Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day Four: Comparison of books

Today you must read others' posts about their books. Select one of the other books and, from at least five other people's posts, compare your main character with the main character of the other book.

You must:
1. Identify your book and the book you are comparing it to
2. State your name
3. Summarize the other book's main character citing three examples from other people's posts.
4. Explain how that book's character is similar to your character especially on how they feel about imperialism (three similarities)

Please don't make superficial similarities like they are both men. Go deeper into their family lives, traditions, tragedies, conflicts...


  1. I was going to ask the same that Shelly had asked. From the other night? Or from the past three posts?

  2. Also, how do we cite it? With the last name of the poster only?

  3. I believe it is the first post because we have to compare our character to another character from another book. This is just an inference though.

  4. Looking at the all three won't hurt either.

  5. t doesn't hurt to check all of the blogs

  6. Santos Martinez
    Things Fall Apart- Chinua Achebe…
    The book I am comparing my book with is Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya. In the other book, the main character is named Rukmani. She lived with her father before she lived with her husband in a low social class (Stephanie Echevarria’s post). Rukmani went down the social class because her father was very wealthy. As soon as she lived with her husband, she went down the social class. She also works hard to make her life better (Janet Ceron’s post). Rukmani also thinks about other people instead of herself, and she tries to make her life her own instead of other people making it for her (Daniela Giraldo’s post).
    The way Okonkwo and Rukmani are similar are that they both get changed in drastic ways. Okonkwo changes from a man who was brave and had all those warrior types of characteristics. As soon as imperialism hit and stayed in the land that Okonkwo was in, he was beat down little by little. Not in fights, but the way things were going for him. Rukmani was changed in the way where she went from worse to worse in a matter of time. Rukmani was changed in the way where she tried to keep her family together, to seeing her family separate and go their own separate ways. Another similarity they had was their belief in imperialism. I think that Okonkwo and Rukmani see imperialism as a bad thing because they got their lives messed up and changed for the worse. Everything was going fine until imperialism changed it. One more similarity that they had was that they both were in the low social class and they went lower. In order to get money in the book Nectar in a Sieve they needed to work with the British since they had control over the economic systems. In Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo’s village needed to pay 250 cowries to the British for the leaders’ freedom. They are both similar because they had to work for the British. Overall, I think that both India and Africa hated the British for what they do and what they've done.

    also, i wont be able to post tomorrow..and i hope i got this post right.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 1)Nectar In A Sieve compared to The Good Earth

    2)Janet Ceron

    3) ---Wang Lung is a Chinese farmer who lives with his father. His mother died six years ago and now he is the one who cares for his father. Wang Lung and his father are cautious when they spend money . Unfortunately for Wang Lung, it is not easy living with his father, since he complains constantly ( Matthew Alfieri).

    ---Imperialism arrived in China. Opium, an addictive drug was sold to the people of China. This addicted drug caused the wealthy people to sell their lands. Some of these people being the Hwang family. The mistress from the Hwang family went broke because she smoked opium, the addictive drug. This caused her to sell her land. Since Wang Lung was successful from his preivous harvest, he bought the land of the old mistress that he desired (Sally Gee).

    ---When people see Wang Lung obtain land and more money they start asking him for money. Wang Lung's older uncle asked Wang Lung to give him money. Wang knew his uncle was not helping out his family. Unfortunately, the seasons got worse and the harvest more terrible. Wang Lung and his family had no food left. His family persuaded Wang to kill the ox, so the family may eat and not starve. Wang killed his ox. Wang never wanted to kill his animals. This shows Wang's family comes before Wang's priorities (Danny Perez).

    (I read Nectar In A Sieve and is comparing it to The Good Earth)

    4)---Wang Lung and Rakumi sacrifice the little they had to feed their families. Both main characters are similar in the way they handled their harsh situations. In the book, Nectar In A Sieve, the main character, Rakumi experiences the hardest moments of her life. Prices have been rising, and Rakumi could no longer afford vegetables and rice. Worst of all, there has been no rain in her village. There was a drought for weeks, and Rakumi's crops no longer grew. Rakumi could not support seeing her children starve, therefore she took action along with her husband. Rakumi and her husband chose to sell everything they had such as, saris, shirts, and the last bit of crops they had. In this situation, Rakumi did what she had to do to, so her children can eat and not starve. With what Rakumi sold she had the money to buy enough food for twenty-five days. Similar to Rakumi, Wang Lung, the main character of The Good Earth, experienced a drought in his village. The season was no good for the harvest to occur. Since no crops were being produced, Wang Lungs' family was starving. Wang Lungs' family insisted Wang Lung to kill his ox for food. Wang Lung's ox was precious to him. However, his family was in the need of food, therefore Wang Lung allowed his ox to be killed, so his family can eat. Both, Rakumi and Wang Lung sacrificed things, so their families can eat. These characters are similar because they took actions, so their families can have a meal.

  9. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Grace Tan

    Comparing it to The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

    This book is about a man named Wang Lung who has to take care of his father because his mother died at an early age. Wang Lung does not want to take care of his father because he is too tired. [Matthew Alfieri] Wang Lung's father always complains about being poor and saving money. [Jaafar Hamdan] Wang Lung decides to go marry a slave to help out in his household [Jessica Zeng!] He marries a girl named O-lan and demands her to bring him many children [Jaafar Hamdan].
    This character is similar to my character [Okonkwo] because both of the characters keep their feelings inside of them. Wang Lung has been taking care of his father for six years but does not complain to his father because it is part of his village tradition. Okonkwo loves his children and wives but cannot show his affection because he feels that affection is a sign of weakness. Okonkwo likes to dominate and always be the powerful one. Another similarity between O-lan and Okonkwo is that both end up dying sad or regretful. O-lan dies regretful because he treats takes his wife for granted and she eventually dies. Okonkwo also dies sad because he cannot stand how much his country/village is changing. He cannot adapt to the change and eventually suicides. The last similarity between these characters is that both of the characters hate the people that are entering their country. Okonkwo hates the white men because they are changing their tradition and the villagers are adopting the white men's customs. Okonkwo ends up suiciding because of the change his village is going through, he can't follow with it. Wang Lung hates the Europeans that enter his village because they totally different from the traditional Chinese traditions that Wang Lung is accustomed to. I'm assuming that Wang Lung dislikes imperialism because he tries to be as traditional as possible.

  10. Maureen McCarthy
    My book: The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
    Comparison: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

    The main character of Things Fall Apart is Okwanko. Okwanko was a wealthy farmer who owned two barns and three wives. He was also extremely famous because of his strength and bravery. When he was a young he conquered a famous wrestler called Amalinze the Cat, who was undefeated up until that point (Semir P). His father, named Unoka, was the opposite of him (Semir). He constantly borrowed money from his neighbors and used it for bad things such as alcohol (Maribel M).
    Wang Lung and Okwanko are similar because of their fathers. Both the main characters are the opposite of their father. For example, Wang Lung was the one to get the work done since his mother died (Buck 3). He was always taking care of his father, the house, the farm, and himself. His father only sat and complained about his old age and money (Buck 4, 26). Okwanko and his father are also different. Okwanko was very wealthy and high up on the social hierarchy. His father on the other hand, was reckless and poor. He borrowed money only to never return it, and used it for bad reasons. Lastly, the two characters do not resent imperialism. When Wang Lung and his family became poor and starving, they were saved by a railroad system when moving south(Buck 83). If it weren’t for imperialism, Wang Lung’s family would have starved to death and never make it to the south. Okwanko has no hostility for imperialism when his wife’s children died, because it didn’t affect him. It couldn’t do anything about the deaths of her children, and it didn’t cause it. Both of the characters are similar because they are different from their fathers and do not hate imperialism.

  11. Right, Shelly. I will check this occasionally throughout the day.

    It wouldn't hurt to check as many posts as possible to get accurate ideas about the other book. When you cite, cite with the person's first name and day (Shelly Tues). As Mona said, the first night has direct information about the character, but the other nights' posts have more interesting info you can infer from (again as suggested by Mona).

  12. Maureen has a pretty good post. Now that I posted the citation format, use mine instead of what Maureen did. If you posted before my example, no worries. Don't repost.

    We still have some lost puppies. Anyone get in touch with Daniela, Angel, and/or Michael G?

  13. Ms. Karvunis, I just send Angel a message on FaceBook. He should post after he gets the message.

  14. Richard Gobin
    My book is THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe, I am comparing it to The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck.

    Wang Lung is a Chinese farmer who lives with his father. Him and his father live alone in a house made from Earth. Wang Lung seems to do everything for his father, but not for himself. He can be easily taken for granted because he never says no to anything. The old man is portrayed as being miserable ever since his wife died (Laura Ashley Monday). A tragedy that have occured in the book was when O-Lan had to kill her daughter. The drought had already caused Wang Lung and his family to starve in hunger. O-Lan was giving birth to another child, another daughter, and another mouth to feed. After O-Lan have given birth to another daughter, she strangled her own daughter with her own hands. O-Lan strangled her own daughter so her daughter wouldn't be a burden to her family (Sally Gee Wensday). When imperils come Wang hates them. Wang Lung hates the Europeans that enter his village because they totally different from the traditional Chinese traditions that Wang Lung is accustomed to. I'm assuming that Wang Lung dislikes imperialism because he tries to be as traditional as possible. (Grace Tan Thursday)
    Okwanko has a similar life to Wang. First of all Okwanko is also a farmer, like Wang. When Okwanko's father was alive he was like Wang's father greedy, and lazy, since he always borrowed other peoples money instead of working for his own. Wang's father is miserable when his wife died, he is similar to Okwanko's second wife because after her children died she too was miserable. O-Lan strangled her own daughter so her daughter wouldn't be a burden to her family is similar to Okwanko's second wife kids dying because they were also newborns, like O-lan's child, and if Okwanko's second wife's kids were born healthy this would have been a burden to Okwanko's family. Okwanko, like Wang also hates the new people to his village, because they are disrupting his village. His village is adapting culture from the white skins, but dropping there own customs. This is how THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe, is similar to to The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. 1) Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe compared to The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

    2) Semir Pupovic

    3) The main character of The Good Earth is Wang Lung. He is a poor farmer who only lives with his unapreciative father. He began taking care of his father six years ago when his mother died (Jia Monday). The father doesn't do anything, but complain, eat and drink. He doesn't help Wang at all, and makes it so tough that Wang decides to get a wife to help him (Sally Monday). Wang cares about his father, wife, and secretly likes the food she makes, though, he doesn't show his happiness (Winnie Monday).

    4) The character Wang Lung is similar to my character, Okonkwo, because of the way he acts. Wang's last six years were about taking care of his father. He was very caring of him and made sure he was okay. On the other side,Okonkwo attened his ill daughter when she became very ill. He went to the woods gathering medecine-grass/wood/herbs. He didn't want to see another one of his family members die like the past nine children of his second wife did. Both of the characters, Okonkwo and Wang Lung, keep their feelings within themselves. For six years Wang Lung has been putting up with his fathers' criticizing and complaints. He didn't do anything about it, though. Okonkwo is the sam way. He is very attached to his wives and children, but doesn't allow his feelings to get the best of him. He believes that showing your affections and feelings are a sign of weakness, which Okonkwo despises. His father was an unsucessful man, hehated that. The fathers of both men don't do much in their lives that is productive. Okonkwo's father only borrow's and spends money while Wang Lung's father complains, eats and drinks. Overall, these two mens are pretty similar, only they are of different class and backgrounds.

  17. Julio Chen

    1. Identify your book and the book you are comparing it to

    My Book:
    Nectar in a Sieve
    By: Kamala Markandaya

    Comparing it to:
    Things Fall Apart
    By: Chinua Achebe

    Julio Chen

    3. Summarize the other book's main character citing three examples from other people's posts.

    Things Fall Apart
    By: Chinua Achebe

    In the book, Things Fall Apart, the main character is Okonkwo who is tall and strong. Okonkwo is a wrestler in Africa which he is well known for defeating, Amainze the cat, who is an undefeated wrestler (Denise Mon). He is also a wealthy farmer and respected by the villagers (PeiQing Mon). Okonkwo has three wives and does not want to be like his father, Unoko, who owed money to the neighbors (Alice Mon). He is respected by the elders in the village and kings that they allow Okonkwo to eat with them (PeiQing Mon). He is in a higher class since he is wealthy. Okonkwo suffers from the death of Ikemefuna which he treated him like his own son (PeiQing Weds). Ikemefuna is a slave and a gift to the Okonkwo family from a neighboring clan. Ikemefuna died because of a traditional belief in the Oracle of Hills and Caves.

