source of wealth contained by this village in which Wang Lung resided in. If not for the drugs being brought in by foreigners and the money and time invested in these foreigners. Once this source of wealth had diminished in the town; the town was left poorer then before and ill suited for the environmental extremities that were soon to come.

  64. The Good Earth
    Kassandra Hernandez
    A1) An earlier tragedy is the problem that war has brought to China. While Wang Lung was with his family in the south, the war’s effects were shown by how solders treated the people. They were beat and seized for no reason (Buck 129). Wang Lung asks a man if the soldiers cared about whether those men had families. The man scornfully replied to that ignorant question. Wang Lung could not understand why soldiers grabbed men off the streets and beat them or recruit them. The same soldiers are the ones that raided the home of a rich family in the south (Buck 133).
    B1)The war the Chinese had against European nations caused poverty and problems for even the most prosperous areas of China. The south had many rich people and everyone was well fed. The soldiers’ arrival bought fear among the people who had possessions of course because soldiers are known to raid cities for riches and women. The war caused trouble for all the people in the south because the rich escaped during the raid and sidewalks were empty out of fear that soldiers would seize people. The fear and negative effects in the economically healthy part of China was negative and because of Imperialism’s effects.
    A2) Wang Lung’s lust for Lotus and his neglect for O-lan lead to O-lan’s death. This change in Wang Lung’s heart can be directly linked to Imperialism. Once returning from the south, Wang Lung had the money to re-cultivate his field along with buying land from the Hwang family (Buck 158). Wang Lung builds a farming enterprise and spends his money more frivolously. His building pride makes him compare his family and lifestyle to other rich people. He takes out his frustrations on O-lan’s physical appearance. Specifically, he makes fun of her feet (Buck 187). He hid her unbounded feet from him out of embarrassment. Wang Lung hates her features and pleasures himself with Lotus, a prostitute (Buck 182). Throughout the whole time when Wang Lung is spoiling his new prostitute, O-lan has been sick and swollen. He neglects her health and she continues to make clothes and perform household chores (Buck 187). Wang Lung makes several poor decisions but O-lan does not do anything and tells her daughter to not cry when her feet are bounded because then her husband will not love her (Buck 252). Guilt rises in Wang Lung after hearing this from his daughter. One day O-lan acted sluggish over the pain she has felt for years, and Wang Lung finally got someone to treat her. It was too late seeing as the doctor could do nothing to save her (Buck 256).
    B2) This tragedy was brought on by western influence. Wang Lung’s sudden harshness towards O-lan was because he compared himself to the wealthy and did not think O-lan was good enough for him, despite her bearing his sons and working hard until she could no longer work. The fragrances and need to look one’s finest is a western concept. Wang Lung’s money, power, and lust consumed him so much that he could not even sense his wife suffering. The idea that wealth triumphs family relations is against all Confucian teachings and can be linked to a search for fame and pride. As in Frankenstein, the search for fame has indeed bought consequences to Wang Lung’s family as did Victor’s. This is all because of Imperialism and the ideas of the west.

  65. Nectar in a Sieve

    A1) A tragedy that occurred in the book, Nectar in a Sieve, was when two of Rukmani’s sons died. During these times, Rukmani and her family are dealing with poverty. The farm wasn’t producing enough to sell for money and for them to eat. Prices for food in the town rose, and buying food wasn’t an option. Rukmani sends her sons out in search for foods that are grown naturally or was thrown out. One of her sons, Raja, went out of the house and never returned. Two men brought him back dead (Markandaya 93). It was later told that Raja was found outside of the town tannery stealing calfskin. The tannery guards tried stopping him by hitting him with a cane, but Raja fell and died (95). After Raja’s death, Kuti, the youngest son, was still starving and unhealthy. He was still young and as a growing boy he needed food. The family saw that he wouldn’t make it (98). Kuti was weak and he remained in the house feeding on what Ira, the oldest sister, provided for him. This didn’t help him and he began to go blind (104). He died blind, hungry, and peacefully in slumber (105). This tragedy emphasizes the effect that imperialism had on Indian families through the dark and serious thought of death.

