Monday, January 25, 2010

Day One: Your character

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Describe your main character (or characters), their setting and social status at the beginning of the book. Cite pages for each!!!!


  1. The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
    LauraAshley Pfeifer

    Wang Lung is a Chinese farmer (7) who lives with his father. Him and his father live alone in a house made from Earth. They are very poor and take spending their money seriously (7). Ever since his mother passed away six years ago, he has to take care of his nagging father (2-3). Wang Lung seems to do everything for his father, but not for himself. He can be easily taken for granted because he never says no to anything. The old man is Wang Lung’s father. The old man is always found to be complaining about how his son keeps on wasting money (21). He seems to be greedy and takes his son’s doings for granted. He doesn’t seem to like what his son does (2-7). The old man is portrayed as being miserable ever since his wife died. O-lan is Wang Lung’s bride-to-be. She was a previous servant, who often cooked, at the House of Hwang (22). She is a quiet girl who can easily be taken for granted (28). Already, she does as she is told by Wang Lung. (22-28).

  2. THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe
    Semir Pupovic

    The main character, Okonkwo, is a very wealthy farmer in Africa. He had two barns full of yams, three wives, two titles, and showd lots of military bravry in two inter-tribal wars (Achebe 8). At a very young age, Okonkwo, wrestled and defeated an undefeated and tough wrestler, Amalinze the Cat (Achebe 3). This gave him his fame and glory, which his father didn't have. The father of Okonkwo, Unoka, was a borrowing low-life (Achebe 4). He always borrowed money from his neighbors, but never returned. His family was hungry most of the time since he didn't use the money for anything good (Achebe 4). Okonkwe can't stand unsuccessful people, especially his father. Although Unoka is low in social class, Okonkwe is pretty high up there. He is very rich, respected and owns lots of land (Achebe 3,8).

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  5. Nectar in a Sieve
    By: Kamala Markandaya
    Julio Chen

    Nectar in a Sieve
    By: Kamala Markandaya
    Julio Chen

    The main character is Rukmani (Markandaya 7). She is the daughter of the village leader in India (Markandaya 8). Rukmani is in the upper class since she is the daughter of the village leader. Her sisters were married off to rich men (Markandaya 8). Rukmani's social class changes when she marries a poor tenant farmer named Nathan (Markandaya 10). The wedding is something Rukmani did not want to remember since she wanted a big wedding in the beginning (Markandaya 8-9). She is now a part of the lower class and her prestige was stripped away from her. Nathan and Rukmani live in a mud hut which is very different from Rukmani's former home (Markandaya 10). The setting is in a farm in a rural area. Rukmani works in the fields, make clothes, and do the household chores (Markandaya 11). This impacted her life since she used to be in the upper class and did not do much labor work. Rukmani meets the other village wifes (Markandaya 12). She learns the names of the other villagers every time she went to buy food (Markandaya 13). The village people are very close together since they know each other. Rukmani knows how to write from her father since the upper class were educated (Markandaya 16).

  6. The Good Earth - Pearl S. Buck
    Jia Wen Cao

    The main character is Wang Lung, a poor chinese farmer (Buck 2-9). Wang Lung lives with only his father after his mother died six years ago (Buck 3). They live in a small earthen house and live on a small budget (Buck 2). Their house is made up of mostly bricks on great squares of earth dug from their fields (Buck 2). Wang Lung's father, an old man, restricts Wang Lung from wasting anything useful such as water(Buck 4-5). Wang Lung had not took a bath since the New Years for water was scarce in the household. Wang Lung takes care of his father. Every morning, Wang Lung would make a cup of hot tea for his father (Buck 5-6).
    O-lan is the bride of Wang Lung. She is a slave of the House of Hwang (Buck 18).