    4. Explain how that book's character is similar to your character especially on how they feel about imperialism (three similarities)

    My main character, Rukmani, is similar to Okonkwo. The first similarity is both of their villages they lived in had been effected by imperialism. Foreigners wanted to expand their traditions and wanted to expand their economy through mercantilism. White people came to Okonkwo's village and changed the tradition of the village since the white people spread their culture (Richard Tues). Rukmani's village had white people that built a tannery and caused the prices of goods and food to go up in the market. Both of these events lead to negative effects for the village. Rukmani's village went through famine and poverty due to the high prices of food. Okonkwo's village were influenced in the white man's wedding tradition and the some of the villagers switched their own wedding traditions (Richard Tues). The second similarity is Rukmani and Okonkwo follow their tradition. Rukmani celebrates the light festival, Deepvali, and gave two annas to the children to buy fireworks. Okonkwo followed his traditional belief in the Oracle of Hills and Caves to kill Ikemefuna because Ikemefuna was a slave and a gift to Okonkwo's family from a neighboring clan (PeiQing Weds). They had different traditions but followed what they believed in which was their way of life that controls their actions. Rukmani would have never given away two annas for the fireworks and Ikemefuna would have not killed Izemefuna if it wasn't for their tradition. The third similarity is that Rukmani's and Okonkwo's tragedies are the same since they both lost somebody they cared for. Rukmani lost her two sons and Okonkwo lost Ikemefuna. They suffered through this experience of death. Okonkwo did not eat for two days (Semir Weds) and Rukmani felt the numbness in her body and sadness.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. 1)Comparing The Good Earth to Nectar in a Sieve
    2)Matthew Alfieri

    3)Nathan: Nathan is a poor tenant farmer who has little to no money (Julio Mon). Due to an arranged marriage, he becomes the husband of Rukmani, the former daughter of the village leader. Due to the fact that both Rukmani and Nathan come from two different worlds, their new life doesn’t start as well as hoped. This change in lifestyle for Rukmani quickly makes her realize that she herself will have to make many individual sacrifices in order to make her marriage work. This results in Rukmani abandoning her past and learning how to live the life of a farmer (Hadeel Mon). From this, she must look deep within herself and use the skills that she never thought she had, such as farming and keep herself financially stable (Stephanie Mon). As time progresses, Rukmani begins to become accustomed to farm life and soon falls for her arranged husband, Nathan. Her love for him becomes so strong, that she eventually becomes pregnant with his child (Shelly Mon).

    4)Nathan and Wang Lung:

    Nathan and Wang Lung are greatly similar, as both of them share many emotions, experiences and tragedies. Nathan is a poor farmer, much like Wang Lung, who continues to live life as a lonely hermit, isolated by society due to his position in life. Both Nathan and Wang Lung are so outcasted and dissimilar from society that the only chance of them understanding and feeling the sensation of love is to take part in a forced marriage with two women. As well, they do not adjust to this change in their lives so easily, as it will take much getting used to having a woman around the house. After adapting to this newfound change, both men continue to perform their daily tasks as they would, which include farming and growing crops. Both men are also very hard workers, making sure that they have plenty to survive on. As well, both men soon develop a great passion for their wives. This passion grows so great, that they create the miracle of life. As well, both men experience very similar tragedies. To both Nathan and Wang Lung, life as a farmer was never easy. To always make sure you had enough stock and to watch over your plantations always seemed like a burden. To make matters worse however, the duties of nature that they constantly relied on began to stop, preventing their much needed stock from growing. This resulted in an extreme lack of crops and harvest for both men. As well, both Nathan and Wang Lung continued to scavenge for food and money, which will greatly help them in this time of need. The constant lack of produce and money eventually led both men to make many decisions that will greatly impact their families. It is due to extreme poverty that Raja, Nathan’s son decides to steal calfskin and Wang Lung decides to head south to find a better life. However, this decisions only led to heartbreak, as the guards, seeing Raja steal the calfskin, chase him and brutally kill him and once south Wang Lung wishes he had never made the decision to leave, as now he misses his farm land back home. These are many ways in which the main character of Nectar in a Sieve, Nathan is similar to the main character of The Good Earth, Wang Lung.

  20. Zurisaday Castellano
    My book-Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    comparing it to-The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
    The main character to The Good Earth is Wang Lung, a man that lives in a small farm with his father. Wang Lung has been taking care of his father for the for the last six years because of his mothers death(Mathew). His father is always complaining and doesnt help out with anything.As a result Wang Lung decides to marry a slave in order to get some help with the house (Jessica Zeng)
    Wang Lung is similar to Okonkwo because of their way of life. Both are opposite versions of their fathers. Wang Lung is the one who moves forward and doest complain about whats going on around him. His father is always complaining and never helping out. Okonkwo has alot of respect from the others. His father is always spending money on unneccesary things. he is always asking other for money yet he never returns what he owns. Another way that they're similar is that both men keep their feelings inside. Even though Wang Lung always has to hear his father complains he always keeps his thoughts inside. Okonkwo secretly like the food hat his wife made but never showed it because he believed in having all the power. Lastly both disagree with imperialism. Okonkwo doesnt like the white men because they are causeing a great change in the village. Wang Lung hates the Europeans because they have changed the Chinese traditions.

  21. 1.My book is Nectar in a Sieve by: Kamala Markandaya and I am comparing it to The Good Earth by: Pearl S. Buck

    2.Kristal Beltre

    3.In the book The Good Earth, the main character Wang Lung is a Chinese farmer that lives under poverty (Jia Wen, Mon). Lung and his father live in an earthen home. Lung lives alone with his father after the passing of his mother six years ago and it isn’t easy for him. Lung is always there for his father yet he takes Lung for granted and is always complaining that he spends too much money (Sally, Mon). Although Lung’s father is very dependent and rude to his son, Wang is very patient and wants to marry a woman one day to take care of himself and his father (Brandon, Mon). Wang eventually marries a servant girl from the House of Hwang named O-lan (Kayla, Mon).

    Comparing Wang and Rakumi

    4.Both Wang Lung and Rakumi made choices for their family in order to survive after terrible living conditions due to a drought. Rakumi and Nathan, her husband, already weren’t living in such lavish living circumstances, especially since the cost of food had risen, but they made ends meet. That was until a drought affected the village and Rakumi and Nathan had to sell their personal items just to receive enough money to buy food for about a month. This situation is similar to Wang’s, the main character of The Good Earth because Wang had to kill his ox that was important to him in order to feed his family. This was caused because of a drought just like Rakumi’s action of selling her items to make ends meet. Rakumi and Wang are similar in many ways, for one Rakumi and Wang both are very affectionate of their family and this is shown when they both sacrifice things precious to them in order to satisfy the needs of their family. This also shows that both characters are not selfish. Rakumi and Wang are also similar because they both live under poverty.

  22. 1). Things Fall Apart comparing to Nectar in a Sieve

    2). Denise Meza

    3). The main character from Nectar in a Sieve is Rukmani (Charlie; Hadeel and Julio; Monday). Rukmani is the daughter of the village leader in India (Julio Monday). She lives a good life with her family and they both are on high social classes (Hadeel Monday). But then her life takes a different twist because she gets married to a poor farmer Nathan (Charlie Monday). Then her social status changes to the one of her husband, low (Hadeel Monday). Rukmani moves with her husband to a farm and she learns how to take care of her household (Julio Monday).

    4). The main character of my book is Okonkwo is similar to Rukmani because (1) their villages are both affected by imperialism. The new people that influenced their traditions wanted to expand their economy. The white men came to Okonkwo's village and changed their tradition; and in Rukmani’s village the white men came to build a tannery and to make and expand their economy. This had a negative effect because Okonkwo's traditions of getting married changed and Rukmani's village suffered extreme cases of hunger. Another reason (2) is that their belief was that their actions are controlled or destined by their form and way of life. If their traditions would have been influenced then Okonkwo wouldn’t have killed Ikemefuna and Rukmani wouldn’t have given two annas for fireworks. Another reason (3) is that their tragedies were bad enough. Okonkwo had lost children from her third wife, Ekewfi. Another tragedy was that he also killed Ikemefuna which he had started to consider a son. In Rukmani had lost her two sons.

  23. 1) Nectar In A Sieve (Kamala Markandaya) compared The Good Earth (Pearl S. Buck)

    2) Ken Li

    3) Wang Lung is a Chinese farmer and he lives with his father. Wang Lung has to take care of his nagging father after his mother died. Wang Lung is living with a miserable old man,his father (LauraAshley Mon). Wang Lung is in charge of the family and he taken care of his father. He later gotten tired of taking of father. Wang Lung is in a huge responsibility because other than taking care of his father, he might have to work. Wang Lung longed for a wife. If Wang Lung got married, his wife will be able to take the some burdens with Wang Lung and he does not have to do multiple tasks like taking care of his father and work. The girl that Wang Lung is going to married is called O-Lan (Matthew Mon). O-Lan is a servant of the Hwang Family and she is also a chef. O-Lan was abused since she attacked Wang Lung when he is trying to surprise her (Mona Mon).

    4) Nathan and Wang Lung were very similar because of their background histories, situations, and their lifestyles. They were both start off as a poor farmer. Since they were poor, they might have to go through struggles for a living. They both have a huge responsibility supporting their family. Nathan had to support his wife and his children yet Wang Lung had to take care of his father and later on his wife, O-Lan (Matthew Tues). By taking care of them, the two characters have a huge responsibility on them. Wang Lung and Nathan both have to work hard for money to support their family with food and living supplies. Imperialism also affected the two characters' lifestyles that they are in. They could be affected negatively by Imperialism. Imperialism cause Wang Lung to buy more land yet there was a drought so they were not able to put the land into good use (Winnie Tues). Nathan's family was struggling for foods and supplies since imperialism caused the product prices to increased. Now they both have to struggled for survival due to those conditions. This changed the ways they used to live since both of them got to look for food and they have try their best to support their family. They both lived under situations that are harsh and severe. Wang Lung has to live through drought (Danny Wed) and Nathan has to live through a storm. This natural condition cause the characters difficulties. Nathan got his field flooded with water. He can not get much food out of it since he has to wait for the next harvest season. The drought cause Wang Lung to waste money in a bad timing. Wang Lung bought a lot of land during drought seasons. Wang Lung could not produce any food out of the field since there is a drought. It is very hard to planted things during a drought. Wang Lung had waste his money for no reason. This proves that the two character, Nathan and Wang Lung, were similar to each other.

  24. 1. Nectar to Sieve comparing it to The Good Earth

    2.Tyiana Catalino

    3. The main character of The Good Earth is Wang Lung who is a poor Chinese farmer, he comes from a poverty- stricken family (Matthew Alfieri). Wang Lung lived with his father since his mother passed away six-years ago (Jia Wen Cao). His house was made up of earth dug from his filed as and bricks. The tradition was that the wife must take care of the husband, but since his mother died he must be have that responsibility. On top of that his father complains a lot and Wang Lung has little respect to his father. There was a drought that caused the family to suffer hungry. Wang Lung father told him to marry an unattractive women to be sure that is a virgin. O-lan was a slave in the house of House of Hwang (Sarah Weiss). A tragedy that happen was that O-lan killed her daughter with her own hands, because she didn’t want her to be a burden to the family (Sally Gee). Imperialism had occurred, and the Europeans and Opium which was a drug that arrived in China ,Wang Lung hated it because he was accustomed to the Chinese tradition.