    B1) Imperialism was the cause of Raja and Kuti’s death, but also could prevent a tragedy like this from happening again. Imperialism caused this tragedy when new items are brought in, causing competition. This also leads to prices for certain items to raise (Markandaya 51). This placed Rukmani and her family into poverty and gave them no choice but to scavenger for food. The family depended on their farmland, and the crops didn’t grow. New items outdated things that were once worth a lot. When Rukmani wanted to sell her old sartis, the merchant offered her a very low price because the material wasn’t worth as much anymore and other families couldn’t afford to pay for the clothing (79). Imperialism could’ve prevented this tragedy from happening again because if her sons were sent to the tannery, the family would’ve gotten the pay. When her two oldest sons, Arjun and Thambi, began to work at the tannery, they shared the pay they earned with the family. The family “began once again to live well” (57). Thanks to the extra money, the family fully paid the rent and kept some of the produce for themselves to feast on (57). The family ate well and was fully clothed (67). The factory’s pay helped support the family and if this continued, the family’s life would’ve continually become great. Imperialism brings industrialization with it and gives greater opportunities for low-wage families, such as Rukmani’s, to gain more profits. The two sons working in the tannery obviously paid more than what the family earned normally by farming. If the family continued to get part of the pay from working in the tannery, they wouldn’t have been in poverty. Raja would’ve have stolen the calfskin for money and Kuti wouldn’t have died from being famish because the family was doing and eating well. Imperialism was the cause of the tragic deaths but could've also prevented this type of tragedy from happening again.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. A2) Another tragedy that happened within the story was when Rukmani and her family loses the land they lived on. The family depended on the land to grow their crops and rice. This was their source of survival in selling and feeding on what they grew. During that year, the crops wouldn’t grow leading to no payment and poverty for the family. Rukmani and her family lived on this land for 30 years. The family had no money to pay for the rent, so they lost the land. The land was sold to a tannery which offered a very high price that couldn’t be refused (Markandaya 134). Rukmani had no idea where to turn to because she sold most of her possessions to pay half of the previous rent and they still had no money to feed on (81). The family had no other choice but to leave the house of family memories. This was “cruel” to Rukmani because this was taking away part of her life. They had nowhere better to go (137). This tragic event emphasized the hardships families in India faced during imperialism and the negative effects it had.

    B2) Imperialism was the cause of Rukmani and her family losing the land that they lived on for many years. Rukmani’s family was in great debt and poverty. The crops weren’t growing and the money they had couldn’t support their livings. The high prices for food was too expensive (51) and new competitive items lowered the prices of once good materials (79). The tannery gained a lot of money with these new items and knocked out village store competition (79). This must’ve given great profit to the tannery because competition decreased. The once good materials were outdated and the worth of those items decreased. This caused Rukmani’s saris to not be worth as much as she thought they were worth, so she didn’t gain much profit from selling those (79). This left Rukmani and her family still in poverty causing them to not be able to pay their monthly rent for the land. This gave a great opportunity for the tannery, which was successful in money, to buy the land. Rukmani couldn’t have had the money to beat the tannery’s price offering, so the land was sold. This caused great depression for Rukmani and her family because they lost the land they’ve lived on for 30 years (134-139). Rukmani was forced to travel a long distance to find a new place to stay (139). Imperialism caused this tragic event of Rukmani losing her land.

  68. THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe
    Sandy Wu

    A) The first major tragedy that occurred in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe was when Ikemefluna died. Ikemefluna went to live with Okonkwo and his family for three years. The elders of Umuofia told Okonkwo to take care of Ikemefluna. Okonkwo treated Ikemefluna as if he was his own son. Ezeudu tells Okonkwo that Ikemefluna has to die (Achebe 57). Ezeudu tells Okonkwo to not have anything to do with Ikemefluna’s death because Ikemefluna calls him father. Ikemefluna always thought of Okonkwo as his father and didn’t like his real father (Achebe 59). When Ikemefluna is the Oracle of the Hills, people start to attack Ikemefluna. Okonkwo finishes Ikemefluna so that people wouldn’t think of him as weak (Achebe 61). This is a tragedy because it was cruel for Okonkwo to kill Ikemefluna, who he treated like his own son. The both of them have bonded together. Okonkwo did things with Ikemefluna that he did with his own son, Nwoye. Killing Ikemefluna was destroying a part of Okonkwo’s life.
    B) Imperialism would have stopped this tragedy because with imperialism, there will be cultural diffusion. The Elders of Umuofia thought that Ikemefluna is supposed to die, those were their beliefs. If there was cultural diffusion, people would disagree with the elders and this problem could have been prevented. Also, Okonkwo killed Ikemefluna so that people didn’t think of him as a weak person. With imperialism, everyone would be considered weak if the other country is controlling how things go in the village. With everyone being weak, Okonkwo wouldn’t have to worry about who’s the strongest and probably would have spared Ikemefluna’s life.
    A) Another main tragedy in the book is when Ekwefi’s child, Ezinma, was sick and ninety percent of Ekwefi’s children all died. She gave birth to ten children, and nine of her children died at a young age. Ekwefi name her children with symbolic names. Ekwefi had to watch all of her children die before the age of three. It was really hard for her to see them die. The medicine man told Ekwefi weird explanations as to why her children died and told her what to do to prevent her children from dying (Achebe 79). When Ezinma was sick, her father had to gather herbs that would cure her (Achebe 76). This was tragic because Ekwefi had to see nine of her children die for an unknown reason and now Ezinma is sick. She is worrying again for the tenth time that she might die like the others. Ekwefi and Ezinma have a strong bond between them. They do not have a normal mother and a child relationship; their relationship is stronger. Ekwefi had hope that Ezinma would live longer and not die at a young age. Now that Ezinma is sick, she has to go through the torture once again.
    B) Imperialism could have stopped Ekwefi’s torture because when Ezinma was sick, herbs were used to cure her. With imperialism and cultural diffusion, there would have been medicine and science to explain why all of Ekwefi’s children died at a young age. Medicine could have been used to cure Ezinma right when she became sick instead of collecting herbs. With cultural diffusion and different ideas, the medicine man wouldn’t have strange explanations as to why Ekwefi’s children died and what can be done to prevent the children’s deaths.