  7. The Good Earth
    Matthew Alfieri

    Wang Lung: Wang Lung, the main character comes from a poverty-stricken family that lives within the natural plains of China. With his mother dead, he and his father continue to live their lives counting pennies and trying to make the best out of the natural resources around them (Buck 3).To make matters worse, his father is ill with a violent cough (Buck 1).In tradition, it would be the job of the wife to take care of her husband, but since she is dead, it is now Wang Lung’s job to take her place and tend to his sickly father. Due to this, Wang Lung tends to his every need and everyday performs many daily rituals to help aid his sickly father (Buck 3). As the days pass, Wang Lung grows more tired of caring for his father, as to him, it is a huge undertaking. However, he knows that he will no longer have to perform these rigorous tasks, as he is soon to be married. It is then that Wang Lung will be able to live in serenity with his father, as his wife will assume the full responsibilities to take care of her family (Buck 3). In preparation for his marriage, Wang Lung decides to indulge himself, by cleaning himself to look presentable to his new wife. His father is unhappy at this action, as by doing this; Wang Lung will be wasting water, which much like everything else is very precious. Much his father’s dismay, Wang Lung continues this action of overindulgence, as he says it will only happen once (Buck 5). It is then that Wang Lung decides to once again indulge himself by getting himself shaved and getting himself a cup of tea (Buck 11, 13).After realizing that he had spent an immense amount of money, he decides to pick up his bride. He soon approaches the main gate and is approached by the guard who does not let him in. It is only until Wang Lung gives him silver and copper that he is granted admittance (Buck 15). As much as this annoys Wang Lung, he unwillingly pays the guard the money. Wang Lung soon enters the great family’s house to meet the Old Mistress, owner of the slaves. She calls forth O-lan, who appears before them both. For she is to be Wang Lung’s wife. The Old Mistress tells O-lan that she is to do as Wan Lung says and that she is to bear him many children and to bring their first child to her (Buck 19). It is then that with the Old Mistress’s orders, they leave. It is soon that they arrive at the great temple of the earth, where he and O-lan set down incenses (Buck 22). This was the act of marriage. It is then that his father invites them in and Wang Lung introduces his bride to his father (Buck 23). It is then that his new wife cares for her new family. She plows, cleans and does whatever she is asked (Buck 28). Wang Lung as well works, continuing the work that he once did. As time passes, he slowly falls for his wife. They begin to work together and perform daily chores (Buck 31). It is at night that they rendezvous and meet. It is then, a few days later, that Wang Lung finds out that his wife is expecting a child (Buck 31).

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  9. Nectar in a Sieve
    By: Kamala Markandaya
    Hadeel Ayesh

    The main character of this book is Rukmani(Markandaya 7). Her father is the village leader and so her social status is high. All this changes when she is married off to a farmer named Nathan (Markandaya 10). Her social status shoots down because Nathan is in the lower class;though her sisters are married to rich men(Markandaya 8).After they are married, the couple moved to on a farm (Markandaya 10). This was a big change for Rukmani because she use to live in a more open area with her family. Now she is learning how to do the hands on work like growing her own veggies(Markandaya 11).

  10. THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe
    PeiQing Huang

    In the begining of my book, Okonkwo, the main character, is a very strong wrestler that is well respected in his village (Achebe 3 and 8). He had a poor childhood because of his father, Unoka, gambles a lot and owes every one of his neighbor money (Achebe 4). However, Okonkwo is well respected because of the strength that brought him money as well. He is a farmer that had great fame and wealth. Eventhough Okonk is young, but he already had three wives, two titles, and two barns full of yams (Achebe 8). Oknokwo is very ashame of his father because his father was a man with no title or accomplishment (Achebe 13 and 16). Oknokwo was different from his father because he was able to eat with the elders in the villiage and kings (Achebe 8). The main character in the beging of Things Fall Apart, Oknokwo, is a successful man in the high class.

  11. Things Fall Apart >Chinua Achebe<

    In the book, Things fall apart, the main characters is a father and a son. Okonkwo is the son which has money, fame and respect from people (Achebe8). Okonkwo had won this respect by defeating Amakinze the Cat, which was the greatest wrestler and was unbeatable for the last seven years (Achebe 3). Okonkwo is described as a man with no patience for unsuccessful people. His physical appearance is that he is tall, huge, with bushy eyebrows and a wide nose (Achebe 4). Okonkwo is the opposite of his father. His father is unsuccessful, lazy, tall, and borrows money from different people (Achebe 4)

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  13. The Good Earth
    Pearl S. Buck
    Mona Dwedar

    Wang Lung
    Wang Lung is a farmer who lives in a rural setting (Buck 7, 11, 13). He lived in a earth-made house, which had a shed, which was actually a kitchen (Buck 2). Him and his father are poor because he carries his money in “…… a small greasy pouch of grey cloth…..”, which is symbolic of something someone poor would use to carry their money (Buck 7). Also, when Wang Lung buys supplies, he considers if there is enough money left (Buck 7). Wang Lung is described as a very kind and caring person. He takes care of his father for over six years, carries heavy objects so his wife doesn’t have to, and buys her peaches in hopes that she likes them ( Buck 3,9). Even though he is caring, he seems to show very little respect for his father. When his father told him that he was wasting the shower, Wang Lung still took it (Buck 5). Also, he decides not to tell his father about supper (Buck 7). Wang Lung is easily suede (Buck 14). When a doorman tells him to pay a fee, he blindly shows him his money and allows him to take what he wanted. He is also religious. On the day of his wedding, he lights incents for the Gods (Buck 8). Lastly, he is very superficial when it comes to his wife. He is picky about his wife and wants to look good for her (Buck 10).

    Wang Lung’s father is sick and very weak (Buck 1,3). He shows no appreciation for his sons consideration and is very impatient (Buck 4,6). Lastly, his father is wise and well spoken (Buck 8-9). He tells his son that he does not want a pretty slave because she would not be a virgin (Buck 8). Wang Lung notices the truth in his father’s words and believes that he is well spoken (Buck 9). Since he lives with his son, he is also poor and lives in an earth made home.