    4. Both main characters Rakumi (Nectar to Sieve) and Wang Lung are very similar. One way that both characters are similar because both characters survived a drought that was happening in their country. Rakumi spent weeks with no rain drops in her crops, and that was the only crops she had to sell. So instead she and her husband sold other stuff like shirts and saris, so she can make money for her family. With the stuff she had sold she made enough money to pay food for her family. Also the same thing happen to Wang Lung and there was a drought happening to him, there was not enough crops for him so he had to kill his precious ox to survive for his family. Another similarities that both characters had to suffer a tragedy. Rakumi lost three important people in her life and O-lan lost someone too. Rakumi lost her two sons by stealing food to survive from poverty and she also had a great lost which was her husband. O-lan killed her daughter because she didn’t want her to be a burden to the family. Also in both characters country imperialism occurred. In Rakumi’s country she had became upset with the fact that the British had left the country after making the tannery. Imperialism also made her country suffer by rising the prices of food. Wang Lung also experience through imperialism because there was a type of drug coming to the country which was opium, and caused many people to send they money on drugs.Lastly both characters suffered though poverty and had to experience difficult decisions to make their way though poverty and survive for

  25. 1) Things Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe vs. The Good Earth By Pearl S. Buck
    2) Pei Qing Huang
    3)Wang Lung, the main character in the book The Good Earth, is a poor farmer that lives with his father after his mother had died six years ago (LauraAshley Monday). He is very kind and caring for his father, but he gives him very little respect (Matt Monday and Mona Monday). He is also married to servant girl named O-lan, hoping that she can take care of his family (Sally Monday). Wang Lung works hard and was restricted about the use of money because of they are poor (Winnie Monday). Wang Lung is also very traditional. He always thinks about good luck and bad luck, and he also lights incents for the Gods on his day of marriage (Danny Monday and Mona Monday).
    4) The main character in the book The Good Earth, Wang Lung, is very similar to my character, Oknokwo, in the book Things Fall Apart. Personally, Wang Lung is poor and belongs to the lower class in the society, but Oknokwo have two titles with three wives and two full barns of yams. However, both of these men are very cultural and traditional. When Oknokwo heard about the white man, he shown great dislike toward them and thinks that they disrupts the traditions (Achebe 74). Wang Lung on the other case is very deep believing the good lucks and bad lucks. When his third child was born, which is a girl, he thinks it’s a bad omen. The nature then soon no longer does its job and leaves the plants and crops dry (Matt Tuesday). In family life, Oknokwo had three wives that take cares for all the family and Oknokwo. Wang Lung’s wife, O-lan, was also married to Wang Lung because Wang Lung wants a wife to take care of the house affairs. Both men have women takes care of their home chores, and believe they are meant to do it as their job. They take women as lower class for men, and this also proves that they are both very traditional. Wang Lung and Oknokwo are also similar in the way being affected by imperialism, which is negative. Imperialism had changed the traditional ways of marriage in Oknokwo’s village. The white men had changed their thought of the places women should be held in society and they way of marriage should be different from how the traditional is (Achebe 74). Wang Lung’s society was also being affected negatively by opium, which is brought to their country by imperialism. This causes families to waste money for it and also getting poorer. Oknokwo and Wang Lung have a lot of similarities on family life, their society, and traditions that are affected by imperialism.

  26. 1. Identify your book and the book you are comparing it to
    My Book: The Good Earth
    Other Book: Nectar in a Sieve
    2. State your name
    Mona Dwedar

    3. Summarize the other book's main character citing three examples from other people's posts.
    The main character of the book is Rukmani (Shelly Mon.).
    The main character of the book is Rukmani (Hadeel Mon.). She is the youngest daughter a village leader (Shelly Mon.). She comes from a high class family, due to the fact that her father is the leader of a village (Daniela Mon.). Since Ruku was not the best looking, her family married her to a farmer, causing her social class to dramatically change (Daniela/Shelly Mon.). This brings shame to her family because she has married someone of a lower class (Shelly Mon.). She is forced to move from her luxurious home to a mud hut, which was made by her husband (Daniela Mon.). Ruku, wanting to please her husband, was willing to sacrifice her old lifestyle to adapt to her husband’s (Allyson Mon.). She becomes pregnant with a girl, disappointing her and her husband, but treat her well and take care of her (Daniela Mon.). Lastly, Ruku is a warm hearted, hard worker, who looks at her situation positively (Daniela Mon.).

    4. Explain how that book's character is similar to your character especially on how they feel about imperialism (three similarities)

    Ruku from Nectar in a Sieve is similar to Wang Lung from The Good Earth. Both are warmhearted people who are hard workers. Wang Lung takes care of his father for over six years and works long hours on his land. Ruku is also a hard working farmer who helps her husband tend to the farm and helps Kuthi when she is in labor. Their social hierarchy is similar as well. Both have changed their social status. Ruku went from being of a high social class to being of a lower social class, due to the fact that she married her husband Nathan. Wang Lung, however, was different. He had gone from being of the lower class to being of the higher class. This happened because of his crops and his dedication to his land. Also, both characters faced a drought, causing them to give up something special to them. Ruku and Nathan had to give up possessions (i.e. clothing, etc.), while Wang Lung had to kill his favorite ox. Lastly, both are similar in the way that both were forced into marriage.

  27. Robert Glass
    Book: Nectar in a Sieve
    By Kamala Markandaya

    Compared to The Good Earth by pearl S. Buck

    The main character in the book "The Good Earth" is known as Wang lung. He is a poor farmer in China and barely scrapes out a living by farming (Kassandra Monday). Wang had lost his mother as did Ruku (Kayla Marie Candella Mon.). Wang lung lives in a small house made of earth or of brick and is the common type of house for the poor to live in (Xanique H Monday). Wang is a poor person such as Ruku is when she is married and to the end of her childhood. Ruku and her husband nathan are also farmers and for long periods of time they would only get by on what they make from the land. The house that Ruku and Nathan live in is made of a sod type mixture and has a thatched roof of leaves, basically it is a hut thatthey live in and is the common house for the poor in India. These are the basic similarities for these two main characters because they both live in the same type of situation and face problems of the same or similar kind. The two of them have had a hard life so far.

    The topic of Imperialism comes up in both books that I am comparing. Ruku feels that when the Tannery was being built, that it would casue trouble. In the book "The Good Earth" the Hwang family is becoming poor because of the opium trade (Winnie Chen Tues.) which is a problem just as Ruku felt when the Tannery was built. In India the prices of food had gone up and it was hard to buy food when they had little money and in China they have liitle money to spend as well (Mona Tues.). Imperialism had a possitive efeect on Ruku by her sons working in the tannery making more money and in China Wang bought more land which in turn gave him more profit (Xanique Herasme). These two characters both view Imperialism as good and bad because it can help and it can hurt which it has done to the two of them. these are their similarities on their feelings of imperialism.

  28. 1)My Book: Nectar in a Sieve
    Compared Book: The Good Earth
    2)Hadeel Ayesh
    3)In the book The Good Earth, the main character Wang Lung. He is a chinese farmer
    (Jia Wen;Monday)Wang's mother passed away six years ago so he lives with his father(Sally;Monday. Wangs father just liked to complain meanwhile he didnt do anything helpful.Eventually Wang gets married to a slave named O-lan to get help around the house(Kayla, Mon).
    4)Rukmani and her husband Nathan are put in a bad situation when the tannery raised the prices on groceries. They then had to sell some of their own belongings to afford food. Wang, the main character of The Good Earth, also has a similar issue. He had to kill his ox to put food on the table for his family. This was hard for him because he had to kill something very dear to him. Both Rukmani and Wang are similar because they both care a lot for their families. They are willing to do anything possible to make their families happy. Wang and Rukmani are selfless citizens; they also both lost family members. Rukmani lost two sons and Wang lost his mother.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. My book: The Good Earth By Pearl S. Buck
    Comparing to: Things Fall Apart by Chinau Achebe
    Sarah Weiss

    1)The main character is Okonkwo, a wealthy farmer in Africa (Semir Mon). Okonkwo is also a strong wrestler who is respected by his village (PeiQuing Mon). He has attained great wealth and fame from being a farmer unlike his father Unoka (PeiQuing Mon). Unoka is lazy and continuously borrows money from people, he is a man of no accomplishment (Maribel Mon) Okonkwo is ashamed of his father because he does not strive to succeed like himself (Alice Mon).

    2)Wang Lung and Okonkwo are both farmers who do not respect their fathers. Their fathers are lazy while they seek to do well in life. In both Wang Lung and Okonkwo's society, women are not looked highly upon. Okonkwo has had three wives who he expects do complete house hold chores (PeiQuing Mon),similar to Wang Lung who expects the same from his wife O-lan. Both Okonkwo and Wang Lung are forced to kill significant figures in their lives, Wang Lung kills his daughter and Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna (Semir Tues). Both characters have been negatively impacted by imperialism which lead to a change in their family lives and to their society. In Wang Lungs village, opium has effected many of the valued traditions because money is being wasted and families are becoming poorer. Okonkwo's village has also been changed by imperialism. The white men changed the social status that women should be held at and the traditional way of marriage. Both men do not support imperialism. Wang Lung and Okonkwo are both self sufficient men who strongly support tradition. Since imperialism in both cases is corrupting their society and even their family, the have become spiteful.

  31. 1) The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck compare to Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

    2) Danny Perez

    3) In the book Things Fall Apart, the main character, Okonkwo was a wealthy farmer that lived in Africa. Though out his life he had two barns full of yams, three wives, two titles, and showed lots of military bravery in two inter-tribal wars (Semir Monday). When he was very young he defeated a very famous wrestler named Amalinze the Cat, who wasn’t defeated for a certain amount of time (Maribel Monday). After all Okonkwo is well respected because of the strength that brought him money as well. He is a farmer that had great fame and wealth (PeiQing Monday).

    Okonkwo feels very weak when he heard of the death of Ikemefuna, then when he had his daughter he wanted a boy instead (Semir Tuesday). Ikemefuna was a young boy that Okonkwo took under his wing and took care of him. After the death, Okonkwo, didn’t eat for a few days (Jennifer Tuesday).Then in the village the villagers saw “white skin” and things have change because of that (Richard Tuesday).

    One major tragedy that has happened in the book was that Ezeudu died. He died because he was very old and his time was up (Santos Wednesday).It has damaged Okonkwo greatly. Then another was that Okonkwo had to kill Ikemefuna because he was told so by the Oracle the Hills and Caves (PeiQing Monday). It was just all for a sacrifice. Then another tragedy happened that his daughter (from second wife) had a disease that had no cure (Wilson Wednesday).

    4) Wang, in the book The Good Earth turned rich when he started saving, begging, and stealing money. He got money and he decides to buy seed for the land that he bought with his hard earned money. When he got everything, he let into the hands of nature and heaven. There was a good harvest and he got richer everyday. He soon noticed that he was the most respected one that bought the land from Hwang. Wang got all the land from the Hwang which was rich soil. He also, as Okonkwo had multiple wives. Wang got two, one for the work of the house and one for pleasure. So far Imperialism was benefitting him because he got money from businesses.

    When Wang was in horrible harvest (past) his father said that it was either human flesh or the flesh. Wang didn’t want to kill humans because it wasn’t a habit of him. Then he didn’t want to kill his ox because the animal had helped a lot before and he couldn’t kill it. Even the time came and everyone was greatly hungry, Wang said that it was the ox’s time to die. Wang of course didn’t kill the ox but his wife. When his wife was cooking it, and she already serving it, Wang couldn’t eat it because he felt guilty. When Wang was in the south begging for change, he saw a white man which he was hairy and had different color skin and eyes, gave Wang a piece of paper. This piece of paper of was picture of someone being crucified. This was Jesus and the man giving out the paper was a missionary. So far Imperialism wasn’t helping Wang because it didn’t give him food or change. Sometimes he did by the foreigners.

    One tragedy that happened to Wang was that his second daughter was killed by O-lan. She had to do it because there was no way the baby will survive in the conditions they were. There were marks on the baby’s neck which mean that O-lan choked it to death. This got Wang upset even thought it was a girl. The second tragedy that happened to Wang was that his daughter wasn’t the same as other children her age. She wouldn’t say anything but smile, but Wang accepted her and loved her. Imperialism affected Wang because his daughter was killed because they didn’t have enough to eat. O-lan made this choice to survive.

  32. Juan D. Garcia
    A Nectar in A Sieve - The Good Earth

    3. Wang Lung is a poor Chinese farmer who lives with his sick father in a small house(7). He is very modest and cares so much for his father than for himself because he takes of him and looks out for him ever since his mother died (3). Wang is also very respectful because he gives his evil uncle a lot of money even though his uncle abuses his trust.

    4. Wang is similar to Ruku, from A Nectar In A Sieve, because they are both living in poor conditions. They do not have a lot of money. For example, Ruku tries to buy food after the rainstorm with 2 rupees. They both spent what they have for the wedding, Wang on meat which is expensive and Ruku on the food from their harvest which was needed after the terrible rainstorm. They probably feel that imperialism will help a lot. First of all, imperialism will give employment to those who need jobs and money like Ruku and Wang. Another thing that was similar was that Ruku and Nathan had to sell what they had to buy food and supplies which they needed and Wang had to kill his only ox. Imperialism will probably help out both Ruku and Wang.