  69. Things Fall Apart
    Chinua Achebe
    A1)One of the major tragedies throughout the book is when Okonkwo killed Ikemefuma. A village that was neighbored to Umuofia killed a girl from Umuofia, in order to obtain their relationship to be stable, the village had to give a girl that was a virgin or a boy. They gave Okonkwo a boy, Ikemefuma. Okonkwo was very fond of Ikemefuma, but he just never showed it. Okonkwo treated Ikemefuma as if he was his son, and Ikemefuna even called Okonkwo his father (Achebe 28). After few years, the village wanted to take back Ikemefuna, Ikemefuna was crying out for Okonkwo. Okonkwo’s emotion took over him and he killed Ikemefuma because he didn’t wanted to be looked as weak. (Achebe 61) This was a tragedy because right when Ikemefuma died, Okonkwo never got a good sleep, he didn’t sleep and eat for two days (Achebe 63). When he was looking at his daughter, he was wishing that she was a boy. Okonkwo always hoped to have a boy that would fit to be like him and can soon take over his spot. All Okonkwo could do was shiver like an old woman.

    B1)During the time when Okonkwo killed Ikemefuma, imperialism hasn’t arrive yet. Imperialism arrived right after Okonkwo killed Ikemefuma. If Imperialism arrived during this tragedy, the results wouldn’t change. Once imperialism arrived, the two oldest people in Umuofia, Ogbuefi and his wife, Ozoemena died. Usually in Umuofia, when something is happening, the bell would ring, but it didn’t. The bell not ringing shows that imperialism is arriving and it mentioned about white men. Imperialism would still end up causing this tragedy to happen either way, just not as worse. Ikemefuma might be killed but just not by Okonkwo. Okonkwo would feel better if he wasn’t the one killing Ikemefuma. Imperialism would make no difference.

    A2) Another tragedy is when Ezinma was ill and was almost dying (Achebe 76). Ezinma actually has Okonkwo was also very fond of Ezinma (Achebe 44). She looked very much like her mother and she had respect for him. When Ekwefi told Okonkwo that Ezinma was dying, he immediately jumped out of his bed. Okonkwo also had a hope that Ezinma had been a boy. This shows that Okonkwo is very fond of Ezinma and cares about Ezinma dearly. If Ezinma had died, then Okonkwo would have nothing to be proud of, since he would only have Nwoye left, and Nwoye is nothing but a coward that’s just like his father.

    B2) Imperialism might somehow help this tragedy because during the imperialism time, medicines and drugs were made. The french scientists use their drugs to test against African disease and search for plants to cure diseases. During Imperialism, medicines and drugs were spreading. A medicine man helped Ezinma by finding where Ezinma buried his iyi-uwa. This helped Ezinma recovered but Ezinma was still feeling worried and anxiety. If medicines and drugs were made to help recover Ezinma’s illness, then they wouldn’t have to go through all those problems.

  70. oh yeah, my book is The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck.

  71. The Good Earth by Peal S. Buck
    Sarah Weiss

    A)A major tragedy is the drought that Wang Lung's village undergoes (Buck 67). Without any rain, Wang Lung is unable to provide food for his family because all of his crops have died(Buck 71). The family becomes so desperate that they even consider eating the ox. Wang Lung initially refuses to let the ox be killed because it is his companion (Buck 72). However, as he watches his family starve, Wang Lung gives in and allows O-lan to kill the ox.