    (24) abused b/c she was scared of him

    O-lan is Wang Lung’s future bride. She is a servant and chef of the House of Hwang (Buck 22). She is described as a good worker and obedient (Buck 18). She continues to show her obedience to Wang Lung, specifically, in the next few pages (Buck 22-28). Also, she is described as a “good slave”, but is slow and stupid (Buck 18). O-lan is a virgin, proving the Wang Lung’s father’s logic about his future bride. She is describe as “speechless” when Wang Lung buys her peaches, showing that she never received a gift or something just for her (19). While she eats the peaches, he is described as greedy and nibbles, as if she did not receive much food in the palace (Buck 20). Lastly, O-lan has been abused because she almost attacks Wang Lung when he surprises her in her sleep, almost as if she is cautious, even when she sleeps (Buck 24).

  14. Things Fall Apart
    Jennifer Tufino

    Okonkwo is the main character in this book. He was well respected by the village for beating Amalinze in wrestling (Achebe 4). But unlike hia father, Okonkwo was rich and owned a barn (Achebe 8). He was a young farmer who gained respect through a wrestling match at such a young age. Okonkwo wasn't part of the lower class, he was wealthy so he was not poor like his father and didn't have debts (Archebe 8). He was a large man and his eyebrows gave him more of an intense look (Achebe 3-4). Okwonkwo had three wives but had a "heavy hand", so he had a temper (Achebe 13). But although he was this way, he was this way for the fact that he feared himself, of someday possibly being like his father.

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  16. Robert Glass
    Book: Nectar in a Sieve
    By Kamala Markandaya

    The two main characters in my book are Rukmani and her hunsband Nathan. The two of them live off the land and take what it is they have for themselves and what they need to pay the land lord (Marakandaya 15). Rukmani was originaly the daughter of a town leader and was living a better life than she is with her husband (Markandaya 8). As the story progresses Ruku as she is called and Nathan hit some hard times where they had very little to eat and at sometimes not much at all (Markandaya 76-80). The two elest sons went to work at the new building known as the tannery and were bringing home money which helped in the long run although Ruku did not like the idea that her two eldest sons were working there (Markandaya 50-56). Overall there situation relies on the rain and the land which can be extramely unreliable because without rain, there is no food to be harvested and then you might have to leave if you could not pay the dues you would owe the land lord for the land of which you rent. They are of the lower class because they are considered poor because of the bad harvests they have had which bear no food of money which they need both.

    Allusion: Little House on the Praire because these events happened and they would have to go to the city for work or something else becaue the harvests failed and nearly whiped out the town.

  17. Wang Lung a a farmer that lives with his old father, and takes care of his father's morning routines ever since his mother died six years ago (Buck 3-6). Wang Lung and his father are living on very little money. His father complains that Want Lung uses too much of something sometimes, and he's afraid that Want Lung will spoil his future wife (Buck 5). Wang Lung is shy when he is walking to the House of Hwang (Buck 11). Want Lung is going to marry a slave, O-lan, from the House of Hwang (Buck 17).

  18. Things Fall Apart-Chinua Achebe
    Santos Martinez

    In my book, the main character is Okonkwo. He is the son of Unoka, a man that owed money to many neighbors but never payed them back. Okonkwo is the most respected in his land because he defeated a man who was undefeatable. After he defeated him, he became the most respected person (Achebe 3). He uses his physical ways to say something if hes mad because he cant get what he wants to say out of his mouth quick enough (Achebe 4). They also have many things to describe him like they can hear him breathe and he likes to pounce (Achembe 4).

  19. Nectar in a Sieve

    The main characters of this book are Rukmani and Nathan. Rukmani is the daughter of the head of the village where she lived (Markandaya 8). She married a poor farmer named Nathan as a young girl and left to live with him on his farm (Markandaya 8-10). Nathan is a poor farmer who marries Rukmani and makes a mud hut for her to live on his farm (Markandaya 12). Rukmani's social status was somewhat high before marrying Nathan because her father was the head of the village (Marandaya 8). Nathan was a poor farmer, which meant his social status was pretty low (Markandaya 10). Rukmani's status dropped when she married the farmer because she now lived the life of a poor farmer as well (Markandaya 10).

  20. Things Fall Apart
    By: Chinua Achebe

    Characters: Okonkwo, Amalinze, Unoka, and Okoye

    Okonkwo was well known in the nine villages. He was known for defeating a undefeated wrestler, Amainze the cat (Achebe 3). Okonkwo is a famous and wealthy farmer who had two barns full of yam. He was more successful than his father Unoka. Okonkwo had three wives and with two titles at a very young age. He would also wash his hands and be able to eat with the kings and elders (Achebe 8). Amalinze the cat was a undefeated wrestler throughout the villages, until Okonkwo defeated him (Achebe 3). Amalinze was a wily craftsman. He was called "the cat" because his back would never touch the ground. Unoka is Okonkwo's father. He was successful when he was a child but as a grown up, he was a failure (Achebe 4-5). Unoka was poor and could barely feed his family. He would always borrow money people even if they didn't want to lend him money, Unoka found a way to make them lend money to him (Achebe 5). Even Unoka was that great he had one talent. He plays a very good flute (Achebe 4-6). Unoka wasnt a stronge type, he was afraid of blood and hated war (Achebe 6). Okoye was a neighbor of Unoka. Like Unoka, Okoye plays a musical instrument but he was a failure (Achebe 6). Okoye had a large barn full of yams and three wives. He had a title and was the third highest in the land.