  33. 1. My book: Nectar in a Sieve
    The book I'm comparing it to: The Good Earth
    2. My name is Shadeyrack Quiroz
    3. Wang-Lung is the main character of the book and he is a poor young man who lives with his sickened father (Jaffar monday). Wang-Lung' mother died and he has to take her responsibilities and tend to his fathers demands since his father is sick (Mandy monday). Wang's father tends to take advantage of Wang since he has to obey every single one of his demands (Kiara monday). When Wang wanted to take a shower to look nice, his father becomes very judgmental and tell him that water is a precious thing (David monday). Wang doesn't have a lot of money, and he's always the joke coming out of people mouth (Brandon monday). Wang is very patient and he shows respect to his elders (Brandodn monday). Wang's only hope of getting rid of his responsibilities is by getting married (Matt monday).
    4.Both Rukmani and Wang have gone through similar economic tragedies in their lives. Wang and his wife are going to have their third child and Wang starts to think that the child is a bad omen (Matt tuesday). Wangs beliefs are proven when the crops start to go dry and there isn't a harvest anymore (Matt tuesday). Then he starts to struggle because he doesn't have enough money to feed his family and kids. Rukmani faced the same problem of feeding her kids because the crops wouldn't grow fast enough so that her family could have something to eat. She still had to breast feed Selvam so that there can be some food for her five children, her husband, and her. She had to suffer in order for her child to grow healthy and so that her family wont starve. Economy still had its affect in both books because when Wang took a shower and he got a shave, people believed that he was rich and they started to charge Wang for many ridiculous things such as paying to rent a chair (Danny tuesday). People were constantly charging him for something so that the people can get some more money. When industrialization took place in Rukmani's village, people were constantly loitering. Many of them were plotting schemes to get some more money. Marketers took action and they raised their prices so that they can gain more money. But the biggest effect that both books had on the main characters family and in the villages was starvation. Starvation led people to betray others such as in the event that Wang's uncle told the village that Wang has some hidden wealth and then the villager s invaded his property and took many of his possessions. Or in the event where Kunthi blackmailed Rukmani and Nathan so that she can get some more food.

  34. 1)Nectar in a Sieve compared to The Good Earth

    2)Charlie Perez

    3)The main character of The Good Earth is Wang Lung. Wang lung is a poor Chinese farmer who lives with his father (Jia Wen Mon). Wang Lung has to take care of his sick father, who suffers from a violent cough. It is usually a man's wife who takes care of a sick husband, but Wang Lung's mother died and the only person left to take care of him is Wang Lung (Matt Mon). Wang Lung is also waiting to marry his future wife. Wang Lung is happy because he will no longer have to take care of his sick father after he marries. This is because the wife would then be responsible for taking care of Wang Lung's sick father (Matt Mon).

    4)Rukmani and Wang Lung have things in common with each other. Both of these characters had suffered a severe drought. A drought that caused their family to starve. Wang Lung's family had suffered a major drought that caused his family to go hungry and kill his Ox as a result (Sally Wed). Another way they are similar is that they both had a son who stole something. Rukmani's son Raja had stolen a calfskin, resulting in the death of Raja. Wang Lung's son had stolen some pork (Mona Tue). This caused both of them to see what Imperialism has done to their people and they saw it as a negative thing that plagued their society. Both characters also saw their people go through an addiction. Rukmani saw her people go through an "addiction" with money, Rukmani said that every man was thinking of ways to get more money. In India after Imperialism arrived all everyone thought about was money. Wang Lung watched his people go through Opium addictions (Xanique Tue). Many people in China got addicted to Opium that was brought by the Europeans. Both characters saw their people go through greed and poverty and they suffered a lot because of it. Both character saw the arrival of Imperialism to be very negative to them and their people.

  35. 1. My book: The Good Earth--compared book: Nectar in a Sieve
    2. Jaafar Hamdan

    3. Julio-- The main character is Rakmani. As the daughter of the village leader she was in a high class in society. Since Rakmani was married to a man named Nathan who was a low social class this made Rakmani become in a low social class. The couple lived in a mud hut on a farm. Rakmani worked on a farm and did the house chores and went to the market for food.
    Janet-- Imperialism caused the price of food to go up so it was harder for Rakmani to feed her family. Rakmani had to sell all the things she had so her family will not starve. They were unable to feed the family.
    Shelley--Two of Rakmani sons had died from the lack of food. Raja died because when he went to go steal something to eat but got caught and the owner hit his head and since Raja had not eaten he was weak and died from the hit. Kuti died because he had not eaten and was unhealthy and became blind from no food then died.
    Daniela-- Rakmani was selfless and put people before herself.

    4. The main character in The Good Earth Wang Lung and the main character Rakmani in the book Nectar in a Sieve are very similar to each other in many ways. One way that Wang Lung and Rakmani are similar is that they were both selfless and cares for others. Wang Lung care for his old father even though all his father did was complain about what ever Wang Lung did and still took care of him because he is selfless. Like Rakmani took care of her mother because she was in pain she always took care of her mother and felt pain because her mother was in pain but still took care of her. Another way Wang Lung and Rakmani are similar is that they both worked hard on a farm and were in a low social class. Wang Lung worked on a farm and uses it to grow crops to sell for money and to feed his family off of it then a drought happens and the land can’t grow crops any more. When Wang Lung can’t plant he went and worked then robbed and man to be able to feed his family. With Rakmani she worked on a farm to feed her family and she sold the crops to make money. The land Rakmani work on was weak and couldn’t grow crops to feed her family or sell the crops to buy food. So Rakmani’s son had to resort to steal so he could eat but that prove fatal. The third reason that Wang Lung and Rakmani are similar is that when they were low on food they were forced to do thing they didn’t want to do. When Wang Lung had no food to his family he was forced to kill his ox and eat it for food. Wang Lung was also forced to steal form a man to support his family. When Rakmani needed to feed her family she sold everything they had so she could buy them food. Rakmani’s son went and tried to steal food but when he was caught he was hit after the first strike he died because he was weak from lack of food. This is how Wang Lung and Rakmani are similar in many ways with their actions, their thinking and their way of life.

  36. John Cruz

    The Good Earth

    1. Identify your book and the book you are comparing it to

    The books I am comparing are The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck and Nectar in a Sieve
    By Kamala Markandaya

    2. State your name

    John Cruz

    3. Summarize the other book's main character citing three examples from other people's posts.

    Ruku is the main character in Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya. Ruku was the daughter of a mayor, but since times change she soon married a man and she downgraded from there on (Robert Monday). As the story goes on times Ruku has very little to eat. The reason they had little to eat was because the drought made crops die, and food became scarce that lead to high priced foods. The character Ruku seems to be strong because she was able endured the lack of food . She has to wait for the harvest season to come (Julio Tuesday). When imperialism arrived many of the characters die such as Raja’s and Kuti. Her death and Kuti's death was caused by hunger and poverty. Imperialism could have developed the village well paying jobs that could have put an end to the hunger and poverty. The parents would have gotten a job to overcome their situation. These shows how strong hearted Ruku is, she endured imperialism flaw and death (Kristal Beltre Tuesday). In conclusion she surviving famine, poverty, and endorsing death of love ones obviously can be concluded that she is a very worthy character of being called bold and strong.

    4. Explain how that book's character is similar to your character especially on how they feel about imperialism (three similarities)

    The three similarities are they both suffer similar pain, both loose loved ones, and both go back to their home. Both characters are similar due to their embracing of unfortunates events. Wang Lu is a farmer, lives the country live and wants to settle down to have a family. The northern part in which Wang lives in, runs nothing of food. Wang is forced to leave his home that he earned, force to leave memories, and force to leave everything behind in search for hope of survival. That is a brave move because he doesn’t know whether the hope is an illusion. He is moving without thought That alone stands out that he is willing to do anything for his family. Ruku endured many obstacles such as having to deal with death and famine. If she saw a way out just like Wang did, I am certain that she would be willing to do anything to be able to have a chance. Wang Lu lost a child at birth, although Ruku did not suffer the same but did lose her children to something more depth. When there was lack of food for both characters, both suffered equal damaged. Both dealt with poverty and famine wishing they could return to their own land. Both suffer the pain of false hope. Even if the husband dies at the end of Nectar in a Sieve Ruku returns to the her village. The reader can assume she returns to a similar state in the beginning. Wang Lu returns back home to his village after he gets rich by robbing gold and finding O-Lan’s jewels. Both suffered much and endured everything and kept one thing in mind. They kept the priority of their family. Emotions did interfere with their main goal such as Wang Lu having to come to the thought of selling his daughter. Both suffered, both managed to endures such great pain. Both were also different their race is different one is Hindu the other is Chinese. One was affected by imperialism, Wang Lu was force to work to support his family, the other could have been helped by imperialism, imperialism could have offered Ruku a job and helped. That is where they differ.

  37. 1) My book is The Good Earth compare to Things Falls Apart
    2)Sally Gee
    3) Okonkwo is a wealthy farmer in Africa. He gained fame and respect when he defeated a great wrestler named Amalinze the Cat at a young age (Semir Mon). He own two barns of yams, three wives, and two titles. Okonkwo is a complete opposite of his father, Unoka. His father is poor, and he can't even feed his family. Unoka borrows money from his neighbors, but he never returns them (Maribel Mon). He left his family full of debts, and he never use the money he borrows for any good (AliceLiang Mon).
    4) There are many similarities between Wang Lung and Okonkwo. Both main characters were hard working farmers. They both have someone in their family that they are ashame about. Wang Lung is ashamed of his uncle. His uncle doesn't work hard in his field, and he does nothing for his family. He asked/threaten his nephew, Wang Lung, to borrow some money, and he gambles it away. Okonkwo's father, Unako, was a disappointment in his family. Unako doesn't take care of his family and felt them to starve. He borrows money from his neighbors, but he doesn't returns them. Unako left his framily in debts. Another similarity between the two main character is that they both disapprove of imperialism. After Wang Lung arrived in the South, he realized that he's very foreign to the area. He longed for his home. He wants to go back to his village where he can work in his fields. Okonkwo dislike the fact that imperialism changed their culture and curropted their traditions. Okonkwo doesn't like that the "white skins" influenced their culture negatively and made traditions to fade.

  38. Nectar in a Sieve vs. The Good Earth

    a. The main character of The Good Earth is named Wang Lung. Wang Lung is a poor farmer that takes care of his father, who is very sick, in place of his dead mother. Small things, such as water, are very scarce and expensive and his father dislikes them to be wasted because it costs money (Matt Mon.). Wang does all the work, and his father desires for food a lot (Danny Mon.). Later on, Wang Lung married a low class servant and she bears many children. Wang Lung is under the pressure of feeding all the mouths in the house. The family depended on the farm, but there was a drought and the crops didn’t grow (Sally Wed.). Without crops, there would be no profit and food for themselves. They needed money to feed themselves, so Wang Lung sold his land and begged for money. Since begging still didn’t feed them, his wife, O-Lan, allowed her children to steal (Sally Tue.). Wang Lung and O-Lan sold their daughter to gain profit, giving up something special (Mona Tue.). This didn’t help and the family was still starving. Wang Lung had an ox he loved very much, but he had to sacrifice it to feed the family (Sally Wed). This still didn’t help because O-Lan was still giving birth and the family was barely surviving. When the child was born, it died because it wasn’t strong enough (Matt Wed.). Wang Lung lost all his possessions after being robbed in the village, and decided that a better life would be in the south (Jessica Wed.).

    b. Rukmani and Wang Lung are similar. Wang Lung is a poor farmer that tries to support his family with his wife. Their life is dependent on the farm’s crops. They have many children to feed including Wang Lung’s father. Rukmani married a poor farmer, Nathan, and gave birth many children. They lived on farmland and their life is also dependent on the crops that grew. Both families dealt with drought and that the crops didn’t grow. This caused both families into poverty. Both families took drastic measures such as selling off and losing their prizes possessions. Wang Lung kills his beloved ox for food and sells his land to gain some money. His wife also allowed the children to steal. Ruku and Nathan tried paying their rent by selling off their saris, pots, bowls and other necessities, but in the end they lose the land by selling it to the tannery. Ruku sent out her children in search of food that was lying around in the wild. Both families also lose family members during times of poverty. Wang Lung sold his daughter as a slave and lost his fourth daughter at birth. She died because the family did not have enough for her to survive. Ruku’s youngest son, Kuti, died from being famish and her second youngest son, Raja, died from stealing calfskin (which could’ve been sold for profits). Though both families tried, they lost everything with little money to spare. They decided to travel to move on and find a better life. Wang Lung wanted to go to the south because he knew the village he lived in couldn’t provide his needs. Rukmani moved to the city where her successful son lived. They both didn’t end up with good results and in the end, lose the ones they loved (O-Lan and Nathan).

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Ruku thought that it wasn’t the tannery’s, the symbol for imperialism, fault for the cause of their loss in land. This is because it wasn’t theirs to begin with and that the crops wouldn’t have grown anyways. Wang Lung dealt with drought also, so he too would’ve lost his land because there was no profit to gain from. They might’ve both thought that imperialism was the cause of their disadvantage of purchasing certain items. Ruku couldn’t afford to buy small ingredients such as salt. Wang Lung couldn’t afford water. Also, that some items weren’t worth as much as they were before because imperialism brings in new materials. Ruku tries to sell her sarti, which is made with good material, but the sarti isn’t worth as much anymore. In China, opium was addictive and was probably the most sold item during those times. Wang Lung might’ve had competition against opium when selling things, lowing the price of items (such as maybe his daughter for a slave).