    B)Ultimately imperialism cannot be held responsible for this tragedy. Imperialism played a major role on the weakening of the economy, but Wang Lungs financial crisis is a direct result of the weather. As a farmer, Wang Lung has always depended on the weather for plentiful crops. It just so happens that this bad weather occurs after O-lan gives birth to her first baby girl (Buck 65-66). This signifies that the girl triggers a change for the worst in the weather and acts as a bad omen. This tragedy was not caused by imperialism, it was simply bad luck that nature was not working in Wang Lung's favor.

    A)Another major tragedy is when O-lan is forced to kill her very own child (Buck 76). Wang Lung and his family are starving, having another daughter will not make situations any better. Since Wang Lung cannot provide for a new addition to the family, O- lan strangles her daughter (Buck 82).

    B)The murder of Wang Lung and O-lans daughter is not caused by imperialism but by fate. Wang Lung is in poverty because of the lack of rain. Since Wang Lung and his family have no money, another child would only act as a burden instead of bringing joy. Instead of waiting on the rain to come, Wang Lung and his family take initiative and take a train to the south (Buck 100-102). They travel the streets begging for money to help pay for their children, this is an example of how imperialism would stop this type of tragedy.

  72. Major Tragedy 1- Drought
    A major tragedy in The Good Earth was when the village suffered a drought which destroyed all the crops (Buck 67). Wang Lung was envious of the Hwangs and their wealth, so when he heard that the Hwangs were selling some of their land, Wang Lung bought it from them (52). At first, the soil was rich and supplied Wang Lung with crops and fortune. He had two healthy sons, a hardworking wife, and was on his way to become wealthy and the most respected man in the village (58). After O-lan gave birth to a daughter, Wang Lang spots a flock of crow, which signals an evil omen (66). Shortly after, the village was stuck in a drought that destroyed everything Wang Lung worked for. Wang Lung’s crops were destroyed and eventually the family ran out of money and the village ran out of food (76-78). The villagers, Wang Lung’s family included, depended on the crops to survive. It was their only means of getting money and food, so everyone was starving (78).

    During the drought, the village was not imperialism yet. The villagers depended on good fortune, the gods and their crops to survive. The villagers had no other means of earning money or food besides growing crops, so when the crops suffered, the villagers suffered. When there was no rain, there weren’t any crops; so Wang Lung could not feed his family (76). Since the village was not imperialized and therefore had no other means of getting food, Wang Lung and his family almost starved to death (77, 92). To avoid death, Wang Lung decided to go south, to a more urban and imperialized setting (80). In the urban city, Wang Lung sees “food everywhere” (110), and constantly asks himself how people can go hungry in a city with so much food. Imperialism allowed people to do things besides farm, which in turn allowed more production of food. People were able to fish and trade for food and not depend on the weather or good fortune for survival. If the village was imperialized during the drought, the tragedy could have been prevented.

  73. Major Tragedy 2- The death of Wang Lung and O-lan’s fourth child
    Wang Lung and his family were struggling to survive during the drought when they realized O-lan was pregnant again. Wang Lung’s family was already unstable and battling poverty and starvation with their three children and grandfather, and another child would have been a burden. The baby turned out to be a girl, which at the time was considered a curse because girls can’t help the family work in the field (66). O-lan decided that since the child was going to be a burden and they had to worry about their current children, she had to kill the child to save the family. While waiting for the child to be born, Wang Lung thought to himself that “it would be merciful if there was no breath.” (81). He heard the baby cry, but when he went to check on it, the baby was dead. O-lan had to kill the child because she knew that her family would die if they had to have one more mouth to feed. O-lan was malnourished and they had no food, so not only would the baby be wasting resources that could be used to give energy to the children who had hope, she would have died from hunger later on, anyway. When Wang Lung was burying the child, he was “wholly filled with despair” at the situation his family was in (83). This was a tragedy because not only did he loose his child, he had no idea if the rest of his family would survive. This situation was even more tragic for O-lan because not only did she have to carry the child for months, enduring starvation and labor, she had to kill the child with her bare hands.

    Imperialism did not cause the death of Wang Lung and O-lan’s girl. The drought destroyed Wang Lung’s crops, which was his family’s only source of food and money. The only reason the child was killed was because the family was already starving and living in poverty. Another child would have wasted resources that the Wang’s family did not have to spare, so the child had to be killed (82). A girl would also not have helped the family in any way because she couldn’t work and eventually, to be married off, she would need more money. After they moved to the south, everyone in the family either begged, stole or worked. A little child would depend on the family and would only drag the family down. The tragedy happened because of the poverty Wang Lung’s family faced, not because of Imperialism.