    Sally Gee

    Wang Lung, the main character of the book The Good Earth, is a poor chinese farmer (Buck 7). He lives with his sick, old father who always takes Wang Lung for granted (Buck 4). They live in small house that is mostly made of earthen bricks dug from their fields (Buck 2). Wang Lung takes care of his father every morning after the death of his mother six years ago. His father always complains about how Wang Lung waste money, but what the Old Man did so far was to drink, eat, and to complain. The Old Man is greedy and complaint (Buck 4). Wang Lung wants a wife to care for him and his father (Buck 3), so he bought a slave girl to be his bride-to-be. She was a servant in The House of Hwang; she isn't pretty or hideous, but she can cook and she have an even temper (Buck 18).

  22. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

    Jared Elraheb

    Okonkwo, the main character was well known throughout the nine villages and even beyond (Achebe 4). Okonkwo lived in a village called Umuofia in Africa. He received his fame by defeating Amalinze, an undefeated wrestler also known as the Cat (Achebe 3). Okonkwo was a wealthy farmer who had two barns full of yams and had just married his third wife (Achebe 8). This famous warrior was always ashamed of his father and always wanted to be unlike him and never be in debt (Achebe 8). Unoka, Okonkwo’s father was a debtor, and he owed every neighbor some money (Achebe 4). Due to his father’s actions, Okonkwo was ashamed of his father and took a path where he would be cut out for great things (Achebe 8). Okonkwo was one of the greatest men of his time, and that’s what his goals were set out to become (Achebe 8).

  23. Nectar In a Sieve

    The narrator and main character of this story is Rukmani (Markandaya 12). She was the youngest daughter of the village leader (8). Her older sisters were married off to rich men, but “Ruku” (14) was married off to a poor tenant farmer, Nathan (8, 10). Her mother said that Nathan was the best that she could choose for Ruku to marry because she wasn’t beautiful. Her family was ashamed that Ruku was married to someone who was in a lower class (8). After Ruku’s wedding, she and Nathan moved to his village and their new home (9). Their home was a mud hut and was surrounded by farmlands that didn’t belong to them. Ruku was ashamed to live here because she used to live in wealth and her sisters were married off to rich men (10). Compared to one of the women in the village, Ruku looked plain (13). Ruku had an advantage of the knowledge of writing, but according to the village women it was unimportant (16). Eventually, Ruku begins to like the farming life and falls in deeper love with Nathan (12-14). Ruku becomes pregnant (15).

  24. The Good Earth
    Winnie Chen

    Wang Lung is a farmer who lives with his old father (called old man in the book at times). His mother died six years ago which means that he has to take care of his father (Buck 1-3). Living in a village, Wang is ordered to do every chore necessary to keep his dad in comfort (Buck 4-7). They are poor which means that they must be wary about using money and the resources around them. For example, he was mindful on when he was using water for “water was precious” (Buck 2). Not only this, the father complains on how Wang spends money (Buck 21). During the day of his marriage, Wang bought meat (which is usually expensive) and had a shave since he wanted to look presentable to his wife-to-be (Buck 10-11). Wang is caring. He makes sure his father is well attended to and he cares about his wife, O-lan. Although he does not show his happiness about his wife, he secretly liked the dishes O-lan prepared for dinner (Buck 23).

  25. The Good Earth By: Pearl S. Buck
    Danny Perez

    Wang Lang is a poor farmer who lives with his father alone, he has long hair and he does the work around the house. He has taken care of his father ever since his mother died (Buck 3). He is very shy and is always thinking about tradition and good luck and bad luck. He is very polite and his he doesn’t really fool around. Wang sometimes gets tried of his father’s desires (Buck 6).

    Wang’s father is really old and is always dependent on Wang. He is near death but just thinks about eating and drinking his hot water. He always wants his son to have a wife to bring him grandsons. He is very impatient when he wants his food. He is always trying to save on everything he has and tried to control the waste of money. He is very cheap also (Buck 1 and 3).

    O-lan is a slave from the Old One; she has worked there her entire life. She is not that beautiful, she has round cheeks, and very round but she has smooth skin. Most of all she is a virgin. She doesn’t really say much and she works very hard to get her job done. While working in the house she did work that she was never told to do (Buck 27 and 28).

    Both Men are very poor and they have very little land. The father is very cheap because they live in poverty but have enough to eat (Buck 4). They live in a small house and it just has three rooms but Wang plans to have a wife and to have children (Buck 3).