  41. 1) My book is Things Fall Apart compared to THe Good earth

    2) Alice Liang

    3) JiaWen- Wang Lung is a poor Chinese farmer that lives with his father. Wang Lung has to live with his father live alone in a house made from Earth. LauraAshley- Wang Lung and his father lives together from a house that was made from the earth. Wang lung's mother passed away six years ago so he has to take care of his complaining father. Matthew- Once Wang Lung has married a wife, he will no longer have to take care of his father. Wang Lung's wife will then be the one to take care of Wang Lung's father because it is a tradition that wives are the ones who are responsible in taking care of her family.

    4) Wang Lung is similar to Okonkwo because both Okonkwo and Wang Lung wanted to stop caring about their father. Okonkwo stopped caring about his father because his father was a failure and he had no titles or money. Wang Lung stopped to care because his father would always complain a lot and Wang Lung was getting tired of taking care of him. This shows they lack a bit of love when it comes to caring and loving even if that person is blood related. Okonkwo and Wang Lung were both poor at first. They both became rich as time passed by; they both harvested and worked on the farm. At first Okonkwo had nothing to start with because his father was poor and owed many villagers debts. One day Okonkwo decided to go to get yam seeds from a very rich and powerful man. Okonkwo then got eight hundred seeds and he immediately started to work on the farm. Wang Lung was poor too so he depended on his farm for crops and food. Okonkwo and Wang Lung then faced through rough weathers while trying to make the crops grow. Okonkwo and Wang Lung are similar to one another because both Okonkwo and Wang Lung had to go through hard times to get what they want. They make similar actions.

  42. 1. My book is Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe. The book I am comparing to is The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck.
    2. Winnie Liang
    3. Wang Lung is the main character in the book The Good Earth. Wang Lung lives poorly with his father after his mother’s death six years ago. Wang Lung lives in a small area with his father (Jia Monday). Wang Lung’s father often complains about Wang wasting money. Wang then wants a wife to care for him and his father, so he bought a slave to be his bride (Sally Monday). After Wang and his wife have their first child, he watches out on how much he is spending (Matt Tuesday). Wang Lung faces problems such as not having rain for many days for the crops. Wang Lung’s the one to look out for his family (Mona Wednesday).
    4. Okonkwo, from the book Things Fall Apart is similar to Wang Lung, from the book The Good Earth. Okonkwo is a powerful and rich man who was famous for throwing Amalinze the Cat. Wang Lung is poor and has to spend his life taking care of his father, due to his mother’s death. Their background is very different, but they are similar in other ways. Both Okonkwo and Wang Lung were affected by their father. Okonkwo’s father, Unoka, is lazy and a debtor. Okonkwo is ashamed of his own father, so he is the total opposite. Okonkwo grew up successful and he had fame. Wang Lung’s father always bothered Wang Lung about him wasting money. This caused Wang Lung to get married to a slave who could help around. Okonkwo and Wang Lung both had feeling they had to keep in. Okonkwo is a powerful man where he can’t show any sign of weakness. Wang Lung has to put up with his father and have to take care of his family, wife and children. Okonkwo and Wang Lung were both negatively affected by imperialism. For Okonkwo, the white men moved in and destroyed his clan’s tradition. Wang Lung lost money due to an addictive drop, opium, arriving China.

  43. Taylor Capone
    The novel The Good Earth compares to Nectar in a Sieve.
    In the novel The Good Earth, main character Wang Lung, is described as a poor Chinese farmer, facing the death of his beloved mother (Jia Wen Cao).He currently lives with his nagging father, and avoids spending money on unnecessary luxuries. They remain on a “tight budget”. Wang takes very good care of his father yet is taken granted for (Matthew Alfieri).The old man is miserable from the loss of his beloved wife and complains to his son. Eventually, Wang falls in love with the house servant and marries her (LauraAshley Pfeifer).
    In the novel Nectar in a Sieve, main character Rukmani, faces similar issues like Wang Lung. Rukmani struggles to support her family through times of poverty and pain. As the increase of food remains, Rukmani and her family have little to eat. They remain on a tight budget as Wang and his father. As the reader grows more in depth with the plot, Rukmani continues to please her family even though they struggle for survival. As like Wang, he remains to take care of father, within poor conditions, even though he feels unappreciated. Both characters care for their families under unhealthy conditions, emotionally and physically. Both characters have lost family members who meant importance to them, and shaped their lives. Wang lost his mother and Rukmani lost her two youngest sons and her husband.

  44. 1)My book: The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
    Comparing to: Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya

    2)Jia Wen Cao

    3)The main character in Nectar in a Sieve is Rukmani. Rukmani, in the beginning was part of the upper class since she was the daughter of the village leader (Julio Mon). Rukmani's life later changed for the worse when she was married to a poor farmer while her sisters were married to rich men. However, Rukmani, being poor, taught and helped her develop new skills. She learned to work the fields and at the farm (Hadeel Mon). As she lives her life with her poo husband Nathan, their food depended on the weather. They had to farm and have good harvvest in order to have food. Most of the time food were scarce. From higher class, Rukmani dropped to the lower class (Robert Mon). Rukmani and her family experiences tragedy and hardships; financial problems and food were two of their main challenges (Stephanie Wed).

    4)Wang Lung from The Good Earth is similar to Rukmani from Nectar in a Sieve in more ways than one. Wang Lung begins as a poor farmer that lived with his father; with no mother, Wang Lung had to take care of his father everyday. However, Rukmani began as a upper branch of the village for her father was the chief of the village. Rukmani later marries a poor farmer, bringing down her social status.
    Wang Lung and Rukmani's beginning is quite different, but their later-on has similarities. They both get married to someone poor, and later stays poor. For this reason, they live a hard life. Wang Lung lived his life depending on the weather for food, as well as Rukmani; Rukmani's family also depended on the weather for food. Another similarity would be they both never knew about imperialism until a while later; they had been farmers since beginning. Later on, they move to the more urban sides; they found ways to make money and stop depending on the weather for food. Further on, they both encounter problems; the effects of imperialism in their country.

  45. 1)Comparing My book Things Fall Apart to The Good Earth
    2)Jennifer Tufino

    3)Wang Lung is the main character of the book The Good Earth. He is a poor farmer whom takes care of his father who is ill (Mona Monday). He cares for his father over the course of six years but he doesn’t show much respect for his father although he is caring. His father takes advantage of him because he makes him do the work that is needed to do on the farm (Kiara Monday). The house they live in is made of earthen bricks dug from their own fields (Sally Monday). They use their own natural resources to help support them, such as keeping a roof over their heads. Wang can’t afford to pay workers to help him in the field but he believes in the worship of the Earth (Kiara Monday). The land that Wang owned brought him profit because it was rich land (Sally Tues). But later at some point Wang is forced to either kill an ox or an actual person but O-land takes the Ox’s life instead. This was a decision that had to be done because there was no rain that is necessary for harvesting to occur (Danny Wed).

    4)Wang is very much like Okonkwo. When Wang was in need of crops he obtains the land of the Hwang family, crops is needed in order to support his family but his Uncle also comes to him for food in which case he doesn’t give him any (Mona Wed). This is similar to when Okonkwo was in need of cowries (after being executed from Umuofia) for his barn he is able to obtain it through Obierika’s help. Obierika helps him and sells his yams to help him even though he no longer lives in Umuofia. This is one way Okonkwo and Wang are both similar because even when they face themselves in situations in which they are in need they find a way to get through it to solve their problems. Another way that Wang is similar to Okonkwo is because neither of the two men agrees with the idea of Imperialism. Two new ideas were brought into each of their town which affected them negatively and does not make them happy. Opium was introduced in China which brought Wang’s village into poverty, desperate for the need of food that people start eating own human flesh. (David Wed). Due to the mistress’s addiction to opium is the reason that brings their village to poverty which forces him to leave home, this negatively affects him because he’s forced to leave home. This is similar to Okonkwo’s situation because when a new religion is brought into his clan, his son Nwoye converts into that religion. This negatively affects him, because it tears his family apart, he then no longer considers Nwoye his son for converting into Christianity. Lastly another way the two characters are similar are when people from other countries come to invade their countries. In China, men were recruited to join the army and were mistreated and beaten in Wang’s country (Kassandra Wed). Imperialism leads to mistreatment and recruiting for the army in Wang’s village. This is similar to the idea of recruitment to join Christianity in Okonkwo’s clan which he did not agree to either. Wang didn’t agree with recruitment for the army because he asked a man if the men even thought about them having families, he didn’t like the idea. Okonkwo didn’t want his people to convert and turn to this new religion because he wished for things to stay the way they were, the worship of their many gods.

  46. 1) Comparing Nectar in a Seive and The Good Earth
    2) Daniela Giraldo
    3) The main character in the book The Good Earth is a tenant farmer, Wang Lung. Wang is of a very low social class (Jia Mon). He lives with his father, after the horrible tradedy of his mothers death. Wang tries his best to attend to his father. However, his father is not easy to live with and often takes advantage of his son (Sally Mon). Lung over looks this and tries his best to care for his ungrateful father. Wang eventually begins to desire a wife. His ideal wife would be one who would not only care and nuture him but his father aswell. He later gets married to a servant named O-Lan ( Mathew Mon).
    4) Wang Lung and Rakumi share many similarities. Wang and Rakumi are both of a very low social class. Through out their lives they have both struggled emotionally as well as finacially. Rakumi's family struggled when her town experienced a drought. Her crops became damaged as her family grew hungry. Similar to Rakumi, Lungs town also had a drought. Since he was a farmer, this affected him greatly. His family also grew hungry. Both of their families were starving which meant Rakumi and Wang had to take action. They both took matters into their own hands by giving up stuff. Rakumi gave up shirts and sold the few crops she had left. Through his she was able to attain enough money for food. Much like Rakumi, Wang sacrifised his precious ox. He couldn't bare watching his family suffer from hunger any longer. Not only did they encounter finacial obstacles, but person ones too. Wang and Rakumi suffered from terrible losses. Both lost their children. Rakumi lost two of her children because of food. Kuti died of hunger and Raga trying to attain food. On the other hand Wangs wife killed their daughter . She feared that her daughter was going to end up being a disapointment and a failure so she murdered her. Although from distinct places, they both faced many similar obstacles throughout their lives.

  47. The Good Earth - Nectar In A Sieve
    Mandy Li

    Rukmani is the daughter of the village leader (Charlie Mon). She is in the higher class because of her father's reputation in the village; however, her social class becomes one of the lower class when she marries a farmer, Nathan (Hadeel Mon). Rukmani had a hard time adjusting to the life of a lower class. She is startled by the sight of the house she was to live in because it is a small hut (Janet Mon). The farm they live on is very small (Allyson Mon). Rukmani gradually learns skills, does household chores, and becomes adjusted to her surroundings and life (Steaphanie Mon).

    Wang Lung is similar to Rukmani because both of them had a time where there economic and social conditions were not very good. Both of them did not have much money. Another similarity between Wang Lung and Rukmani is that both of them worked in a farm. Rukmani worked on the farm when she was adjusted to the life style of the lower class, and Wang Lung has been a farmer his entire life. Both of them used the crops on the farm to make a profit to support their family. A third similarity would be that both Wang Lung and Rukmani went through a social class change. Rukmani went from a higher social class to a lower social class. Whereas, Wang Lung went from a lower social class to a higher social class. Rukmani went down to the lower class due to the marriage to Nathan, who was in the lower social class. Then there's Wang Lung who gained his high rank due to him buying land off the House of Hwangs which were a wealthy family in the village and was well known.

  48. 1) My Book: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe in comparison to The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

    2) Sandy Wu

    3) Wang Lung is a poor farmer in the beginning. He becomes wealthy later on because he borrowed money and earns money later on with crops. He has a wife named O-Lan, and she has a lot of children. Wang Lung takes care of his ill father and supports his family. His wife, O-Lan, does all the chores in the house, she used to be a slave (Matthew Alfieri Tues). Wang Lung’s uncle always wants money. He takes money from Wang Lung and spends it all. Wang Lung finds another woman attractive and ignores O-Lan. (Kassandra Hernandez [Wednesday] and Jessica Zeng [Wednesday]).