  74. Also, I contacted Maureen way before you guys THIS MORNING!

    She said the reason why she couldn't have posted on the blog the past two days was because she didn't recieve her book.

    She ordered her book, The Good Earth, on about 1-2 weeks ago. She recieved the book yesterday and didn't have enough time to read up to the parts required for yesterday's blog.

    That's what she told me! Harhar.

  75. Jeffrey Abreu
    Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

    A1)One of the major tragidies in the book Things Fall Apart, were when all the people of the Abame clan were wiped out (Abeche 138). This was one of the tragidies because the African tribes were being killed by the white men who came over to their lands. They were wiped out because some of the tribe members hung and killed a white man with his "iron horse" (Achebe 137). The man was killed in the market, along with his horse. The entire Abame clan was killed off by gun shots and diseases from the white men (Achebe 138). The only ones left alive were those who were sick and were going to die anyway. Some of the elders with Okonkwo believe that if the one white man had not been killed, the entire tribe would have lived. Their saying was "Do not kill the man that doesn't speak" (Achebe 138-139). The tribe did so and they were punished according to their "Gods" that they praise.

    B1) Imperialism caused this tragedy because the one white man was most likely drawing out maps for his fellow Europeans that are to come ot that land to seek property. Imperialism was starting to happen when the clan was wiped out. It was making way for the white European men to come in and take the land that they "own". These weak country clans were starting to be taken over by the whites after the death of the clan. The wiping out led to the future white men that will come (Achebe 143).

    A2)Another major tragedy in the book was when white missionaries started coming into Umuofia (Achebe 143), later on causing the tragic death of Okonkwo (Achebe ). Okonkwo commited suicide because no one was listening to him when he said that the converstion to christianity was wrong. He had decided that it was enough and he did not want to try explaining to his fellow clan members. He was exiled trying to help his fellow people and no one even cared about what he had said. Okonkwo died just like his father, being a worthless man with nothing to live for. He and his father were alike after Okonkwo was exiled, they then shared the same status at the moment of death. This was a major tragedy in the book, at the time of his death.

    B2) Imperialism is to blame for this tragedy. White men started converting African tribes into christianity. It was their own way of drawing them in, making close friends with the people so that the white men could set the laws that they did. Further more the white men ended up controlling the Africans after they had fully converted most of the tribe members. It was all a trap and imperialism is to blame for this because people were falling into the white lure. The white men wanted to make sure it was easier for them to take over the weak men and women by converting them into their own religion, following their own cultures so that it would be easier to control the people. Imperialism was the main cause of Okonkwo's death because no one had listened to him when he said that this was bound to happen. If no one had converted into christianity and hook onto the white man's lure, then he would have lived. That is why imperialism is to blame for this major tragedy.

  76. I'm sorry my post was late, but for the past two posting topics, including this one, my blog signs me out as im supposed to post. I had to copy and paste several times until I could actually do it, it gets frustrating when it deletes most of the post as well.

  77. a2)A major tragedy i consider of importance in the book is the abuse committed by Wang Lung's uncle directed towards Wang Lang. Ever since early in the book Wang Lang's uncle has been an evil man who has only called upon Wang Lang when in need of money. Because he is family, Wang Lang is forced to comply with his demands or be looked down upon by society. The fact that he belongs to a vicious group of bandits also plays a heavy toll on Wang Lang in complying with his uncles demands or facing the consequences. "Well did Wang Lang know that if not for his uncles power he would have robbed and sacked for his food and for his money and for the women in his house" (Buck 278). This is a major tragedy in the book because this problem faces Wang Lung throughout the entire book and when he does not comply with his uncles demands he suffers the consequences. "I hate these three worse than my life and if I could think of a way I would do it. But your uncle is lord of a horde of wild robbers, and if I feed him and coddle him we are safe, and no one can show anger towards them" (Buck 280). The quote displays the dilemma Wang Lung faces in whether side with his rage or with his love for his family. This situation is a major tragedy because there seems no way out of it.

    b2) Imperialism could help end and make sure this tragedy never happens again. In a scheme to get rid of his troublesome uncle and his family, Wang Lung and his son aim to buy opium and make them addicted to the drug (Buck 280). With this opium the two aim at making Wang Lung's uncle addicted to the drug and completely distracted with it and its effects. Eventually his uncle would become solely dependent on the drug and crave there every command thus getting rid of him and his family once and for all. Since opium becomes a favorable item to sell through the effects of imperialism; imperialism could help end this tragedy once and for all through its effects in this case the trade of opium.