  26. John Cruz
    The Good Earth

    Wang Lu is the main character in The Good Earth. Wang Lu is a young man who is at the age of marriage. The story begins with Wang Lu marriage day (Buck 1). Wang Lu lives in poverty and is part of the lower society class. Buck alludes the reader by writing things such as " too much money" (Buck 8). This tells the reader that Wang Lu is very poor and is not at the top of the social class. Wang Lu also has the responsibility of taking care of his bitter old father who is ill (Buck 3). His father wants Wang Lu to marry an ugly slave because his father believes that a pretty one will not bring any satisfaction. This shows that Wang Lu has no social life, and isn't in any control of decision (Buck 7-8). Wang Lu agreed to his father and looked for an ugly slave. This reveals culture, Wang Lu respects his elders decision and show they are not to be disrespected. This qualifies as culture. The setting of the book takes place in a suburban area (Buck 1). Buck describes how the rain made the crops rich and was a good sign of luck( Buck 1). The setting isn't really described much. The social status of the character at the beginning is described very poor. Wang Lu believes that three pieces of silver is a lot of money ( Buck 6, 14, 16). Wang Lu at the beginning of the story also reveals that when he is taking care of his father, he only serves him very little water and food. If he was wealthy it would have been different and the description would have vary. Buck tells the reader that the family is very poor and low in the social class.

  27. NECTAR IN A SIEVE by Kamala Markandaya

    Stephanie Echevarria

    The main character of the is book is Rukmani (Ruki). She is a girl (12 years of age) who was betrothed to Nathan. They live in a small hut in a rural setting (Markandaya 9-11). Before living with her husband, Ruki lived with her father and family who were very wealthy (Markandaya 8-9). At first she was unsure of how she would udjust to her new setting. She collapsed on her knees at the first sight of her new home (Markandaya 10). As she grows more accustomed to her life of lower socail class, Ruki begins to out forth an effort. She does not want to live this way forever and she acquires skills she never new she was capable of using. She now washes her clothing, and has even begun to grow her own vegetables. She is putting forth an effort to improve her lie instead of having it handed it to her (Markandaya 11-14).

  28. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Jeffrey Abreu

    The main character in the book, Okonkwo, is a famous man that is known by nine villages and more (Achebe 4). Okonkwo is an extremely well respected man because of his high status in society (Achebe 3-8). He has been the opposite of his father who was a man of low stature and drank almost everyother day (Achebe 4). Okonkwo got famous and well known because of his strength that led him to be a wrestler (Achebe 3). After he had fought with another wrestler that was well known , Cats, he became a high class man and a very good wrestler for his village (Achebe 3-4). Okonkwo came from a poor family due to his father's gambling problems, but eventually became the famous man who he is (Achebe4). Besides the rich status of his life, Okonkwo is also a farmer (Achebe 8).

  29. The allusion I made was based on my knowledge, not the book.

  30. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Richard Gobin

    The main characters name is Okonkwo. He achieved fame at a young age when he beat an undefeated wrestler, Amalinze the Cat (Achebe 3). He became famous, unlike his father who has been around longer, and is lower in the social hierarchy than Okonkwo. Unoka, Okonkwo's father is low in the social hierarchy because he always borrowed money, and never repaid it(Achebe 4). , Okonkwo, is a rich farmer in Africa. He achieved a lot such as his two barns full of yams, and his military bravery in two inter-tribal wars (Achebe 8).

  31. The Good Earth
    Pearl S. Buck
    Brandon Acosta

    The main character in the book is Wang Lung. He's a poor farmer who lives with his father (Buck 4). In the beginning he had the task of taking care of his father's meals and daily tea. After getting married, he planned to have his wife do it (Buck 3). The fact that Wang Lung is a poor farmer only says that he's at the bottom of the social class. He doesn't have much money, and when he goes to the barber shop, he's always the joke coming out of everyone's mouth (Buck 10). Wang Lung still wears a long braid even though that time has passed (Buck 11). He's patient and respects his elders. He shows that because his father doesn't do anything, and he still takes care of the old man. Wang Lung plans to marry a helpful wife (Buck 1).

  32. The Good Earth By: Pearl S. Buck
    Jessica Zeng

    The main character in this book is Wang Lung. He is poor and has has really little money that he can barely buy anything with [Buck 7]. Wang Lung is a farmer and he lives in a village with other farmers [Buck 7-8]. He lives with his sick father whom he has to take care of every day [Buck 3]. Wang Lung is about to marry a slave girl and wants to be free from taking care of his father [Buck 3]. Wang Lung is a farmer who is very poor who is lowest in the social hierarchy so he should be the lowest class.

  33. Nectar In A Sieve by Kamala Markandaya
    Janet Ceron

    The main character in this story is Rukmani. She tells a brief story of her sister's arranged marriages. At the beginning of the book, she was not a lower class because her father was the village leader (Markandaya 8). When she turned twelve, her marriage was arranged by her father to another man. This man, Nathan, was not wealthy (Markandaya 9). Rukmani was used to a better economic life with her father, however things changed when she married poor Nathan. Nathan and herself live in a hut made of mud that he constructed himself (Markandaya 10). Rukmani knew she was a child, but she was determined to grow up. Rukmani worked hard to please and supply for her husband because that was how marriages went (Markandaya 12). Rukmani and her husband lived in a small village, in a hut. The view of the mango trees brought happiness to her new home (Markandaya 12). The village appears to be small due to the fact it has one shop only (Markandaya 13).