    4) The characters in The Good Earth and Things Fall Apart have many similarities. Wang Lung and Okonkwo both were poor in the beginning. They had to earn money themselves to support their family. Wang Lung earns money with crops and Okonkwo earns money by harvesting yams. Wang Lung’s father is ill and isn’t able to help out. Okonkwo’s father was always in debt and when he died, he didn’t have anything for Okonkwo. Another similarity is that the women in these books do mostly everything in the family. Okonkwo’s wives cooks, cleans and takes care of their children. O-Lan used to be a slave, and she has to do all the work in the house as well. A third similarity is between Okonkwo’s father and Wang Lung’s uncle. Okonkwo’s father is always borrowing money from people and never paying them back. Wang Lung’s uncle always takes money from Wang Lung. His uncle wastes money like Okonkwo’s father. Okonkwo and Wang Lung doesn’t like that their country is changing so much because of imperialism. Both of them, Okonkwo and Wang Lung, die unhappy in the end. Okonkwo suicides in the end, everyone is converting to Christianity. The British are changing the lives of the villagers. No one believes in tradition anymore. The same was going on in Wang Lung’s life, people invaded and changed tradition.

  49. The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
    Compared to Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Brandon Acosta

    Okonkwo is a wealthy and respected farmer. He became respected because of his victory over the greatest wrestler in the land (Day One $3M1R). He's of a very high class, but his father is something he's shameful of. His father's of a lower class and always borrows from others (Day One PeiQing Huang). Okonkwo has a bad temper. The fear of becoming like his father contributes to his personality (Day One Jennifer Tufino).

    One way Wang Lung and Okonkwo are similar regarding imperialism is the affect it had on them. Onkonkwo suffered from imperialism and so did his family. Okonkwo also didn't eat because of imperialism (Day Two Jacqueline X). Wang Lung and his family didn't eat partially because of the effects of the opium trade in China. This would make the two characters view imperialism as negative.

    Another way the main characters are similar regarding imperialism is because of the negative affects on their daughters. Wang Lungs second daughter was killed by his wife because it was necessary to help them survive the scarcity of food from imperialism. Oknokwo's daughter, Ezinma, was dying from sickness. This sickness was caused by imperialism because the foreigners were bringing new diseases (Day 2 Jared E). Both characters love their daughters, and both daughters are affected negatively from imperialism.

    A way that the foreigners themselves have affected the main characters is the emotional states they put them in. Wang felt fear in southern China whenever he encountered foreigners. On the other hand, Okonkwo and the other citizens were confused and scared because of the foreigners. Deaths were caused by the foreigners. Also, everything was going wrong, and a lot of confusion came about because of them (Day 2 James Chen).

  50. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Comparing to: The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
    The main character of “The Good Earth” is Wang Lung, a poor Chinese farmer. Wang Lung lived in a small house made from Earth and he took care of his father ever since his mother had died. [LauraAshley] Wang Lung’s father is sick and very weak. Wang Lung has always taken care of him but his father never showed his appreciation and he was very impatient. [Mona] He always took advantage of his son, by wasting his money. Wang Lung has always wanted a wife care for him and his father, so he bought a slave girl to be his bride; she wasn’t pretty or ugly, but she could cook and has a fair temper. Her name was O-lan. [Sally] The character Wang Lung, is similar to Okonkwo in ‘Things Fall Apart.”Even though they lived in a different society, Okonkwo and Wang Lung are both very similar in many ways. Okonkwo and Wang Lung’s feelings are similar, they never show their feeling. Wang Lung’s been going through his father’s complaints and he never showed the sign of dislike. At times, Okonkwo is fond of his family but he never showed it to them. Okonkwo and Wang Lung are both opposite from their father. Okonkwo and Wang Lung’s are also both completely opposite from their father. Wang Lung has been taking care of his father ever since his mother died. Okonkwo’s father was a coward; he would always borrow money and never returns them. During imperialism, both of them were affected by imperialism in a negative way. Okonkwo’s village tradition was changing right when the white men approached. Wang Lung was getting poorer because of opium, which was the time of imperialism was approaching. Okonkwo and Wang’s feelings, family life, and the way they feeling about imperialism are similar.

  51. 1. The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck compared to Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    2. Jessica Zeng
    3. The main character in Things Fall Apart is Okonkwe. Okonkwe was a farmer who owned a lot of land. He became famous from his achievements in wrestling a wrestler who was undefeated for seven years (Grace Mon). His father, Unoka, is a lazy and poor man. Unoka often borrowed money for gambling and never returned it (Alice Mon). His wife gave birth to a daughter, which disappointed him. Okonkwe wished that his daughter was a son instead (Kevin Joseph Tues).
    4. Okonkwe is similar to Wang Lung. Okonkwe and Wang Lung both began poor and low in social status. They both worked hard and tried to achieve what nobody else tried to achieve. Okonkwe wrestled an undefeated wrestler and won. This helped Okonkwe achieve his wealth and fame. Wang Lung worked hard to save money and bought land that he became rich from. Okonkwe’s father,Unoka, is similar to Wang Lung’s uncle. They both conned people’s money. Unoka borrowed money from others even though they didn’t want to. He found ways to make people lend money (Alice Mon). Wang Lung’s uncle made Wang Lung lend money or else he would tell the whole village that Wang Lung disrespected his uncle (Buck 66). Another similarity is when the “white skins” went into Africa and changed their traditions (Denise Tues). This is like when Wang Lung moved to the south, a man taught Wang Lung to beg (100-101). Eventually, Wang Lung’s family began to beg and cheat people’s money and food in the south (Buck 118). Wang Lung’s family lost some of their morals when they met different people from the south. This similarity shows Imperialism. Wang Lung and Okonkwe lost some of their traditions and morals because of foreign influences. They both disliked these changes because of imperialism.

  52. The Good Earth in comparison to Things Fall Apart
    Kassandra Hernandez
    The leads in The Good Earth and Things Fall Apart have similar personality traits, family circumstances, and links to Imperialism. The main character of Things Fall Apart is Okonkwo. Okonkwo is a famous wrestler who is also a farmer (Jennifer Tufino). He is well respected and much wealthier than his father. His father was a disgrace because he was of lower status and was an alcoholic (Jeffery Abreu). Okonkwo’s father was a coward and in debt (Jacqueline Xu). Okonkwo is successful and respected because of his achievements. He has no patience for people who are failures. The initial description of Okonkwo’s personality is similar to Wang Lung from The Good Earth. Not only are they both farmers, Wang Lung cannot stand being idle. He works in the fields and is a humble farmer (Buck 4). Wang Lung’s recent rise in popularity in his town was also because of his accomplishments. After returning from the south, Wang Lung becomes a wealthy farmer (Buck 159). In the beginning of the book, Wang Lung detests his father (Buck 8). His father only cared about food and water and did not contribute any labor. The most substantial connection between Okonkwo and Wang Lung are their reactions to Imperialism after a long struggle throughout the book. Both Okonkwo and Wang Lung have experienced forced Christian ideals on their culture. Okonkwo’s people are converted into Christianity by missionaries (Sandy Wu). While in the south, Wang Lung was given flyers by Christians to convert (Buck 125). Their similar backgrounds led them to adapt to changes in their country similarly. Wang Lung’s rich lifestyle was in vain when he was finally separated from his land in death. Land was everything to Wang Lung. His peaks and low-points in life were dictated by the land. Land was his power. He could not save his land from being sold, which was his final thought. His death was miserable and full of regret for everything his life spiraled into. His humble beginnings were for nothing when he was consumed by western vanity and lost what was most important to him. Okonkwo’s lack of being able to adapt to change was similar to Wang Lung’s. He could not stand the pressure of everyone around him converting into Christianity, so he committed suicide. Imperialism ripped apart both main character’s upbringings and core values and lead them to become miserable beings. Okonkwo and Wang Lung share the similarity of being affected by Imperialism negatively and having their similar morals and family shattered.

  53. 1) The Good Earth, compared to Things Fall Apart
    2) LauraAshley Pfeifer
    3) Okonkwo was a wealthy farmer living in Africa. Not only did he benefit from his crops, he had three mives and had bravery (Semir’s post). Although Okonkwo had defeated a powerful man in his tribe, Amalinze the Cat, he had no patience for his father who was unsuccessful (Maribel’s post). His father also borrows money from many people (Denise’s post). Okonkwo is a successful high class man (PeiQing’s post).
    4) Wang Lung and Okonkwo are very similar characters. They are both farmers who become wealthy off their land. Wang Lung feels as if he had gained more class, being that he became rich of his crops. This is similar to Okonkwo because he is a wealthy farmer, and has two titles, making him of high class. Wang Lung’s father is also very lazy and depends on everyone else for their work. This is also similar to Okonkwo’s father who is unsuccessful and depends on other people for money. In Wang Lung’s town opium affected people’s lives because they were losing their property. This changed traditions throughout the town. This is similar to Okonkwo because he did not support imperialism either. In the book it mentions about white men changing tradition, the white men being powerful, just like what happened with Wang Lung.

  54. My book: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Compared to
    The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

    Jared Elraheb

    The main character of The Good Earth is Wang Lung, a Chinese farmer who lives with his father. Wang and his father are very poor and take spending money very seriously (LauraAshley Monday). With Wang’s mother dead, and he and his father being poor, they live their lives counting pennies and trying to make the best out of the natural resources surrounding them. Later in the book, Wang’s father became ill and Lung’s job was to care for his father due to the absence of his mother. Wang everyday preformed daily rituals to try and help and comfort his father. Wang decides to marry someone because he knows that his wife will care for his ill father and that weight on his shoulders would be lifted off (Matt Alfieri Monday). So Wang bought a slave girl to be his bride-to-be. She was a servant in The House of Hwang; she isn't pretty, but she can cook and care for his father (Sally Monday).

    My main character Okonkwo and the main character of The Good Earth Wang are similar in several ways. The first way in which these two characters are similar is that they both had to kill something they cared and loved. Okonkwo had to bear the tragedy of killing a boy that was close to him and his family. He and his family had lived with the boy named Ikemefuna for three years and all of the sudden; the Oracle said the boy must be killed. This was a similar tragedy as in Wang’s life. Wang Lung had to kill his own ox because a drought was in effect and he and his family were starving. This ox had been Wang’s companion for a long time and now he had to kill it for food to provide for himself and his family (Sally Wednesday). These two tragedies prove these two main characters are similar.

    When Wang Lung’s daughter died, this was similar to the negative relationship between Okonkwo and his son Nwoye. When Wang Lung’s daughter died, he felt nothing just as when Okonkwo’s son joined the missionaries and went away. Wang Lung begins to feel as though he has failed as a husband and a father, as he can no longer support his growing family (Matt Wednesday). Even though Okonkwo did not feel this, he did indeed feel nothing at all. He might have felt some sense of failure, but he was not the one who drove his son away from his life. These two main characters are similar in this way that these two tragedies made them feel nothing within their hearts.

    In each book, Okonkwo and Wang saw imperialism to be negative and against their families and lives. Even though the death of Wang’s daughter was due to the lack of support and money, imperialism took place in her death. There were people who were financially stable and decided to keep their money to themselves and preventing any others unlike themselves from enjoying it. This included Wang Lung and his family. This was a similar case to what Okonkwo saw imperialism as. He saw it as negative too because the missionaries who came would not leave and they took his son from him. There was nothing he could do about it, but to keep his thoughts and emotions on the inside just as Wang did during the negative times in both main characters lives.

  55. 1.) Angel Gonzalez

    2.) My book is Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe and the book im comparing with is The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck.

    3.) In the book the Good Earth the main character Wang Lung is a poor young man who lives and takes care of his illed father for the six years with the natural plains and resources of China.(Matthew Alfieri Mon) Wang Lung doesn't say no to anything and his father thinks he wastes their money. Wang Lung's father has just been miserable ever since his wife died.(Laura Ashley Mon) So Wang Lung didn't always have to take care of his father he hired a slave girl named O-lan from the House of Hwang to do it for him. She wasn't the best looking girl, but she could cook and she did all Wang Lung had ordered.(Sally Gee and Laura Ashley Mon)

    4.) Okonkwo and Wang Lung are similiar mostly with their fathers. Each main character has a problem with their father. Wang Lungs's father has been miserable ever since his wife died and all he does now is complain about his old age and how Wang Lung takes care of the money. Okonkwo's father on the other hand is just filled with bad decisions such as drinking, gambling, and owed debt to everyone of his neighbors for borrowing money and using it not to help his own family but for his own satisfaction. I think another similarity could be that both Okonkwo and Wang Lung are always going to be stuck in their father's shadow. Okonkwo is ashamed of his own father even though he is a wealthy man. Wang Lung is just annoyed of his father and doesn't want him to make all his decisions in life especially with his bride to be. My last simularity is that both Okonkwo and Wang Lung hated the imperialism movement. When the Europeans came to both Okonkwo and Wang Lung's village they both disliked the fact of how these people came into their land trying to change their traditions. Okonkwo ends up commiting suicide after seeing his only people change for the white man's customs and Wang Lung on the other hand just tries his best to keep his tradition and old ways.