  78. sorry my second part came in 22 minutes late my computer kept freezing up on me

  79. The good earth
    A- A major tragedy from the book was that the rain hasn't come yet to keep the soil for Wang Lung's crop and the drought destroys most of it (71). Since he has to feed all his kids he need to find food fast. "If the children must drink and the old man have his hot water the plants must go dry" (71). Lung needs to take care of his kids and need to sacrifice the plants to the kids.

    Another tragedy was that O-lan is pregnant so many times (73). Lung has to find more ways to feed all the kids and her and make sure that they are all OK and well feed. For this reason In 1979 the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping made his policy, which limits couples to having one child. This was established to reduce the amount of population. This could probably be an effect of what happened with Lung and everyone else.
    B-For the first tragedy Imperialism has changed the moral values of the people. Since there isn't much money and no crop people have no respect and are now killing (the ox (75 ,and "...they are eating human flesh" (83)). The people are now going insane and getting their hands on whatever they can get.

    For the second tragedy Is that since the policy was made thanks to Deng Xiaoping that policy still remains now at days. Now the people who have more than one kid gets that kid taken away. The mothers would get an abortion, neglect them or , abandon them.

  80. Ms.K This article is really interesting.

  81. Things Fall Apart
    By Chinua Achebe


    A. One major tragedy that occurred is when Ikemefuna was killed. Ikemefuna is just an innocent boy that has been taken away from his family in replacement for the death of the Umuofia Clan’s Mbaino’s wife. Mbaino had to choose between war or the offering of a young virgin and a boy, Ikemefuna to compensate him because Ikemefuna’s father killed Mbaino’s wife (Achebe 11-15). This is a major tragedy because the death of Mbaino’s wife had caused the lives of two children to be ruined. Ikemefuna was separated from his family without knowing the reason why. The virgin girl was forced to marry Mbaino without “loving him”, and into a forced marriage. Ikemefuna was in fear when he was forced to live under Okonkwo’s household; he even tried to run away. He did not understand why he had to go through the situation, and why he was being taken away from his family. The virgin girl was also the same as Ikemefuna, both were taken from their homes and through long forest paths, they arrive at an unknown place to them (Achebe 12-13). After a few years Ikemefuna had been close to Okonkwo’s family. Okonkwo took Ikemefuna as his own son. Okonkwo’s son, Nwoye took Ikemefuna as his best companion and brother. Up until the day the village decided that Ikemefuna had to be killed to take place of how Ikemefuna’s father had killed the Umuofia Clan’s daughter. Ikemefuna had been killed in the hands of Okonkwo, whom Ikemefuna had taken Okonkwo as his father already. The death of Ikemefuna had caused Okonkwo to show his weak side, whom he never wanted to show (Achebe 57-64). The death of Ikemefuna had also affected the father and son relationship between Okonkwo and Nwoye. The death of Ikemefuna was a tragedy to the family and the Umuofia Clan

    B. Imperialism could help make the death of Ikemefuna not happen ever again. During the time of Imperialism, it was mostly part of the Europeans that wanted pieces of Africa. These Europeans were known as the “white men” in the book. Imperialism would help make the death of Ikemefuna not happen again by their beliefs. The white men believed in education in children, and the best support for children, they do not believe in sacrifices. The white men believed that the Umuofia Clan’s beliefs were “wicked”, and their gods were false and evil (Achebe 145). If the white men says that the beliefs are wicked, it means that the sacrifice of a child is also bad. The Europeans believed in school education of children and God. If Imperialism were to go and convince the Umuofia Clan’s beliefs and traditions, it would have prevented the death of Ikemefuna.

  82. Things Fall Apart
    By Chinua Achebe


    A. The second tragedy that had occurred throughout the book is when Okonkwo accidently shoots a clansman, Ezeudu’s son, during Ezeudu’s funeral. After Okonkwo shoots Ezeudu’s son, a clansman, he and his family has to be evacuated from the Umuofia Clan. A rule in the clan is that if someone kills a clansman, they must flee from the land; they believe that it is a crime against the goddesses. After you flee from the land, you would then have to return to the clan after seven years. After Okonkwo and his family flee to his mother’s kinsmen in Mbanta, the villagers didn’t stop. After Okonkwo and his family left their house, the villagers set Okonkwo’s house on fire, they demolished the red walls, killed his animals, and destroyed his barn (Achebe 124-129).