  34. "Nectar in a Sieve" by Kamala Markandaya
    Shadeyrack Quiroz

    The two main characters of the books are Rukmani and Nathan. Nathan is a farmer who is pretty down to earth and is respected for his independence and for being an agent (Markandaya 12). Rukmani is a woman who is learning how to be a good wife and she tries to pleases her husband as she learns (Markandaya 13-14). Rukmani is the last daughter of four sisters and she was the was the most unfortunate because she didnt marry a rich man since her dad isnt a leader (Markandaya 8). Her first two sisters married wealthy men and her third sister atleast got a diamond(Markandaya 8). Rukmani was very disappointed because all of her dreams were ruined since her husband is a farmer.

  35. Things Fall Apart: Chinua Achebe
    Kevin Joseph

    In Things Fall Apart, The main character is Okonkwo. Okonkwo is well known throughout the nine villages.He defeated the unbeaten Amalinze the Cat, which gave him honor all over (Achebe 3). Okonkwo is tall and huge. He breathes heavily, that when Okonkwo sleeps, his three wives and children could hear him breathe. Okonkwo is also the son of Unoko, a lazy person that owed debt to every one of his neighbor. His debts would leave his family with barely enough to eat (Achebe 4-5). Unlike his deceased father, Okonkwo had a successful future ahead of him. Okonkwo was able to eat with kings and elders. This helped be named as one of the greatest men of his time (Achebe 8).

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  37. Things Fall Apart
    Chinua Achebe
    The main character is Okonkwo; a well known, respected, strong, and rich young men with three wife and two barns full of yam. Okonkwo is well-known as the greatest wrestler in the nine village. (Achebe 8) Everyone sees Okonkwo as a powerful and strong man, so people respected him. (Achebe 3) Okonkwo is completely opposite of his father, Unoka. Unoka was a failure in life, he was a coward who’s in debt with money and could not bear the sight of blood (Achebe 6). Okonkwo dislike people who are unsuccessful, just like his father. He was unpatience with unsuccesful men. (Achebe 4)

  38. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Grace Tan

    The main character in this book is Okonkwo. Okonkwo was originally in a lower social status because his father often times had huge debts and never paid it off [Achebe 4-5]. His father, Unoka, had died 10 years ago [Achebe 4]. As Okonkwo grew older, he began to gain fame within his community because of his personal achievements [Achebe 3]. In this village, a person's social status is based on their personal achievements, not family background [Achebe 8]. Okonkwo gained his fame by defeating a great wrestler who was undefeated for 7 years [Achebe 3].

  39. Things Fall a Part by: Chinua Achebe
    James Chen

    The characters introduced in the beginning of the book were Okonkwo and his father Unoka. While they were still young, both characters lived in one village, in a series nine. (Achebe 8) Okonkwo had gain much recognition, for being known as the best wrestler, in the villages. (Achebe 3) As he had grown, he had become very successful. He had become very wealthy and famous. (Achebe 8) On the other hand, his father was known to be a low life, and Okonkwo had no patients for unsuccessful people like him. Unoka was a failure; he would barrow money and never returns it, leaving him a very poor man. (Achebe 5) Unoka had died 10 years ago. (Achebe 4)

  40. Things Fall Apart
    By: Chinua Achebe

    Okonkwo is a young warrior and is famous. He is known as a great wrestler, he is fierce. Okonkwo has a well-build body. Okonkwo dislikes unsuccessful men. Okonkwo would release anger in his fists. He is known as the greatest wrestler of nine villages. Okonkwo is a wealthy farmer, had three wives. I like this character because it is strong and is honored around; he is a warrior and is honored by everyone in the villages.
    “Every nerve and every muscle stood out on their arms, on their backs and their thighs…” (Achebe 3).
    “…Age was respected among his people, but achievement was revered… Okonkwo had clearly washed his hands and so he ate with kings and elders” (Achebe 8).
    Unoka is Okonkwa’s father, who is different from Okonkwo. Unoka fills himself with debts. He is tall and thin. Unoka is a coward, and he is afraid of blood, he never pays back people their money. I do not like this character because he is a debtor, and is a coward.
    “Unoka, the grown-up, was a failure” (Achebe 5).

  41. The Good Earth by Peal S. Buck
    Sarah Weiss

    Wang Lung is a poor Chinese farmer who lives with his father.(Buck 2) Wang Lung does not have enough money for workers so he spends most of his time a lone on the fields and lives on a very strict budget (Buck 2). Their house is small with only three rooms and necessities such as water are scarce (Buck 2). Wang Lung has taken care of his father since his mother died six years ago (Buck 3). His father insists that Wang Lung marry an unattractive women to be sure she is a virgin. O- lan,Wang Lungs future bride, is a slave in the House of Hwang (Buck 18).