  56. Stephanie Echevarria

    Nectar In A Sieve, comparing to Things Fall Apart

    The main character of Things Fall Apart is Okonkwo. He is a very prestiged. He was able to gain fame and fortune through wrestling. He unlike his father, is very wealthy and owns his own land (Semir P. mon.). Okonkwo also has very little tolerance for people who are unsuccesful, such that like his father, Unoka (Maribel M. mon.). Part of Okonkwo's success comes from his physicality and his strenth. In order to get what he wants, Okonkwo sometimes resorts to violence because his words cannot keep up with him (Santos M. Mon.).

    These two characters are similar in the way that imperialism has effected them financailly. The main character in Things Fall Apart had to scour with his village for money to pay for freedom. Rukmani also had a lot of struggle with money after the tanney was built. During the invasion of the white men, prices for products such as food had risen. Although Rukmani was able to sell more, she was unable to afford food and her family was being harrassed for rent. They sold everything they could and only kept what they barely needed to survive.

    Another way these two characters are similar is their loss in their families. Okonkwo lost his wife and children, and Rukmani lost two of her sons. This was very tragic for both characters and made them lose their hope in a way.

    This shows a third example of how these two characters are similar. Both of these characters lost so much which caused them to wonder where happiness lies. Because of their troubles and losses, they both are in search for happiness again.

  57. Antonio Amato
    1)My book: Nectar in a Sieve
    by Kamala Markandaya

    2)The Good earth
    by Pearl. S Buck

    3)The main character in The Good Earth is Wang Lung who is a poor chinese farmer. He lives with his father after the death of his mother ( Jia Wen, Monday). However, his father is very ill and since his mother is dead, Wang Lung must take care of his father. Wang Lung continues to care for his father but as time goes on, he becomes very tired of it (Matthew Monday). The two of them live in a small house made up of resources from their fields (SallyGee Monday). His father is very unappreciative of the work Wang has done for him and he hopes to marry so that his wife can take his place in caring for the family Matthew Monday).

    4a) Rukmani and Wang have gone through many similar tragedies. The two of them were both farmers (Ruku became a farmer after marrying Nathan), and they were very poor. In time, both of their fields have gone through a sever drought. This lead them to having not as much food for their families and having to take desperate measures especially since the price of goods have sky rised. The sons of Rukmani began to work in the tannery and her eldest son stole calfskin trying to make extra money. This was a dangerous sacrifice as it turns out that he was caught and killed. For Wang's side of the story, his family was beginning to starve and he killed his favorite ox. These two characters are very into family. Wang's father has been very ill and is giving up his time in order to tend to his father's every need. Although his father is not appreciative of the time and work that Wang puts in for him, Wang continues to make sure his father lives. Rukmani is a wife who also works with her husband to make sure the farm is striving to support her family and also takes care of her family and husband. These two characters are similar in many ways.

  58. 1. My book: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.
    The book I am comparing to: The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
    2. Kevin Joseph
    3. The main character of the novel, The Good Earth, is Wang Lung. He is a poor Chinese farmer that lives with his sick, old father (Sally Monday). Wang’s father wants his son to marry an unattractive women to make sure she is a virgin. Since his mother’s death, Wang has aided his father’s cough every single day, for the past six years. As to his social status, Wang Lung lives very poorly. When Wang Lung tried to bathe himself for his wedding, his father was very judgmental on the amount of water used in his bath (David Monday). O- lan,Wang Lungs future bride, is a slave in the House of Hwang (Sarah Monday).
    4. Wang Lung is similar to Okonkwo in various ways. One way that Okonkwo and Wang are similar is by their fathers. Both of the main characters have a different personality than their father. Wang’s father is a very ill person who shows little compassion for his son. He is very impatient when he wants his food. He is always trying to save on everything he has and tried to control the waste of money. He is very cheap also (Danny Monday). Okonkwo’s father is a lazy person that owed debt to every one of his neighbor. His debts would leave his family with barely enough to eat (Achebe 4-5). Both Okonkwo and Wang had fathers that they didn’t want to become when they get older. Another similarity between both characters is how imperialism negatively affected their lives.
    In The Good Earth, a drought occurred, which destroyed crops. Wang Lung was in serious needs of money to feed his family. Wang and his family went off to even beg for money from strangers. After that attempt fails, O-Lan allowed her children to steal, in order to support the family. The natural disaster left people going out of their traditions in order to survive. In Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo finds out that Ikemefuna had died. This leaves Okonkwo in a very depressing state. He starts to eat little amounts of food, and begins describing himself as a woman. Imperialism changed the cultures of the main characters, which negatively effected them. The last similarity between both characters is their demise that was a major tragedy in the novels. For Okoonkwo, missionaries began to enter Umuofia (Achebe 143). No one would listen to Okonkwo’s warnings about the negativity into converting to Christianity. This would lead to Okonkwo committing suicide by hanging himself. This is similar to Wang’s situation as :O-Lan kills her very own child. She does this because they were living in very poor conditions, and this child is making things worse. This would conclude the similarities of, Things Fall Apart’s main character, Okonkwo and, The Good Earth’s main character, Wang Lung.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck compared to Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Kayla Marie Candella

    Okonkwo is the main character of Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe . Okonkwo was a wealthy farmer who lived in Africa. He had two barns full of yams, three wives, two titles, and showd lots of military bravery in two inter-tribal wars (Semir’s Post ). Even though Okonkwo was succesful he wasn't very patient with people like his father who didn't have a title or accomplish anything (PeiQing’s post). His father borrows whatever he can from other people, usually money but wouldn't pay them back (Santos’s post).

    Okonkwo is vey similar to Wang Lung, the main character of The Good Earth. To start, they are both farmers. They get most of their wealth from their land. Both of these characters have made a title for themselves and have worked their way up to being a part of the higher class. Wang Lung's father and Okonkwo's father both are lazy, and depend on their sons for most of the money and food that is brought into the household. The places where both of these characters came from, did not support imperialism which is another similarity connecting the two. This show's how these characters are similar, yet from very different places.

  61. 1) My book: The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
    Comparing book: Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya

    2) John Huang

    3) The main characters in the book Nectar in a Sieve are Rukmani and her husband Nathan. Rukmani is the daughter of a very rich leader in the village. She married Nathan who is a very poor farmer. As a child, Rukmani left to live with Nathan in the farm which has changed Rukmani’s social class from rich and wealthy to poor and filthy (Julio, Robert, and Charlie Monday).

    4) The book’s character of The Good Earth and Nectar in a Sieve has 3 similarities. Both main character, Wang Lung and Nathan has to deal with the problem of social class. Wang Lung lived in the farm for a very long period of time just like Nathan. Their social structures are very low compared to society. Wang Lung and Nathan have to harvest their own food and live in the farm. Another similarity are the action of O-lan (Wang Lung’s wife) and Rukmani (Nathan’s wife). They both moved into a farming life after being married to their husband. They both need to do the house chores in the house because of the sexist activities. O-lan and Rukmani suffers through a farming life and tries to adapt to their surroundings. Since there was so little food in the farm, O-lan and Rukmani have to sacrifice their food in order to support their own family. They will not eat the food if they don’t need it, instead, they will give it to their elders or children. The last similarity is the hardship the two main women in the book have to encounter when they lived in the farm. O-lan and Rukmani’s worst obstacle while working in the farm was the drought. All their crops/food died in front of their eyes and they could not have done anything to stop it. Nature has affected their lives heavily knowing that there is a scarce amount of food and they need to feed their entire family. The main characters in both books view imperialism in a negative perspective. Wang Lung and Rukmani lives changed dramatically once imperialism hits their lives. Wang Lung has to sell and kill most of his percious belongings in order to survive in the farm. Rukmani and Nathan needs to do the same because the food price rises and they can no longer afford their food. Imperialism is portrayed as a crisis in both books, The Good Earth and Nectar in Sieve.

  62. The Good Earth to Nectar in a Sieve
    Xanique H

    The main character in Nectar in a Sieve is a gril named Rukumani. Rukumani was born into the upper class since she is the daugter of the village leader (Julio C). Her sister weere all married to rich men, which let them remin in the high class. Things turn out to be different for Rukumani. She marries a poor tenant farmer named Nathan (Shelly G). Rukumani was given Nathan as a husband becuase although she was of high class, she wasnt very beatiful. Her family was ashamed that Rukumani married a man of very low class (Shelly G). Rukumani moved in with Nathan, where they lived in a mud hut surrounded by other peoples farms. Rukumani is not used to this type of living, being that she was once of high class. Eventually, Rukumani learns to adpat to this habitat and starts to deeply connect with her new husband.

    Wang Lu and Rukumani have many things in common. Wang Lu is a poor farmer that lives with his father and wife. Rukumani started off as a high class girl, until she became married to a man in the lower class. Now she is like Wang Lu, both working and living on farms. In both stories, Wang Lu and Rukumani have not been introduced to imperialism. When imperialism hit, many of the countries to the East adpated Western technology. Since both Wang Lu and Rukumani are working on farms, imperialism has not hit them yet. Wang Lu and Rukumani have similar marriages. Wang Lu marries O-Lan who used to be a cook for the Hwang family. She was also a poor woman. Rukumani married Nathan. Nathan was the man her mother had chosen for her. He was a low class poor farmer. He was chosen for Rukumani because of her looks.

  63. 1) The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck compared to
    Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

    2) David Sosa

    3) Based on other people's post the main character in the book Things Fall Apart is named Okonkwo. Okonkwo is described as a very rich and famous man. Having earned fame through the display of bravery in two wars and through the defeat of a famous wrestler who had never been defeated named Amalinze the cat; Okonkwo quickly gained his wealth and marked his spot in society. Aside from being well respected and rich from very early on in the story, Okonkwo's personality is marked through the resentment of people like his father who are poor, lazy and commit acts looked down upon such as gamble and ask for money and never pay it back. Through people's blogs i have perceived Okonkwo's personality as that just described.

    4) Through reading peoples blogs on the book Things Fall Apart I have noticed certain similarities between Okonkwo, and the main character in The Good Earth, Wang Lung. During one point in the book both characters become irresponsive and ignorant of the current situation they face. This happens to Okonkwo when he kills a girl he viewed as a child to him. Okonkwo becomes weak and spends his days loitering around drinking wine and yelling at his family. The same state of mind occurs to Wang Lung when he comes in love with a prostitute named Lotus and eventually buys her for himself and installs her into his home (Buck 200). Being completely obsessed with this women, Wang Lung ignores most of his duties and changes around his family particularly O-lan. Both characters change internally who they are. Another similarity between the two is that the two hate the foreigners entering there villages. Okonkwo displayed his hate by eventually committing suicide not being able to take the change that was being implied by foreigners into his village. Wang Lung displays his hate for foreigners verbally. "You see how fat they are, these southerners, and how pale and oily are there skins. They eat pork everyday, doubtless" (Buck 96). Both display there hate for foreigners which also displays there hate for imperialism since a major factor of imperialism in the influx of new people and ideas into another civilization. A final similarity between Wang Lung and Okonkwo is that both were originally poor and eventually became wealth. Okonkwo found his wealth through obtaining fame in wrestling and bravery but he was originally brought up to a poor begging father. Wang Lung was originally a poor farmer who found his fame through purchasing large amounts of lands which were only available because of the effects of imperialism. The House of Hwang was reduced to nothing due to the opium addiction and carelessness which had affected its rulers causing them to sell land in order to maintain alive. With gold that Wang Lung gained when robbing a house that had been attacked by foreign solders, Wang Lung bought a large amount of land from the House of Hwang and gained his wealth. Through these similarities we can understand that both characters feel negative towards imperialism, Okankwo shows his passion for this by committing suicide and Wang Lung through verbal disagreement of imperialism. Okankwo and Wang Lung share certain similarities with one another.

  64. 1)
    Comparing Things Fall Apart to Nectar in a Sieve

    James Chen

    In India, Rukmani, better known as Ruku, was only 12 when she got married.(Echevarria 25) At first she was a part of the high class, since her father was head of the village. (Hadeel 25) Her social class then dropped when she was forced to marry to Nathan, a poor farmer. (Allyson 25) The arranged marriage was because she wasn’t very good looking.(Daniela 25) They both depend on farming, for their main support of income to pay for rent. (Robert 25) At first Ruku didn’t like Nathan very much, but eventually they fell in love. (Shelly 25) They ended up having two sons, Raja and Kuti. They both worked at a tannery, to support the family, but Ruku disapproved. (Julio 25 27)

    If imperialism never came across Ruku's village then her son's could have still been alive. If imperialism never came then the tannery would have never been there. That would mean that both of her sons wouldn’t work their like Ruku wanted in the first place. This tragic accident would be the directly negative on imperialism’s effects. At the same time Okonkwo had also felt the negativity of imperialism. The white men that visited Okonkwo's villages killed a man that was very close to him. Ikemefuna was like family to Okonkwo and the sons of Ruku where family to her! Imperialism had both the same negative effects when both characters, from different books, had lost a loved one.