    B. Imperialism could have stopped the tragedy of Okonkwo fleeing the motherland by changed the traditions of the tribe. First of all, who would celebrate a funeral by shooting canons and shooting guns? All of these are so dangerous. If Imperialism had taken place it would’ve changed the policies and doings of the clan. The white men once said, “…leave your wicked ways and false gods and turn to Him (God) so that you may be saved when you die…” (Achebe 145). If Imperialism took place they would make the clans convert to Christianity. “…so you may be saved when you die,” this can mean that what the tribes that are doing in the funeral is “dangerous” and would cause them to “die”. And so if they convert to Christianity it would “save your life.” The Europeans would definitely prohibit the use of guns and canons in a funeral in order to save their lives. Meaning if the clans convert toe Christianity, the tradition of firing guns and canons would be prohibited which also means that Okonkwo would’ve never shot a clansman, and which also means that Okonkwo and his family didn’t have to flee from the country.

  83. Things Fall Apart
    Kevin Zevallos

    a1). A major tradegy in Things Fall Apart is during Ezeudu's funeral when Okonkwo's gun accidentally went off and shot Ezeudu's 16 year old son, killing him. Ezeudu, an old, respected man, has passed away and the whole village is having a grand funeral to commemorate him. In their clan few people are able to obtain four titles of noblitiy and power ,and when someone has the fourth title they are lords of the land (Achebe 123). Ezeudu had three titles, a rare achievement to the people of the Umofian culture (Achebe 123). It is tradition of the Umofians to have a funeral with cannons and guns shot into the air with many people dancing and running around in a frenzy to drums banging loudly (Achebe 123). As the guns and cannons were shooting for the last time, a loud cry is heard and everyone is shocked as they see Ezeudu's 16 year old son shot and dead by Okonkwo gun(Achebe 124). Okonkwo has done a crime and must know suffer the consequences of leaving the clan and not coming back for another 7 years (Achebe 124). Okonkwo has killed an innocent person, and to make it worse he has killed the son of Ezeudu, someone who had just passed away and was so highly respected.

    b1). If imperialism had come to Okonkwo's village this could have been avoided or stopped to not occur again. If the white man had come to Umofia they would have destroyed their culture and tradition to best suit their own. They would have changed or forced them to follow their traditions. The white man doesn't follow their traditions and they would never do the type of funeral the Umofians do. If imperialism had managed to get to Umuofia Ezeudu's son wouldn't have died because that traditional funeral would of never happened. The villagers would of been forced to give Ezeudu a burial of white man's liking, not of theirs.

    a2). Another major tradegy that has occured in Things Fall Apart is when Obierika tell Uchendu and Okonkwo that the people of Abame have been wiped out by the white man. Obierika tell them that a white man arrived one day to an Eke market and the elders of Abame consulted their Oracle to hear that they must kill the white man for he will bring destruction to their clan (Achebe 138). They follow the Oracle words and kill the white man (Achebe 138). Days later more white men come and kill everyone in the market, and now their whole clan is empty (Achebe 139-140). Achebe is showing the readers this onslaught to say more evil things are to come and that the white men are bringing their advance and conquer in Africa.

    b2). Imperialism is the cause of this tradegy. The white man's goal to expand and conquer led them to this village, Abame. Their need to conquer and control led them to kill everyone in Abame and complete wipe them out. The white men will only now continue their murdering ways and go to other clans and take them over. The destruction of Abame will only lead to more destruction in other clans.

  84. Wilson Corella
    Things Fall Apart

    1a. One Major tragedy that occurs in this book is the murder of Ikemefuna, by his own caretaker Okonkwo. Since the Mbaino clan murdered the wife of a man from Umuofia, they had to either offer a sacrifice or call war among the Umuofia. In Return, the Mbaino clan gives the Umuofia a virgin for the man to take, and a young man named Ikemefuna (Achebe 14). Ikemefuna was put under the care of Okonkwo for the time being. During this time, Ikemefuna learns to adapt to his new family, and the family does the same as well. Okonkwo’s older son, Nwoye, becomes attached to Ikemefuna and sees him as a role model (Achebe 34). One mistake that Ikemefuna and Okonkwo had not realized was that Okonkwo let Ikemefuna call him father. This could not be acceptable as Ikemefuna was like a slave. Oracle of the Hill foresaw this. Due to the coming of this, they ordered Okonkwo to murder the boy, as he had to right to be saying that because he was of another clan (Achebe 57). Okonkwo could not deny this request and does it remorsefully, as he cannot show any sign of weakness. After killing Ikemefuna, Okonkwo could not eat or sleep for days.

    2a. Imperialism was not the reason that this happened, but it could’ve been a reason to prevent such a thing from happening. The people of this clan were corrupted to think that it is not ok for a slave to call his master father, even though they truly had a father-son relationship. Okonkwo was forced to do something that he never wanted to do, and he wished that his son could be more like Ikemefuna. If there was imperialism, then the clan would be interested in the new peoples culture, and they would learn that it is not ok to kill children, so Ikemefuna would have survived and Okonkwo would not feel how he is right now.