  42. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
    Kevin Zevallos

    In Things fall apart, the protagonists are father and his son. Okonkwo is a well known man throughout the nine villages (Acbebe 3).Okonkwo managed to do the impossible against a wrestler who wasn't defeated for 7 years (Acbebe 3). His victory against a great, undefeated wrestler, Amalinze, gained Okonkwo great fame and respect from the villagers. Okonkwo is known as someone with no patience for unsuccessful people or his father (Acebebe 4). He is tall, big, has bushy eyebrows and a wide nose (Acbebe 3-4) Okonkwo father's, Unoka, is his opposite but died. His father was unsuccessful, lazy, tall, and everytime he had money he immediately wasted it on drinks and owed everyone money (Acbebe 4). Okonkwo is a successful farmer and had just married his 3rd wife and is known as the one of the greatest men of his time (Acbebe 8).

  43. The Goog Earth by Pearl S Buck
    Xanique H

    The main character is Wang Lu, a poor chinese farmer that lives with his father. Him and his father live alone after his mom died 6 years ago (Buck,3). They live in a small house that is made up of bricks on great squares of earth that is dug up from their fields. Since Wang Lu and his ftaher are poor, his father always complains that he wastes money (Buck,21). Wang Lu is a kid that can easily be taken advantage of, since he never says no to anything. O-Lan is Wang lu's wife, who takes care of him and his father. She used to be a servant and follows everything Wang Lu orders her to do.

  44. The Good Earth
    David Sosa

    The main character in the book The Good Earth is named Wang Lung. The book begins on the day of Wang Lung's wedding to which he prepares to nervously aiming at leaving a good impression on his bride to be. Before his wedding Wang Lung's life is described. Wang Lung lives in a household with his sick father. Ever since his mother passed away Wang Lung has every day for six years heated water to help aid his fathers cough (Buck 3). As for Wang Lung's social status in life it can easily be noticed that he is in fact very poor. When Wang Lung tries to bathe himself for his wedding, his father is very judgmental on the amount of water invested on his bath (Buck 5). If water was plentiful, water representing a symbol of wealth, then there family would be wealth off but since they are worrying on its conservation there poor social status is shown. When deciding on a wife for Wang Lung, his father chooses an ugly slave girl explaining that only slaves would marry people of there social status (Buck 8). Through these examples the main character Wang Lung is described as a young adolescent living with his father at very poor and socially low stature.

  45. Antonio Amato
    Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya

    The two main characters in Nectar in a Sieve is Rukmani and Nathan. Rukmani is the last child of four daughters in a wealthy family. Her father is the leader of a village (Markandaya 8). Rukmani's father decided to arrange a marriage for her and a poor man named Nathan (Markandaya 8-9). Things changed for Rukmani after her marriage since she had to make a transition from the wealthy life she had back at home to the lifestyle of her new husband. They traveled to their new home which turned out to be a mud hut that Nathan had created on his own (Markandaya 10). Rukmani is disappointed at the fact that she married a poor man who is a farmer instead of following her first two sisters' footsteps. However, she must continue her deed in pleasing her husband and providing all that he wanted.

  46. The Good Earth by Peal S. Buck
    Jaafar Hamdan

    Wang Lung is the main character in this book (Buck 2). Lung is a very poor farmer in china who lives alone with his father and takes care of his father (Buck 1-3). Lungs mother had died six years ago and now Lung has to take care of his father (Buck 2-3). Lung is a self less man who works as a slave to his ungrateful father (Buck 3). The father never stops complaining and is always telling Lung to do stuff for him. For Lung and his father water is really important because they don’t have of it around (Buck4-6). Lung was tired of work and serving to nagging father all the time so he would get married and his wife would serve his father (Buck 3). Wang Lung has shaved and is cleaning himself but by wasting water his father complains even more (Buck11-14). Lung went to go see his wife to be who was a slave her name was O-lan. She was told to listen to what ever Lung wants and bring him many children and O-lan’s owner told them that she wanted to see their first born (Buck18-19). Lung’s father now meets O-lan and she now works by cleaning, cooking, and serving Lung’s father (Buck22-23.

  47. The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
    Kayla Marie Candella

    The main character of The Good Earth is a poor chinese farmer named Wang Lung (Buck 3). After the death of Wang Lung's mother 6 years prior, he is now living wth his father (Buck 4). They don't have a lot of money, so they live in a small house and just get by (Buck 2). There house is made of brick. Wang Lung's father teahces him to use everything that may be useful, and neverto waste anything because you may need it (Buck 5). There wasnt a lot of water in there house, so Wang Lung hadn't showered snce the new year. Wang Lung takes care of his father, an example of this is when he makes hot tea for him in the mornings (Buck 6). O-lan is a slave for the House of Hwang, and is also the bride of Wang Lung (Buck 17).