    The death of the two sons of Ruku forced her to live in poverty. The support that her husband and her could make was not enough. Having lost two children and living in a horrible condition must have set a toll in Ruku's mind. Forcing to live this horrible lifestyle caused her to do unlawful acts such as steal. In Things fall apart Okonkwo had a similar reaction. Okonkwo also felt very sad about losing a loved one like Ruku did. Okonkwo and his free season with no work have him time to think back about the time relationship he had with Ikemefuna. Okonkwo fell in to depression and was once again restless and very fatigued. Okonkwo's unlawful acts where similar in ways but okonkwo;s acts only hurt himself. He didn’t eat or sleep, he destroyed his body after the idea of Ikemefuna dying. Both these reaction to the death of a loved one caused by imperialism once again is negative.

    The death of Nathan was also the effects of imperialism. Nathan was so caught up in making money that he didn’t even care about his well being. He thought that making money was the only way he could move in life. He believed that it was important. His well being was so poorly conditioned he died. Ruku still lived him and they had their final last words. Okonkwo also lost a person that as dear to him, mentally. Okonkwo's son, Nwoye, had lost his way in believing what made sense to him. The white men in the village created a church. Nwoye had attended this church and soon converted to its religion. He rejected all his native traditions. He doesn’t even listen to his father and he decided to leave Okonkwo's home to go to school. Both Okonkwo and Ruku once again lost a loved one from imperialistic ideas.

  65. 1) I am comparing Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya to The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck.

    2) Alicia Huerta

    3) The main character of the book the Good Earth is a poor chineese boy named Wang Lung (Jia Wen Ciao, Monday). Since they are poor Wang cant afford his necessities therefore, he must make the best out of the sources he has at home (Mathew Alfieri, Monday). Wang is forced to always follow his fathers orders of saving water and all other resources around them. He does not have to do this for long becuase he is getting married to a women named O-lan who promises him to give him many children and a happy family ( Mathew Alfieri, Monday). Wangs wife isn't pretty or ugly, but she serves him well and is understanding to the situations around her ( Shelly, Monday).

    3) The book the Good Earth is similar to nectar in a Sieve becuase both of the main characters are poor. They dont have money and cant afford the things they want. They have to settle with what is available for them, and the natural resources around them. The main character not being weathly and having to deal with little money is a economical situation both Raja and Wang had to go through. In the Good Earth, Wang had to pay some merchants for somthing he took and in Nectar in a Sieve, Raja son stole something from the merchants causing his death. This is a tradegy in both stories because in The Good Earth, Wang couldnt afford it and in Nectar in a Sieve, Raja son is shot and he dies. This was a sad moment for Raja and for Wangs father it was a sad moment because his son didnt have money for thier food.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. 1) Things Fall apart by Chinua Achebe compared to The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

    2) Jeffrey Abreu

    3) The main character in the book The Good Earth is Wang lung. Wang is a poor farmer that hardly makes it through the day. He lives off mostly scraps to stay strong to farm (Kassandra Monday). Wang had lost his mother just like Okonkwo to his father at an early age (Kayla Monday). Wang Lung lives in a small house made from Earth and it was there that he took care of his father[LauraAshley Monday]. Wang Lung has always taken care his father since he has gotten sick, but his father was never appreciative and he was very impatient (Mona Monday). He always took advantage of his son, by wasting his money. Wang Lung always wanted a wife to take care of him and his father. So he bought a slave to be his bride. He did not care for her appearance but she could cook, something a man would need a woman to do.

    4)The main character in the book The Good Earth is very similar to the main character of the book Things Fall apart. Okonkwo and Wang Lung both had lost a parent and had grown up in the lowest of social classes. They had grown up poor because their parents were not prosperous and they had to overcome poverty inorder to provide food for their current families. However, Okonkwo ended up being strong and powerful with two titles; further more being respected by nine differnet villages. Meanwhile Wang Lung was still a poor farmer. Another way in which both of these characters are similar is how they grew up learning that women should be looked down upon. To bother characters, women are at a lower class than men and they should do what the men ask them to do. Okonkwo has three wives that each provide children for him and also cook whenever he wants food. Similar to Wang Lung who wanted to be married and have a child with a slave girl. He married so that she may provide food for him and his children. He needed a woman to provide and cook for him while his father was sick and could not do anything. Lastly, another similarity is how both of these characters view imperialism as a bad thing and were equally affected by it. Okonkwo's village was overrun by white men who converted most of his clan members into christians. Then after being converted, there were fights between him and his clan who was under the christian rule. His village folk ended up brain washed by a new religion and were set in a trap by the white men who then controlled Okonkwo's clan members with their new laws. Similar in Wang Lung's world where whites fought for opium. Opium started a money crave and it affected many village traditions for Wang Lung and his village. Imperialism caused social differences to be greater and it had corrupted their societies. Therefore both characters were similar.

  68. Comparing The Good Earth to Nectar in a Sieve
    Christina Krioutchkova

    Rukmani, the main character of Nectar in a Sieve, is the youngest daughter of the village leader (Charlie Mon). Her social status was high until she was forced into an arranged married to a poor tenant farmer named Nathan. They move to a farm where Rukmani learns how to live the life of a farmer (Hadeel Mon). At first, her transition from living in a wealthy family to being a farmer’s wife was shocking for her, so it took some time before she got used to it. She had to sacrifice a lot; she moved far from her family into a completely new environment and even changed the kind of person she is by re-learning how to fend for herself. Eventually, Rukmani gets accustomed to farm life and learns skills she never had to know before, like farming and taking care of the house (Stephanie Mon). She ends up falling in love with the farmer and fathers his child, who turns out to be a girl. The couple still love and care for the child, even though they were disappointed that it was not a girl (Shelley/Daniela Mon).

  69. The similarities that both main characters, Rukmani and Wang Lu share are that they both hardworkers, love family and suffered similarly. Wang Lung From The Good Earth is a hard worker and loves family. In the beginning of the book, Wang Lung took care of his father after his mother died six years ago. He dreamed of having a wife and many kids around. He was very dedicated in working his land and dreamed of taking over the Hwang residence. Rukmani is similar in the way that she ended up being a really hardworking farmer who helped her husband farm. She also did not shun her child for being a girl, even though a boy was more desirable at the time. Both characters also suffered droughts and a change in their social status. Wang Lung went from being a very poor farmer who everyone laughed at to a wealthy man who owned a lot of land. Rukmani had a change in social status when she married Nathan. She was first of high social status for being the daughter of the town leader. Since she married a very poor farmer, her social status automatically changed. During the droughts, Wang Lung lost everything. He lost his wealth, crops, fourth child, his beloved ox, his family almost died and he had to move. Rukmani also suffered during the drought because her crops died and her family suffered from hunger and everything they owned was sold. Both characters suffered similarly and had similar characteristics.

    (the blog wouldn't let me post for some reason)

  70. 1) Comparing Things Fall Apart to The Good Earth
    2) Kevin Zevallos

    3) In The Good Earth, Wang Lung is the main character. He is chinese farmer who lives with his father alone in a house made of Earth (Laura Ashley Mon.) Wang Lung's mother passed away and now he must take care of his annoying old father (Laura Ashley Mon.)They are extremely poor and live on small budget where Wang Lung tries to save as much money as possible on himself (Jia Mon.)Wang Lung's father tells him to marry and marries a girl named 0-Lan (Jaafar Monday).

    4). Okonkwo, the main character of Things Fall Apart, is similar to Wang Lung, the main character of The Good Earth. They both are sick of their fathers. Okonkwo doesn't stand or have any patience for unsuccessful men like his father. Wang Lung doesn't want to take care of his father anymore becasue he is getting to tired and annoyed (Matt Alfieri Mon.). They both dislike their father and how they don't do anything. Okonkwo and Wang Lung both are similar in how they are demanding and rude towards their wives. Wang Lung marries a slave, O-Lan, and has to do anything Wang Lung tells her to like have children (Jaafar Mon.). She also now has to take care of Wang Lung's father and everyone around the house. When Ezinma was sick Okonkwo went into the forest to get the herbs neccesary for a medicine. As Ekwefi was boiling some water and putting it into a bowl Okonkwo tells her to pour a little more and yells at her loudly, calling her deaf (Achebe 85). They both want things from their wives and make them work hard. The last similaritity between Wang Lung and Okonkwo is how much they dislike the white people. Okonkwo dislikes the white man entering their clans, changing their traditions and customs like when Ibe and Ukegbu are discussing the bride price for a woman and how Okonkwo and the others believe the outsiders think upside down (Achebe 73). Wang Lung dislikes the outsiders that enter his village because they change all the traditional Chinese traditions Wang Lung is used to. The white men are changing Wang Lung's way of life and dislikes how things are becoming different.

  71. 1- The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
    Comparison: Things Fall Apart by: Chinua Achebe
    2- Kiara
    3- Things Fall Apart is about a high class man names Okonkwo. The villagers respect him (PeiQing Huang, Monday) His Gambling father gave him a poor childhood. He then became rich and now has 2 titles, has 3 wives, and two barns (PeiQing Huang, Monday). Unoka was Okonkwo’s father. He was poor and had trouble feeding his family. He would ask people to lend him money. The people did even if they didn’t want to (Alice Liang, Monday). His father was very good with the flute and he hated the war because he was afraid of blood (Alice Liang, Monday).Okonkwo had no patients for unsuccessful people like him. Unoka had died 10 years ago (James Chen, Monday).
    4- One similarity that the book “Things Fall Apart” has to Wang is that they both change. Their changes were from having a bit money to having tonnes of money. The character Okonkwo and Wang both Have many lands and are married. Since Okonkwo is married to three children he probably had plenty of kids. Wang had many kids and so they both have many kids. Imperialism kicked in with both characters when they both bought land to keep their crops growing. In the book Things Fall Apart Unoka borrowed money from people and so did Wang’s uncle. Wang had to give his money up even if he didn’t want to because he has to respect his elders, and so do the people in Things Fall Apart. Another similarity was that since Okankwo killed himself because he hated the influence it was bringing to his village, and Wang would make fun of the southerners (95-97), which indeed make them dislike Imperialism. These two books were both similar through the changes and tragedies.

  72. 1. My Book: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Compare to: The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

    2. Anna Liang

    3. The character of THE GOOD EARTH by Pearl S. Buck is Wang Lung. Wang Lung is a poor Chinese farmer, who has to take care of his old and sick father. Wang Lung’s wife is dead, so Wang Lung has to do the women’s job of taking care of the household, and taking care of his father. Wang Lung is tired of taking care of his father, and so he hopes to quickly marry a woman so the woman would take his place and do their job. It is a women’s job to take care of the household, take care of the husband, and every other housework. Wang Lung wants to quickly get a wife, so he pays money to an Old Mistress who is the owner of the slaves. And O-Lan, a slave, was presented as Wang Lung’s wife. O-Lan was ordered to do her jobs, take care of Wang Lung’s father, having a child, and do anything in the order of Wang Lung.

    Sources: Matt Alfieri, Mona Dwedar, John Cruz

    4. In the book THE GOOD EARTH, the character Wang Lung is similar to Okonkwo, the character in THINGS FALL APART. Both characters dislike and are tired of their own fathers. Wang Lung is tired of taking care of an old, sick, weak man. Okonkwo is tired of having a father that is a debtor. Okonkwo dislikes his father, that he swore that he would not be a bit similar to him at all. Meaning if his father, Unoka is weak, debtor, coward, afraid at the sight of blood, and kind, Okonkwo would be the opposite. Both of these characters do not speak their thoughts. Even though Wang Lung is tired of taking care of his father and is tired of doing a women’s job, he doesn’t say anything. But to get him out of this situation, he quickly finds a wife, O-Lan. Okonkwo is that same, even though sometimes he is fond of his son Nwoye, he would never spare a smile or say good job, he keeps everything to himself. He believes that showing affection and emotion is a weak man. Both of these characters are also very similar by showing how the look at women. Okonkwo looks as women as people who had no right over their husband, and is just a person that takes care of the household and have children, and to serve their husbands. Wang Lung believes exactly the same thing. He believed that it is a women’s job to do those things. They both believe that it is a women’s job to take care of the household, cook, wash, have children, and everything else. I believe that both of these characters would go against the act of Imperialism when it takes over. Imperialism at the time was mostly Europeans that wanted to take over. These Europeans believed that all are equal and created by God. If Wang Lung and Okonkwo believe that all women can do is housework, they would then dislike Imperialism.