    1b. Another tragedy that occurs is the sickening of Okonkwo’s daughter Ezinma with an illness that has no cure (Achebe 76). Ezinma is the daughter of Okonkwo’s 2nd wife, Ekwefi. Ekwefi had given birth to 10 children, and only Ezinma was the one to survive out of the 10. The medicine men claim that the babies are wicked, and that the same one keeps on returning to the mother to be reborn again(Achebe 77), possibly until the mother becomes in danger and dies due to childbirth. Okonkwo loves his daughter Ezinma for her spirit and wit fullness. He is sad that she isn’t a boy, because she is smart and spirited enough to take control of his land when he would pass away. It truly saddens him to find her very ill, and he hopes that she does not end up like her other dead siblings.

    2b. Again, imperialism was not the reason that this tragedy happened, but imperialism could have prevented this tragedy from happening. Due to the illness with no cure, the people of the clan are convinced that Ezinma is another one of those wicked children that would be reborn inside her mother again. Perhaps if the foreign people came, they would should that such a myth doesn’t exist, and they would also try to find a cure for Ezinma. Due to their superiority and knowledge of science, they would be able to cure Ezinma, and Okonkwo would not have to feel sorrow for the daughter that he loves.

  85. Things Fall Apart
    By: Chinua Achebe

    a. Write about two major tragedies that occurred in the whole book in detail (who? what? where? when? why? how?)

    A1) One major tragedy that occurred in the book is when Mbaino had to sacrifice a young virgin boy to Umuofia (Achebe 11). Mbaino had to sacrifice that boy to Umuofia because the daughter of Umuofia was killed by Mbaino. Mbaino had a choice of starting a war with Umuofia or sacrifice a young virgin boy to Umuofia. That little boy is Ikemefuna. Three years after he was living with Nwoye, Okonkwo's son and Okonkwo himself, Ikemefuna had to "go home". One day a brave and fearless warrior from Umuofia came to Okonkwo and talked with him about having Ikemefuna to go home, which was to be killed for the death of Umuofia's daughter(Achebe 57). Okonkwo accepted Ikemefuna like a son. Ikemefuna had learned many things from Okonkwo and his family ever since he first stayed with Oknokwo. Now that Ikemefuna had to leave Okonkwo, it was sad for both Okonkwo and Nwoye who always played with Ikemefuna. Okonkwo had to let Ikemefuna go, he didnt have a choice.
    b1) Imperialism was not the cause of this tragedy. Tradition is the tragedy. The people of Umuofia and Mbaino was traditional and instead of just punishing the one who killed Umuofia's daughter, they demanded a young virgin boy to be killed(achebe 11). Then after the care and help of Okonkwo, the warrior of Umuofia came to Okonkwo and want Ikemefuna to be killed. This is not imperialism's fault because with the new ideas from imperialism the death of Ikemefuna wouldnt have happened. Imperialism could've been a source to prevent the tragedy from happening. The people of the clans were too focused and too into tradition that they wouldnt let a little boy stay alive. It's saying that the boy's death is not a big deal but tradition and how the things go is more important than death.

    A2) The second tragedy would be when Ezinma was dying in bed and the deaths of the nine children of Okonkwo and Ekwefi, Okonkwo's second wife. Ekwefi had ten children in total and of that ten children only Ezinma survived. Every child that Ekwefi had would die on the same market day that it was born. It was told that it was a wicked tormentor that cause the deaths of the children(Achebe 77). It was a tragedy how Ezinma was dying because Ezinma was the tenth child of Ekwefi and Ezinma made love return more and more to Ekwefi. Ezinma was the cource of love to Ekwefi (Achebe 79). If Ezinma was to die, Ekwefi would turn back to being depressed and loveless. Having more than five of your kids die every time you had hopes on them would really bring you down because you put so much effort into that child and like most mothers, Ekwefi had to carry an infant in her tummy for at least ten months, (which is close to one year) to deliver it is hard work. Mothers would have to be very careful and make sure she's in good condition so that the baby will be fine when it comes out.
    b2) Imperialism is not the cause of this tragedy. Back then there was no technology and new electricity to develop anything. People would have to go by what they believe in and follow traditions so the sicknesses and deaths were caused by natural causes but those people believed it was something wicked or evil. Imperialism could've prevented the deaths and sickness of Ekwefi's children because during imperialism some technology and new medicine were already made and that could've helped the children of Ekwefi survived but since imperialism didn't hit the villages yet, people would just die.