  48. The Good Earth By: Pearl S. Buck
    In Chapter one the main characters are Wang Lung who is poor and the Hwang family they are wealthy and powerful. Wang Lung has a personal relationship with nature (Buck 2+). Since he is poor he can’t pay for workers to make his field. He believes in worshipping the earth. Wang Lung lives with his father (Buck 1). His father takes advantage of him by making him do all the work in the farm n for him (Buck 4). Even though his father does this, Lung still can’t see to do anything without the permission of his father (Buck 11).

  49. THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe
    Sandy Wu

    The main character, Okonkwo, is a famous wrestler (Achebe 3). He is eighteen years old. Okonkwo hasn’t been defeated for seven years. He is also a wealthy farmer. He owns two barns filled with yam, three wives and a few children (Achebe 8). Okonkwo is tall and huge. Okonkwo’s father, Unoka, was described as a “failure” (Achebe 4). Unoka was tall, thin and lazy. Unoka was in debt all the time, he spent always all the money he had. He borrowed money and didn’t pay back anyone. Okonokwo has a high social status and his father has a low social status. Despite his father’s low status, Okonkwo is still famous and is respected by people (Achebe 8).

  50. Nectar in a Sieve
    By: Kamala Markandaya
    Ken Li

    The two main characters in the book is Nathan and Rukmani. Rukmani is a daughter of a rich family. Her father is the leader of a village. He arranged this marriage for his last daughter, Rukmani. She has to marry a poor farmer (Markandaya 8). Nathan is the guy that Rukmani is going to marry and he is the farmer. Nathan is a very reliable man since he built a home just for the two of them to live in (Markandaya 12). Rukmani's sisters were married out with jewels yet Rukmani doesn't (Markandaya 8). It is very disappointing for Rukmani since she is marrying someone poor and she doesn't obtain what she wants like her sisters did.

  51. Nectar in a Sieve
    By: Allyson Pinto

    "Nectra in a Sieve" begins with Rukmani thinking of her past. She is the main character and she starts off belonging to a higher social class(Markandaya 8). Rukmani used to belong to a wealthy family who was able to have beautiful, extravagent weddings (Markandaya 8-9). Her life is drastically changed when she marries a farmer by the name of Nathan. Marring Nathan has lowered her social class and she has moved to a farm (Markandaya 10). The Farm is decribed as "a mud hut" that is "thatched ans small" (Markandaya 10). The Farm is basically small in size and it looks very humble. It is not as extravagent as Rukmani's life used to be yet she sacrificed her happiness for her husband. The main character ,Rukmani, seems to be a good women. She is a kind and caring mother (Markandaya 7) and she was willing to lie to sacrifice her old life for her husband's life style (Markandaya 10).

  52. Allyson, I didn't know you wrote Nectar in a Sieve! You must be really pro at imperialism concepts.

    The Good Earth
    Wang Lung is a humble farmer. In his poverty, even water is considered a scarce gift. He lives alone with his weak, old father and takes care of him. His skin is dark and his hands rough from farming. Wang Lung is tired of taking care of his father every morning because his father is only concerned with being fed and taken care of. Wang Lung is going to get married and must visit the Hwang family to find a slave (Buck 1-8). Wang Lung cannot marry a pretty woman because he was too poor. His only option is marrying a slave who is probably ugly (Buck 8). Her only role is to take care of him and his father, still making her a slave in marriage. When he visits the Hwang family, he is shamed by the fact that his money and hard work can only produce quality meats and fishes that are “fed to dogs” (Buck 15).Wang Lung is inexperienced with situations with such formality when meeting with the Ancient One that he cannot speak (Buck 16).

  53. The main character is Rukmani. She comes from an upper class family since her father is the leader of their village (Markandaya 8-9). However, this all changes when she is married to a tenant farmer(Markandaya 10). Marrying the tenant farmer, Nathan, lowered her socail rank(10). HEr life took a drastic change when she married Nathan. Her luxurious home soon became a mud hut made by her husband. She's also forced to move serveral villages away from her family. Despite Rukmani's desire to have a boy, she gives birth to a beauiful girl. Although she and Nathan are disapointed, they treat her with great care. Rukmani seems like a warm hearted person aswell as hard working. She sells vegetables her and her husband grow. ALso she is warm hearted because she helps Kuthi when she is in labor. There was noone els around and Kuthi insisted Rukmani left(15). Rukmani didn't listen and stuck around eventhough she was pregnant and tired. Rukmani has had many chnages occur in her life. She doesn't pity herself but instead tries to make the best of it. Rukmani not only tries her best to make the best of her own life, but she helps hose around her aswell.

  54. Taylor Capone
    Nectar in a Sieve
    By: Kamala Markandaya

    Markandaya conveys, main character, Rukmani as the daughter of head villagemen(8), who lives within a very wealthy family. She often spoke of a grand wedding to a rich indian man yet grew up to marry a poor farmer, Nathan(8). Rukmani now lived under a low social class yet still cared and loved her husband. Rukmani is devoted to religion and tradition. Her custom is to live at home taking care of her family and beloved husband(8-9). After the tannery was built, Rukmani struggled to support her family, economically(15). Overall she is loving, humble human being, who supports her family through times of despair and hardship.
